I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 678 676 Shenshan Didao Big Brother! I think (Shenshan Tiandao, you are so stupid! Can you be

Chapter 678 676: Shenshan Didao: Big brother! I want... (Shenshan Tiandao: What the hell do you want! Can you be more ambitious!)

Because there were outsiders, Tiandao didn't do too many extraordinary things.

After all, Bai Tsumuri is the weaker party compared to Hei Tsumuri. If he really wants to do something, this woman who is like water now will definitely not be able to resist or refuse.

Helping the girl who can't even stand straight, Tiandao turned around and looked at the many Kamen Riders present.

Especially their mischievous eyes.

"What are you looking at?" Tiandao said unhappily: "Haven't you seen everything about me a long time ago? What's wrong with letting you see it now?"

This tone full of broken jars is really not easy to respond to. All the knights turned their heads away awkwardly and didn't continue the conversation.

"Tiandao..." Nestled beside Tiandao, Bai Tsumuri's eyes were like water, and the rippling water seemed to convey all kinds of affection, conveying to the people beside her that she was ready.

Facing such eyes, Tiandao took a deep breath, and the second brother who had been silent all the time seemed to have the sign of wanting to raise his head and say something proudly at this moment.

Second brother: Big brother, I want...

Big brother: What the hell do you want! Lower your head!

In his heart, he cursed his second brother. Seeing the latter's unwilling and dejected look, Tiandao laughed: "What are you going to do next? You who have separated from the "Heisei Knight Chronicles" and descended into this era, are you going to go back?"

"This world is big enough to accommodate our existence." Hino Eiji said: "Please rest assured, Senior Tiandao, we will not interfere too much in the new world. No matter what kind of development, we will not hinder it."

"This real world is a world that can accommodate our existence, unlike other worlds."

"Let us play a backup here and protect the new world." Hosho Eiji Meng made an OK gesture: "I think the advent of the new world will definitely attract the attention of many troublesome guys."

"Those people who have escaped from the storybook and jumped out of their own destiny may be people we are familiar with."

"We will not interfere with everything that the new world develops on its own, but leave all the crises from outside the world to us."

Kiryu Battle Rabbit also spoke up: "Trust us, Senior Tendao."

"Although I am not familiar with you, you all look... very familiar to me." Tendao held his forehead: "We should have met in the future, right?"

The Kamen Riders smiled but did not say anything, and none of them planned to tell the truth.

"Forget it, you won't tell me anyway." Tendao curled his lips: "The three new worlds will be left to you, as for me... there should be something unfinished."

As he said, Tendao cast a look at someone who was standing aside, always silent, heartless and expressionless, but he also had a new understanding of this guy's cold and cold personality.

"Tian Dao..." Bai Tsumuri subconsciously grabbed Tian Dao's hand: "Are you going to leave me?"

"Not leaving, but this world still needs me, the outside world, and even everything." Tian Dao said gently: "No matter what, I will remember you and remember that you are waiting for me here."

"I promised you that no matter where I am, no matter what my situation is, as long as you call my name, I will definitely respond to you."

Tian Dao stretched out his hand and scratched Tsumuri's nose: "I mean what I say."

"But I don't want to..." The long-ago separation is still vivid in my mind, and now the reunion is only a moment away from separation.

If it was the previous Tsumuri, of course it didn't matter, but now that the missing emotions have been supplemented, Tsumuri will certainly feel reluctant.

Even... as the goddess of creation, she has a feeling called insatiable desire.

"I won't leave so early. No matter what, I will stay in this world for a while longer." Tiandao said with a smile: "You haven't told me everything about the new world you visited on my behalf before."

"But now, let's go and see it together."

Tsumuri was stunned, but looking at Tiandao's gentle smile, all doubts and uneasiness faded away, replaced by the peace and reliance of being with someone.

In response to Tiandao's answer, Tsumuri showed a big smile.



Strictly speaking, the Kamen Riders who came to the New World all have their own things to do. After all, no matter who they are, they are independent individuals with their own lives and personalities.

So there are all kinds of things waiting for them to solve in the New World.

Tiandao also thinks so, so he has no intention of interfering with where the main riders will go.

Since the relationship with Tsumuri has been determined, no matter what, Tiandao will not abandon her, and he will definitely not do that kind of thing.

So the time they spent together could basically be considered as a couple in the passionate love period.

In the passionate love period, it is inevitable that the gun will go off accidentally.

But... when a third person... no, it should be a fourth person appears beside the two of them, the gun will not go off accidentally no matter what.

When any rising temperature is about to reach its peak, the huge ice block next to it can often immediately emit a cold temperature, cooling down the originally hot atmosphere between the two.

Melina exudes a cold breath, and her expressionless face gives people a feeling of extreme indifference, making Tiandao and Tsumurri feel that something is wrong no matter what they do.

Of course, Tiandao did ask Melina why she has been following him, but the answer he got was always a cold sentence.

"It is my duty to serve the king and stay by his side."

What else can Tiandao say? Even if he ordered Melina to leave, although Melina left on the surface, didn't the chilly breath still linger around? !

Tiandao, who was really intolerable, was almost on the verge of exploding, especially when Tsumurri was in the same room with him that night, with watery eyes and wearing a white gauze dress.

Desire and holiness coexist in one person, and Kamiyama Didao immediately raised the flag of rebellion against his elder brother Kamiyama Tiandao, and expressed his attitude with his head held high.


Then followed the cold voice outside the door.

"You don't need to care about my existence for the joy between you and the princess, but... have you forgotten something very important?"

Melina's cold voice sounded again and again, although it brought the anger of Kamiyama Tiandao and his second brother, but her words, like the Ice Heart Technique, calmed Tiandao down instantly.

"Have you forgotten that Kuzuya Kota is still paying attention to you, and your every move is being watched by all Kamen Riders."

Tiandao: ...

Tiandao reacted immediately and lifted the quilt to wrap Tsumuri's body. He was only wearing shorts and angrily opened the door, and saw Melina leaning against the door at a glance.

"…You're right." Tiandao said in a deep voice: "But why didn't you remind me earlier?"

"I thought you knew." Melina bowed slightly: "So you..."

"No need to say more!" Tiandao waved his hand and interrupted Melina's subsequent words. He couldn't hide the murderous intent in his tone. He was on the verge of exploding.

"Kumeha Kota... That's right... If we don't grind that guy to ashes, Tsumuri and I can't do anything."

"Only if we completely destroy that guy! I can... do something with peace of mind."

The mind was full of someone's appearance when he was a jerk. Tiandao pondered for a moment, but his murderous intent did not decrease but increased, even more than before.

"Melina." Although Tiandao smiled, the temperature of his smile did not warm up at all, but was full of coldness: "Let's go to the Gaim world."

"Go find him... reminisce about the past."

Obviously, reminiscing about the past was just talk. Everyone knew what Tiandao really wanted to do.

"Your order, my will." Melina bowed and responded: "No obstacles will interfere with your path to becoming a king."

With that, Melina left here to prepare for the next trip to the Gaim world, while Tiandao sighed, turned back to the room, and confessed to Bai Tsumuri that he had to leave.

Some things cannot proceed without solving a troublesome and annoying guy.

...Tiandao is not so generous.

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