I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 645 Next month I will upload a video of group members rolling their eyes on a 91 website. Pl

Jinghe was startled by a strong sense of stimulation.

Even in a coma, he could feel the gazes on him.

And there were not just one gaze, but several.

Therefore, even in a coma, Jinghe woke up unconsciously, and then immediately saw the faces of the three people in front of him.

And they were not strangers.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi, Kurama Neon, Azuma Michinaga.

"What are you doing?!" Jinghe was so scared that he shuddered. He subconsciously wanted to get up, but suddenly he felt difficulty in moving his hands, and then he was surprised to find that he had been tied up.

"Speak!" Pressing Jinghe's neck hard, Kurama Neon pretended to be fierce and showed his fangs: "Why do you want to destroy the world?!"

"Tariko!" But the hot-tempered Azuma Daochang pushed away the acting Neon and took the main position directly: "If you have anything, just come to me! I will accept any revenge you want!"

"But this world is innocent."

When facing Kurama Neon, Jinghe could still have a good face, but when facing Azuma Daochang, facing the man who killed him, Jinghe's face changed a little no matter how good-tempered he was.

"You are still talking to me like this at this time?" Jing He turned his head aside, not looking into the eyes of Taoist Master Wu Qi: "Isn't it all because of you that this situation has come to this?"

"I did do some things wrong, but I just said that no matter what you want, I will take it all, just come at me." Taoist Master Wu Qi tapped his chest: "I won't have any complaints."

"Humph, are you apologizing?" Jing He still didn't turn his head: "I don't agree with the other things that guy said, but one thing is right."

As he said, Jing He turned his head and hit Taoist Master Wu Qi's nose hard with his forehead, knocking him back.

"What you really feel sorry for are those innocent people who died because of you!" Jing He's eyes were red: "Your power, and even this world, are sinful!"

Covering his nose, Taoist Master Wu Qi took it calmly.

Even if he has a split personality, he will never deny the mistakes he made and the things he did with his own hands.

"From this point of view, I even understand why that guy wants to destroy the world." Jinghe turned his head, and the atmosphere became solemn and awkward at this moment.

The grudge between Jinghe and Azuma Daochang is a feud of life and death.

"Tairi, what do you mean by that guy you just mentioned?" Ukiyo Hidetoshi is still Ukiyo Hidetoshi after all, and he immediately grasped the core of the problem: "It was you who showed such power and used that posture before, wasn't it you?"

"That wasn't me!" Jinghe raised his voice a little: "I don't want to destroy the world!"

After saying this, Jinghe lowered his tone a little: "The person you met before was not me, but just a guy who pretended to be me."

"In fact, I just resurrected, how could I appear before."

"Sure enough..." Compared with the astonishment of others, Ukiyo Hidetoshi showed an expression of "Sure enough": "I noticed before that your attitude is completely different from before."

"Sure enough, isn't it the same person?"

"Then..." Kurama Neon was confused now: "If it wasn't Jinghe, who was that guy?"

"And from the look of him, he seems to know a lot about our affairs and Jinghe's affairs."

"Isn't it Taiiri?" Azuma Dojo put down his hand covering his nose. Although there was still a trace of blood, the nose of an ox is not such a fragile part, at most it was just a little red.

"If it's not Taili, who else could it be?" Azuma Daochang frowned: "Is it really..."

"Are you trying to say that guy is a monster transformed from the resentment of hundreds of thousands of people you sacrificed?" Guagua La sat on the sofa with his legs crossed. He was in a particularly good mood and rarely spoke: "It's not impossible, Ba Niu."

"The things you did, it seems that there is nothing wrong with attracting a monster."

"Don't you want to talk too much!" Beloba snorted coldly and stood up from the sofa: "Compared to that kind of speculation, I have a more direct candidate."

As he said, Beloba dangerously pointed his finger at his lips, one by one: "That guy's style of doing things, his way of speaking, if you think about it carefully now, don't you think he is very similar to that person?"

"Tiandao~" Beloba smiled at the corner of her mouth and said slightly: "Souji~"

The four words Tiandao Souji made the atmosphere on the scene hot in an instant.

Guagua La still kept smiling, but there was a deep pride hidden in his smile.

Gene breathed a sigh of relief, but then he was filled with deep doubt.

Only Beloba, still with that bad look, continued to say: "Only he can be so powerful."

"And you also said that before participating in the Desire Grand Prix, he was already a famous hero. That armor might be his original power."

Tendo Souji...

Hearing this familiar name again, Ukiyo Hidetoshi recalled the scenes of the past in his mind again, and they appeared in front of him one after another.

"Who is Tendo Souji?" Azuma Michinaga turned around and looked at everyone present.

Only Kurama Neon was in the same state of confusion as him, while everyone else seemed to know who this guy was.

"That's a big shot! If it's him, you don't stand a chance of winning!" Now that Jinghe has been resurrected, Guaguala feels no pressure in his heart, and his mood is visibly good.

Especially now that it involves praising his idol, he spares no effort.

"But that's..."

"No matter who he is, he is now a murderer who wants to destroy the world!" Ukiyo Hidetoshi raised his head and interrupted Guaguala's subsequent praise. Regardless of the other party's face that turned the color of pig liver, he spoke to himself: "We must defeat him and protect this world."

"But with his power... haven't we all been defeated by him?" Kurama Neon murmured: "The gap between us. It can no longer be made up by numbers..."

"Eito, even you are the same."

In the original plot, Kurama Neon, who had shown her confusion many times, would fall into great self-doubt when encountering difficulties and become confused about her own power.

So now, she still showed this.

When Ukiyo Hidetoshi, who was her backbone, did it, she became the cowardly lady again.

"There is no way!" Qi Lami slapped his knees, and he stood up and attracted the attention of everyone present.

"I have a way to make you stronger." As soon as these words came out, Qi Lami's originally hateful face suddenly became kind.


"You don't want to ask the goddess of creation to make a wish, do you?" As a listener, Zimuri also knew Qi Lami's plan at the first time: "Will Suer agree if you do this?"

"Just think of it as defeating the demon king." Qi Lami spread his hands and said helplessly: "Otherwise, wouldn't this be a dead end?"

"I think Lord Suer will definitely not mind."

Not only will he not mind, but he will be very happy!

If Suel had to choose between letting the contestants make a wish to gain powerful power and killing Tendo Souji, Suel would undoubtedly choose to kill Tendo Souji, even if it costs some money.

"So..." Chirami took out the illusion drive, pressed the button, and teleported the group to the place where the goddess of creation was in the data stream.

In the darkness, he fell at the feet of the goddess of creation.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi felt something in his heart and immediately looked up at the statue of the goddess of creation. The looming voice appeared in his heart and made him resonate with the goddess statue.



"Let's make a promise first, one wish per person!" Chirami turned around and his eyes lit up: "Look at that!"

Everyone looked over and followed the direction Chirami pointed to, and saw the illusion drive hanging on the wrist of the goddess of creation.

Chirami immediately turned his head and looked at everyone triumphantly.

"How is it? Am I right? Lord Su'er has already made his choice!" With both belts, he can make a wish to the goddess of creation.

The appearance of the Vision Drive here also highlights Su'er's plan.

"I want to protect the power of the world!" Azuma Daochang made the first wish, simple and direct, efficient and with a clear purpose.

"Yes, that's it, just targeted like this!" Chirami clapped his hands happily.

Following him was the voice of Kurama Neon.

"I... I don't want anything, or I want too many things." Kurama Neon lowered his head and stirred the corners of his clothes with his hands anxiously: "I hope that all my desires can be realized."

"At least explain it to me clearly." It can be seen that Chirami is very dissatisfied.

After her, it was Sakurai Jinghe.

Jinghe did not make a wish rashly, but thought for a moment before giving his answer.

"I want the power that will not lose to anyone! Power that is enough to fulfill my wish!"

It can be seen that after being beaten by Xing Tian, ​​Jinghe's desire for power has become stronger.

"Three people, three different wishes~" Tsumeli clapped her hands and said happily: "What about you? Eito?"

As she said that, Tsumeli turned around and wanted to find the location of Ukiyo Eito, but she was surprised to find that there was nothing behind her. Even if she looked around, she lost the trace of Ukiyo Eito.

"...Where is he?!" They were surprised that Ukiyo Eito suddenly disappeared. Everyone looked around and searched in a hurry, but they couldn't find him no matter what, as if he didn't come to this space with everyone.

...But he was there just now, and even his voice could be heard.

But why is it now...

Without time to think about it, the three people who made a wish immediately received a response from the goddess of creation.

In an instant, the light of the wish suddenly lit up, forming three lights of different colors, which fell in front of the three people respectively.

That was the satisfaction given by the goddess for fulfilling their wishes and the answer given to their fantasies.

However, this also made the cracks on the statue of the goddess of creation more dense and more broken.

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