I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 699: For world peace (x) For the continuation of the Shenshan family

Chapter 699 For World Peace (x) For the Continuation of the Kamiyama Family ()

"As a Heisei Knight, is it really right to hunt other Heisei Knights?"

Tian Dao asked Melina. The two stood on the coast and stared at the undulating sea.

"No one stipulates that Heisei Knights must be righteous, and no one stipulates that Heisei Knights must be companions." Melina gave her answer.

Even if she didn't look, she knew that Tian Dao was definitely not satisfied with this answer.

"Yes, every knight has his own thoughts, and they are not puppets." Tian Dao shook his head: "How is Gaim?"

"It has been healed." Melina raised her hand and waved. The moment the Holy Sword Origin emitted light, Kuzuya Kota suddenly appeared with his eyes closed and lying on the beach.

He was spit out from the sword, and he suddenly canceled his transformation posture and appeared in front of the two in a sleeping posture.

...He was even snoring.

"It seems that he is living a good life in the sword." Seeing that there was no injury on Geye Kota's body and he was in very good condition, Tiandao breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a little.

"You shouted to kill Geye Kota before, but now you are concerned about Geye Kota's safety." Melina said appropriately: "You are indeed a bit complicated."

"If it is not the Geye Kota I want to kill, then to me, he is just an ordinary person who has nothing to do with me." Tiandao shook his head and continued: "Since he is an ordinary person, I can't do anything to him."

"Isn't it Geye Kota?" Melina said coldly: "If I judge him as a threat to the world, no matter how many different individuals this person has in the world, I will kill them all!"


"You are really murderous." Tiandao shook his head: "Then let's leave now, since I want The Kuzuya Kota I'm looking for is not here, then..."

"My king, please wait for a moment." Melina bowed slightly and offered her loyalty to Tiandao: "This world has been invaded by outsiders, I can't turn a blind eye."

"Invasion by outsiders?" Tiandao was stunned. He didn't expect that such a thing would happen in this world: "But... didn't you say that "Heisei Knight Chronicle" is a book..."

"It has nothing to do with "Heisei Knight Chronicle". The other party should not be from our world." Melina said: "There is no such existence in the known world of the Knight World, and the breath of the dark land is too strong."

"Those guys are undoubtedly from another world."

"So..." Tiandao looked at Melina.

"As a king, you should protect your territory and prevent all intrusions from outsiders." Melina knelt on one knee and said respectfully: "This is the other party challenging your majesty as a king and invading your kingdom."

"You must impose thunder judgment on the other party to show your majesty as a king."

Tian Dao:...

Isn't it...you, a woman, so good at talking? I want you to help me, but you can come up with such a flattering words.

So good?

Any guy who is immersed in dreams, or a guy who is obsessed with being a king, will definitely be fooled by your words and agree on the spot.

But unfortunately, the person you are meeting now is my Shenshan Tian Dao!

"Is this world unable to fight against these outsiders?" Tiandao turned and said, "I remember you said that this world is Heisei vs. Showa. In other words, almost all Kamen Riders have appeared in this world."

"With so many Kamen Riders, do I still need to take action?"

The power of one person cannot match that of the entire Kamen Riders, especially the Showa + Heisei generations of Kamen Riders. There is no enemy that cannot be overcome.

"What do you want to do most now..."

"Kill God, Kuzuya Kota!"

Tiandao answered decisively. This has always been his unchanging wish and the common choice of him and his second brother at this moment.

Melina already knew Tiandao's answer. There is already a strategy to deal with this.

"Outsiders will not care about the integrity of the book "Chronicles of the Heisei Knights", and once the integrity of this book is destroyed, you will never see the person you are looking for again."

Melina told Tiandao the truth and told him the importance of the book "Chronicles of the Heisei Knights": "This is the only passage to the world where he is. If it is destroyed, the continuation of the Kamiyama family will never exist."

Melina paused, and then added: "Unless you are willing to do such things without scruples under his live broadcast."

When Tiandao heard Melina say this, his face suddenly darkened.

Melina used this as a starting point, which was easier to convince Tiandao than saying that outsiders invaded the king's territory and the king had to expel outsiders.

Therefore, after imagining what might happen in the future in his mind, Tiandao's face gradually darkened, and his dark face was full of gloomy murderous intent.

"You are right, even if it is not for the continuation of the Kamiyama family, in order to protect this world, I must destroy it!"

The red in the black, the reddish purple face that could be seen by the naked eye made Tiandao like a boiling kettle, almost buzzing.

Tiandao picked up the sleeping Kuzuya Kota on the ground, carried him on his back, and walked towards the city,

"Let's go back! Go and destroy those outsiders! Maintain the peace of this world!"

"Your order, my will." Melina bowed slightly, her face was calm, and she would never show any different expression, as if everything she said was entirely for the sake of the king she was loyal to.

"Would you mind telling me what the story of this world is going to be like?"

"The Heisei Knights' yearning for the dead has led to a connection between the Land of the Underworld and the world on earth, so the dead souls have the possibility of reviving in the world of the living."

"The Badan Empire, what they are doing is to reverse life and death and make themselves the masters of this planet."

"In order to prevent such a thing from happening, the Showa Knights are fighting with all their might, and have already arranged the situation."

"The child you saw before is the key to all this."

It can be said that the entire plot was entrusted to Melina, who told it all without any concealment.

"Did the Heisei Knights' yearning for the dead open up this channel, and then triggered the whole incident?" Putting Kuzuya Kota's body horizontally on the motorcycle, Tendao sat astride the seat and called Melina to get on the car.

"No matter how you look at it, it feels like the Heisei Knights are completely at a disadvantage. The cause of the incident is because of them, and even now they still don't know anything."

"So this world is called Heisei VS Showa. This contradiction has never been resolved even in the end."

"Who should we help? Heisei Knights or Showa Knights?" Starting the motorcycle, Tiandao twisted the throttle. , and rushed into the city again.

The wind whistled, the hair fluttered, and the flaxen hair of Melina slapped on her cheeks, forming a beautiful landscape.

"You are the king, and the choice should be made by you. Whether it is Showa Knights or Heisei Knights, who you want to help is up to you." Melina will not take the initiative to make a choice for Tiandao, but ask him to come up with an answer himself.

Serving the king is naturally also a guide who helps him embark on the road to becoming a king, so guidance naturally becomes the top priority.

Melina's expectations for the king in her heart are unheard of.

"Then I won't help anyone." Tiandao pondered for a moment, and finally gave his own answer: "Whether it's the Heisei Knight or the Showa Knight, it has nothing to do with me."

"Strictly speaking, I should also be considered an outsider, or... a steel masked man." This name spread wildly to the outside world without Tiandao knowing it himself. It is estimated that it is now known to everyone in the world.

Even though Tiandao wanted to complain, he had no choice in the face of established facts.

"At present, the Badan Empire is collecting the lock seeds left by the defeated knights. Whether the knights fight each other or are defeated, there will be things left."

"And, in the country of Huangquan, there are the souls of powerful enemies who were defeated by the knights in the past."

"Among them..."

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