I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 638 Tokiwa Sougo Tendō, I will make you the king!

Godai's efforts were to stop sadness and tears from appearing. For this, he would fight, even if he transformed into Kuuga and was no longer human.

And Tiandao had witnessed the harm caused by Gurongi to humans, the death of young girls, and the destruction of families, but in a moment.

For humans, despair is just a cold number for Gurongi, a filler for them to complete their tasks.

So the squid died because of this, so the Gurongi saw the violent side of Tiandao.

And now, another loss happened in front of him, just as helpless as before, watching innocent people die tragically in front of him.

At that time, I couldn't catch up, and now I am because I am too weak to break through the black fox, which caused Diana's death.

Although the process is different, the result is the same, and it comes down to my own fault.

Another loss, another separation after a long absence, made Tiandao's eyes turn red instantly.

A dark golden time clock appeared on the ground, and the power belonging to Oma Zi-O began to spread, spreading out in all directions with Tiandao as the center, creating a land of king selection in an instant.

[Did the angry heart provoke the killing intention because of this? ]

All the stone statues of knights have been annihilated, leaving only the stone statue of the space knight Sizi, who was always controlled by Oma Zi-O.

[Although it looks like he is a king, this kind of anger...]

Oma Zi-O wanted to comment on this, but he chose not to speak after all, because this kind of loss was an experience he had never had before.

He had never felt sad for the death of his friends and angry for the demise of innocent people.

So he could not comment or speak.

And in the outside world...

"Mela!" Mello shouted.

"Understood!" Black Fox swooped down, with two swords in his hands crossed in front of him.

The strength used this time was a real sure kill. Black Fox played the aftermath of the world's destruction, and swung the sword at Tiandao in the sound of the ruthless machine.

The two crossed swords turned into a terror that came with the power of the sky. Before, Black Fox's sword was enough to destroy the Roman territory, and now he is using all his strength again. The more powerful blow under the crossed swords will only be stronger than before.

Extending his hands forward, crossing them and holding them high above his head to resist the fall of the two swords, Tiandao has become the only obstacle between the two.

Whether the Roman land... or even the entire European continent will be cut off by this blow depends on whether Tiandao can resist it.

"Oma Zi-Ou! Where is your power of Oma!" Tiandao gritted his teeth: "At this time, you..."

[The power of Oma belongs to me, but not to you. ]

Oma Zi-Ou shook his head.

[Tiandao, lose this. 】

"What?!" Tiandao was shocked: "Oma Zi-Ou? How could you..."

[You believed me, it was your biggest mistake. ]

Oma Zi-Ou looked up. Although he couldn't see Tiandao himself here, he could feel Tiandao's gaze on him.

[The relationship of use between you and me can end at any time. ]

Oma Zi-Ou raised his hand, and the only knight stone statue still standing - Siqi (Fourth) suddenly turned into a dial and fell into his hand.

[And now, I have done it. ]

Oma Zi-Ou sneered.

[Even if you die, I will get out of trouble and will not be implicated in any action! ]

[Tiandao, you are still too naive. ]

Holding Siqi's dial, Oma Zi-Ou continued.

[Friendship, love, family, bond... those things are unnecessary for the king. People who are obsessed with these things are weak after all. ]

[You will trust me, and you believe in me based on this. But this kind of belief is the reason for your failure at this moment. 】

【Trusting others will lead to betrayal; the so-called fetters will hinder your pace of progress; naive thinking no longer exists in this world】

【This is the first lesson I will teach you. 】

As he spoke, Oma Zi-O pressed the dial of Sizi, and the cosmic power of the Space Knight, with the dial as the center, spread out to the surroundings in an instant, even beyond the Heavenly Dao itself, and spread out to the entire world, covering the entire world in an instant.

The power of the universe descended on the planet, and everything fell into stagnation. Whether it was the God Slayer or the planet itself, they were all stopped at this moment.

After stagnating the entire world, Oma Zi-O stood in front of the throne with his hands behind his back and looked at the empty space in front of him calmly.

The next second, the Heavenly Dao that fell from the sky landed here in the form of a consciousness, allowing the two sides to meet again.

"...Do you want me to thank you for your teaching?" Tiandao raised his hand and grabbed the Tianlie Sword in his hand: "You...really a dog that can't change its nature."

[Have you also absorbed the power of Sizi? 】

Oma Zi-O looked at the dial in his hand, threw it away carelessly, and rolled along the stairs of the throne, and finally fell at Tiandao's feet.

"It's just time stop, you don't think I can do it?" Tiandao picked up the dial at his feet, looked at the completely dim Sizi dial, and put it in his pocket.

"The ancients said it well." Tiandao lowered his body: "To resist foreign aggression... you must first stabilize the country!"

As soon as the words fell, Tiandao started instantly, rushed out, and turned into a streaking stream of light and rushed towards the king on the throne.

Just like an ancient assassin, he launched the strongest and most fatal attack on the king.

Oma Zi-O straightened his chest.

[You are not my opponent. Even if I stand here now, you can't get close to me. ]


The only thing left in the wind was the roar of not being able to catch up with the figure. Tiandao was like a meteor, and the Tianlie Sword pointed forward and stabbed straight forward.


The Tianlie Sword pierced through Oma Zi-O's chest, and the sword tip cut through Oma Zi-O's heart and came out through his body. The entire sword tip was stained with the king's blood, dripping down the sword bit by bit.

"How is it? Oma Zi-O!" Tiandao kept stabbing and held the hilt with both hands: "Didn't you say that you already..."


Grabbing Tendō's shoulders with both hands, the armor on Oma Zi-O suddenly shattered, and even the disguised shell could not be maintained.

It seemed that something was transferring to Tendō along the connected parts.

"You!" Tendō was stunned and wanted to loosen his hands holding the sword, but found that the whole sword, including his hands, seemed to be glued, and he could not loosen it no matter what.

[Until this moment, you still didn't notice it. ]

Oma Zi-O... No, or rather, Tokiwa Sougo's voice was tired, but he couldn't hide his happiness.

[You once said that you felt proud of your identity as a mortal bone, and felt that it was the proof of being a human being. ]

[Tendō, as a punishment for your offense to the king, I will personally deprive you of the most precious thing! ]

Grabbing Tendō's shoulders with both hands, Tokiwa Sougo's mouth was bleeding, but he could not hide his happiness.

[You are proud of being a mortal bone, but I just want you to become a king! ]

Tendō:? !

"Do you know what you are talking about?!" Tiandao was horrified: "Hey! Oma Zi-O! What are you planning..."

[My original intention has not changed. ]

Tokiwa Sougo looked up, as if he could see the future through this doomsday-like dusk.

[Raise the banner of resistance against fate. ]

[But as Kuzuya Kota said, if you are destined to be a king, you cannot resist fate. ]

[But I must tear this fate apart, no matter what, I must do this! ]

[Tiandao, you are a mortal bone who is not qualified to be a king, and you have a fate that belongs to a mortal bone. ]

[So I will deprive you of your mortal bone identity and destroy your fate as a mortal bone! ]

Tokiwa Sougo said excitedly, and his words were already incoherent.

[Surpass fate and let you embark on a new path that is no longer arranged by fate! ]

[The king's destiny chooses, the prince ascends the throne, and as a king, he has his own king's destiny! ]

[I will make you...become the king! ]

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