I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 667 I heard your voice

PS: It rained continuously for half a month and the reservoir swelled. My father went to pick up my grandmother and was trapped. I was doing repairs and rescuing people at the reservoir, so I was delayed for a while.

The moment his eyes were suddenly enveloped by the cosmic bubbles, Tiandao subconsciously closed his eyes.

He thought he would receive a strong impact and was prepared to be knocked out, but to his surprise, he was completely fine.

After waiting for a moment, there was not even the slightest feeling of being hit in the body.

Subconsciously, Tiandao opened his eyes, but found that it was still pitch black in front of him, as if the world did not exist in this darkness, and accommodated everything.

A sudden enlightenment came to Tiandao's mind.

This is not a failure in what he did, but a success, because after the [Singularity] was expanded by the big explosion, the entire world was filled with this silent darkness.

All life has not yet been conceived, all light has not yet been born.

The universe originally existed in constant and eternal darkness, never changing.

The moment of light set off by the big explosion not only exploded the [Singularity] and caused it to expand, it also brought the first glimmer of light in the silent and eternal darkness.

That was the first time a world was revealed to its glory, but it was also the moment when the darkness was reflected in the brightness, and it was the first time that one could see oneself clearly.

Light and darkness, this is the original appearance of the world.

Life can be conceived, and laws can be perfected, but brilliance is the only thing that exists from the beginning.

So...what about light?

Tiandao's eyes were covered by complete darkness, without even a shred of light, not even the light of a firefly remained.

In such a silent and dark world, it is as if the big bang did not happen and the world was not formed like that.

But Tiandao personally caused the big explosion and detonated the three [Singularity Points] with his own hands. Of course, he would not feel that he had done a useless job.



A faint calling voice sounded in Tiandao's ears, seemingly far away from him, but this calling voice no longer appeared inexplicably in his mind, but appeared in his ears, guiding him in the darkness. direction.

"Zimli..." Taking a deep breath, listening to this familiar, intermittent voice, Tiandao knew that he would have to face it one day.

In any case, he was the one who made the mistake. He clearly promised Zimli that no matter when and where, as long as she called his name, he would definitely go to her side.

Such a promise is forgotten in the blink of an eye after being made, thrown out of mind, and cannot be remembered at all.

Although it is not entirely my own problem, forgetting is my own fault.

Taking steps in the darkness, Tiandao followed the sound and found it.

This voice that kept calling him continued to call him while he forgot about Zimli.

Until this moment, I was finally heard.


Gritting his teeth, Tiandao's thoughts stirred up. Although he did approach Zimli with different thoughts at the beginning, in the subsequent interactions with him, no matter how much ambiguity he had, they became insignificant under Zimli's full dedication. important.

Although she is indeed not the one Tiandao likes, at this time, that preference no longer matters.

How could he possibly ignore her?

【Tiandao...you are...】

【Can I... hear you? …you】

I don’t know how long I have been running, I don’t know how far I have traveled in the darkness, Tiandao galloped out, heading in a certain direction in the darkness, getting closer and closer, and the darkness in front of me gradually became clearer.

Until...a brilliant light appeared in his eyes and was seen by him.

A world exists in the dark universe, a sea of ​​flowers that exists contrary to common sense, exuding a strange floral fragrance in the darkness.

Stepping on the flowers and being in the sea of ​​flowers, such an independent space is the independent world that Melina tore down with her sword.

Was it also swallowed up by the new universe? Even here... in this moment...

The fragrance of flowers overflows, and stepping on the road woven with green leaves, someone who has never set foot in such a place feels a different kind of destiny at this moment.

And this kind of destiny has nothing to do with fate. It seems that the fate of another person is combined with his, and they condense together at this moment.

"Yes, fate."

A black figure suddenly broke into Tiandao's sea of ​​consciousness, with the same appearance as the one in front of him, but with a different color, and sneered and said: "Have you finally remembered now? You heartless guy."

"What kind of existence is you?" Tiandao's eyes did not shift even slightly from Zimli in front of him, but Heizimli knew that Tiandao was talking to her.

"I was her independent personality the moment she became a goddess, and I was also the substitute left by the previous world to balance Zimli who became a goddess." Black Zimli curled her lips.

"The complaints about your deception, the emotional confusion towards you, the various unwillingness towards you, and the desire to question you constitute my existence."

"If you become a goddess, you can't have any dark side in your heart~" Haizimli waved her hands and laughed: "So this man is really interesting."

"Why are you here?" Tiandao remained motionless and continued to ask: "Are you going to return to Tsumuri?"

"Wrong, I am completely different from her." Hei Tsumuri snorted coldly: "Her feelings for you may not change, but don't apply that emotion to me."

"To me, you are an unnecessary burden imposed on me by her." As she said that, Hei Tsumuri made a slashing motion: "If I could, I would really like to kill you, so that her emotions would not always interfere with my judgment."

"But... she doesn't want to." Hei Tsumuri shrugged: "I also know that I can't do that."

As she said that, Hei Tsumuri waved her hand, and her figure gradually retreated, leaving only one sentence to convey to Tiandao.

"Now is the time for you to really understand."

"Don't let me down~" As she said that, Hei Tsumuri threw a flying kiss: "Shenshan~Tiandao~"

So, Tiandao raised his head and looked at the girl standing in the sea of ​​flowers.

Looking at her completely different white hair, looking at the hair swaying in the wind covering her blue pupils.

The white robe is exactly the same as the clothes of the Tsumurri that Tiandao knew before, but the only difference is perhaps the color.

The Tsumurri that Tiandao first met was wearing a black and white long skirt, even one boot was black and the other was white.

And after that, from the moment he died and was resurrected, the Tsumurri he saw when he opened his eyes was already pure black Tsumurri.

At that time, he had no idea, just felt that Tsumurri was Tsumurri, there was no difference.

And now, seeing this girl in pure white standing in front of him, Tiandao understood everything in an instant.

"Tsumurri" Tiandao looked at the girl and said in a tone that he himself didn't know how to describe: "At that time, you had become a goddess?"

Tsumurri did not answer, but stared at Tiandao blankly, or stared blankly at the front, still mumbling something in her mouth.

[Tiandao, can you hear me? 】

【I'm here, where are you? 】

The words were repeated over and over again, as if they had become instincts.

Dull eyes, numb expression, from full of hope at the beginning to the mechanical repetition now, Tiandao could not imagine how long Tsumuri had been waiting for him here.



Take a few steps forward, and in Tsumuri's call, Tiandao came to the girl in a white dress, took her hand, felt the cold feeling of her skin without any temperature, and felt more and more ashamed.

"I'm here." Putting the girl's hand on his cheek, Tiandao looked at Tsumuri's blue eyes, and the other hand he had free stroked her face, feeling the tears left on her face.

"I heard your voice."

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