I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 660 Domestic Violence【bushi】

The Spark Sword does emit sparks when it is swung, but the Zi-O Sword cannot carry time with it when it is swung.

In the final analysis, the power of the weapon itself is limited by the person who transforms.

But the power of the transformation is limited by the person who possesses the power.

The Zi-O Sword belongs to Zi-O, but not to Ten-dō.

Although Ten-dō now has the qualifications given by Oma Zi-O, he is indeed a king and can use Zi-O's weapons.

But in the final analysis, this is not his.

Sometimes, some things do need to be clearly divided.


A ray of light escaped from the body of the Spark Sword, and the sword light suddenly stretched out at the moment of change, leaped from the sword body, and rushed to Ten-dō's face.

The Nine-tailed Feather Cloth draped on his body automatically protected his body, condensing a shield to resist the sword light.

The Zi-O Sword pulled down, using the groove on the sword to jam the Spark Sword, and tried his best to suppress it downward, trying to suppress the Spark Sword.

"See? You can't use the full power of the Time King Sword, and you can't even use your own strength now." Melina's voice was cold and her expression was calm. She didn't feel much about Tiandao trying his best to suppress her.

"The Shenshan Tiandao I know manipulated his own power and defeated the strong several times. Although his strength was not that strong, he could create miracles repeatedly."

"Now you have abandoned your own power, lost that characteristic, and became the so-called king, using the power of others."

As soon as the words fell, Melina lifted the sword upwards and took back the initiative in an instant.

The Spark Sword broke free from the groove, and the two swords separated. Melina swung a punch, and Tiandao slapped it with a palm, defusing the offensive while grabbing Melina's fist and pulling it up.

Holding Melina's fist and turning it several times, Tiandao threw Melina out and threw her into the sky.

The moment he let go, the hem of the windbreaker went deep into the ground, and the nine tails that rose from the ground rushed straight into the sky, with a trend of surrounding and gathering inwards, and gathered in an instant, trying to trap Melina to death.

The idea is good, but it is difficult to implement.

If Melina can be solved so easily, how humorous would the failure of those time robbers be.

The moment the nine tails gathered, the blue-white sword light tore the nine tails in an instant, and the sparks caused by the collision between the sword and the nine tails splashed out. Melina revealed herself from mid-air and slowly fell from the sky.

With her, there was also a broken tail that hit the ground and raised dust waves.

Tiandao took back the nine tails and raised one hand high. The sharp shuriken suddenly appeared from nothing, from small to large, and was formed in an instant, and was held above his head by Tiandao.


Thrown casually, the golden shuriken rushed straight towards Melina.

Tiandao was already prepared. Whether Melina attacked, defended, or dodged, the preparations that followed this shuriken move were enough to put Melina at a disadvantage.

If she defended, he would make up for the second shot.

If she dodged, he would detonate it in advance. The explosion range of the shuriken was enough to involve Melina.

And if she attacked... the power of this move was enough to trap Melina for a short time.

You can give up at any time, but not at this time!

This world must be destroyed!

Melina did not dodge, but she had no intention of attacking or defending. Instead, she bent the tip of the spark sword, bent the entire spark sword, twisted it into a relative arc, and then let go.


The spark sword straightened up, and the sudden rebound turned into an air wave, which bounced the flying spiral shuriken back and went back to Tiandao, the initiator.

This way of dealing with it was somewhat beyond Tiandao's expectations, but it was not without a backhand to fight back.

An arm made entirely of energy split out from the nine-tailed feather robe on his body, and stretched out directly, grabbed the spiral shuriken, and controlled it again.

But Tiandao did not throw it out again, but held it in his hand, and went towards Melina with the flying figure.

Throwing the Spark Sword casually, Melina put her hands behind her, and bent her whole body backward to an exaggerated degree.

In this way, her beautiful body curves were fully exposed.

The Spark Sword was captured by gravity, and the moment it was about to fall to the ground, Melina pushed her hands forward, and the whole person rushed forward, releasing all the power on the hilt of the Spark Sword, allowing the sword to rush out with the momentum of a flying dragon, and go towards Tiandao.

The sword was flying, leaving a clear sword mark on the ground, and the surging dust waves worked together with the sword.

But only one sword was not enough to deal with Tiandao, and Melina knew this very well, so she clapped her hands in front of her chest, and although her hands separated again slowly, they resonated with the Spark Sword.

One sword became thousands, and suddenly it became like rain. The Spark Sword split into hundreds of sword shadows, densely packed, blocking all the space where Tiandao could dodge, and would inevitably force him to confront head-on.

Although Tiandao was shocked, he was not surprised.

With one foot on the ground, with the help of the change of power, Tiandao made himself spin, turned into a golden drill and went straight up, never retreating.

In the duel of the strong, the sound of clanging and clashing was endless.

The drill went forward all the way, breaking all the sword bodies and smashing them all, but the speed of Tiandao's advancement was inevitably affected and became slower and slower.

Until the moment he was completely forced to stop, Tiandao stopped turning, threw himself forward, squatted on the ground and slapped the ground with both palms.

The earth and rocks that spread from the ground blocked him in front of him, blocking the last wave of attacks for Tiandao.

However, in a moment, the earth and rocks were destroyed, but Tiandao had used this little time to get himself out of the spot and stand up again.

Melina quickly looked around, but did not see Tiandao.

Then, she stomped on the ground with one foot, jumped straight up, and flew up from the spot.

Almost at the moment she left the ground, a pair of hands stretched out from the ground, but failed to grab Melina's ankles.

Breaking the ground, earth and rocks flew, and the golden figure rushed out and pounced on Merlin.

His figure was still in the air, but the nine-tail feathers had quickly condensed, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a huge nine-tail.

The nine-tail opened its mouth and bit Melina.

At this distance, Melina knew that she could not dodge, so she stretched out her hand and pressed against the upper and lower jaws of the Nine-Tailed Fox, so that the Nine-Tailed Fox could not close its mouth.

But she herself was also restricted in front of her mouth, in a dangerous situation.

"I said, I will never lose this time!"

Leaping out of the Nine-Tailed Fox, Tiandao fell rapidly in mid-air, and hit Melina's face with a heavy punch, knocking her away, falling to the ground and rolling for several circles.

Taking advantage of the situation, Tiandao did not give Melina any chance to breathe. His figure rotated in mid-air, and he landed on one foot, smashing down with the fierceness of a battle axe.

Melina lay in the pit and could not dodge for a while.

But for her, there was no need to dodge.

Because Tiandao's attack did not fall on her in the end, but on the flying Spark Sword.

The power of the kick was indeed quite good, but it only made the Spark Sword bend slightly. Then the recoil force of the sword blew up Tiandao, making him fly uncontrollably in the sky.

Before Tiandao could adjust his body shape, the chains that suddenly appeared in the void accurately bound his neck, and suddenly contracted to restrict Tiandao's breathing, causing his posture to stagnate.

In just a moment, more chains flew out from the rippling space, bound Tiandao's hands and feet, and then restricted his waist, and finally completed the seal, trapping him in mid-air and unable to fall.

"The combat power is indeed good, and the operation is indeed impressive, but the gap between you and me cannot be made up with these." Melina opened her five fingers to Tiandao, and the Spark Sword rotated around her body, conveying a message of cheering.

In front of Melina, the Book of Omniscience that had been spread out had already outlined a picture of Tiandao being sealed by chains and imprisoned in the sky.

It was exactly the same as the scene in reality.

"In the end, you still rely on that book!" Tiandao tried to break free, but couldn't move at all, but this only made him more angry.

"I am maintaining omniscience, and both fate and the world are helping me." Melina stood up from the pit and said slowly: "Unlike you."

"You who defy the world and fate will only suffer more difficulties, and nothing you do will go smoothly."

"Your failure is inevitable."

Melina looked up and looked at Tiandao.

"Are you admitting defeat?"

"Lose?" Tiandao sneered and looked down on him.

"I will not lose!"

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