I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 714 712 Decade This is not right, shouldn’t my final enemy be Apollo Geist? Who is Zi-O?

Chapter 714 712: Imperial Cavalry: Isn’t this right? Shouldn’t my ultimate enemy be Apollo Geist? Who is the King of Time?

Kato jumped down from the rooftop and stood on the road, staring at the protozoan king who had knocked him down. He felt quite a headache.

"Have you... crawled out of hell?"

"Kato! Today is the end of you!" The completely molted protozoan body showed a speed far exceeding that of Kamen Rider Kato.

He was still on the balcony a second ago, but in an instant he appeared in front of Kaito, and kicked Kaito over with a side kick, causing him to draw a beautiful arc in the air and fall heavily. Fall to the ground.

"Hmph." Putting down his raised foot, the Protozoal King looked at Jiato with disdain: "You have defeated me by trickery, and now you have no chance of winning."

"What I want to know more is why you were resurrected." Getting up from the ground, Jiato covered his chest: "You should have..."

"Jiadou, it's your turn to experience the underground world." The electric current flashed at the fingertips. The protozoan king accumulated his power and instilled it into the ground in the blink of an eye, spreading to the surroundings. All the realms, including Jiado, are covered, leaving Jiado with no possibility of escaping.

"This time, no one can save you!"

The Protozoal King jumped up on the spot and assumed a knight kicking posture in mid-air.

The electric current is concentrated on the ankle, and it only needs to hit the enemy to fully bloom in an instant, all of which is injected into the enemy's body, creating an attack that can tear apart atoms.

Kaito's whole body was wrapped in electric current, and he was trapped in place. He could only raise his head and watch the protozoa king fall towards him.

Once that fatal blow hits, it will definitely destroy his life completely, leaving no trace behind.


The protozoan king's joyful voice filled with revenge had not lasted long. In the next second, two short sticks flew out from behind the trapped armor.

Flames burst out from the ghost-headed double sticks and hit the protozoan king with a roar, successfully knocking it down from the air and forcing the protozoan king to give up the attack.


The moment he landed, the protozoan king suddenly raised his head and looked at the two short sticks that fell to the ground. The flames generated at the moment they hit the ground and the dissipated thunder were entangled with each other, detonating the two in an instant, forming a strange reaction.

Let the thunder and lightning collapse, let the flames disappear, and liberate everything until they both perish together.


Grabbing Kaito's body, the fierce knight immediately jumped on both feet and tried to take Kaito away from the scene.

But the moment he just appeared, he just said one word, and then his body shot out countless sparks along with Jiado's body. It was as if at that moment, his whole body was covered by The attack hits, and countless sparks explode.

Jiado's entire body was blown up and trembling in the air. For a while, he couldn't get down at all.

Hibiki's own defense was too high. Even if he was hit by a thousand blows in an instant, Hibiki was only knocked back a few steps, with sparks exploding all over his body.

But that was all, it failed to cause him more harm.

"None of you can leave!"

As the Protozoal King, its acceleration ability far surpasses that of Jia Dou and even Hypa Jia Dou.

Although the attack was interrupted before, it was only because it did not detect the enemy's location.

Once the enemy appears, it will not give the opponent any chance to react.

"This is... Kaito's enemy..." Although he couldn't knock himself down at once, the thousand hits in that moment and the unpreventable acceleration ability still made Hibiki feel troublesome.

Although he can block it once, it does not mean that he can resist many times.

The opponent's speed was completely beyond what he could handle.

"Although I don't know where you came from as a Kamen Rider, but... without an acceleration system, you are not qualified to be my opponent."

The protozoa king snorted coldly. Acceleration ability is the best ability of protozoa or zerg. Of course, they rely on this to make a living.

As for the speedsters, only the speedsters can deal with it.

Hibiki made a vigilant posture, wary of the next unpreventable attack, and was somewhat prepared in his mind for how to deal with the opponent's abilities.

The key now is whether you can react the moment the other party loses trace.

The reaction time at that moment was less than one ten thousandth of a second.

"Then..." The Protozoal King snorted coldly. Just as he was about to activate his acceleration ability to inflict heavy damage again, he found that Hibiki and Kabuto had suddenly disappeared before his eyes.

Protozoal King:?

What happened just now?

Why did the two Kamen Riders suddenly disappear in front of him?

Could it be that...it has the ability to accelerate faster than me?

"Sure enough, that is the molting protozoa, the strongest enemy Jiato will face in the end."

The application of Kato and Hibiki on the spatial level was of course Melina's work.

"Thanks for the help." No. 1 nodded and looked at the five hospital beds arranged in front of him.

Except for Tiandao himself who is still in a coma, the remaining four are Kamen Riders who were saved by Melina from the enemy at the critical moment.

"Mr. Kadoyaji, you are too incompetent." Looking at Kadoyaji who was lying on the hospital bed and rolling his eyes, Melina said truthfully: "How could you lose to such an enemy?"

"I remember that my final enemy should be Apollo Gast, a character I kill every time I see him!" Kadoya said with some complaints.

"How could I know that the enemy who would come to fight me would be someone I didn't even know!"

"To some extent, that was indeed the enemy you met and killed you." Melina nodded: "But no matter what, you can't deny that the other party has lost the qualification to be the king and only exists as Kamen Rider Zi-O."

"So who is Zi-O?" Kadoya shouted: "That's the guy who can control time at will. When did I offend that kind of person?"

"Correction, that's Kamen Rider Zi-O 2nd Stage." Melina flipped through the book: "You should be glad that he is only Zi-O 2nd Stage."

Kadoya: ...

Why do you say that as if that guy has a stronger posture.

Except for Tendo Souji who was holding his chest and breathing a little, and Hidaka Hitoshi who was fine, the last person lying on the hospital bed was Ken Takumi.

Compared with the other Kamen Riders who were just exhausted, Qian Qiao was much more miserable. Not only was there too much dust on his body, but there were also many marks of beating on his face, which was full of bruises.

But despite his miserable state, Qian Qiao just stared at the ceiling blankly, looking absent-minded.

"When I saw you, I knew why this crisis was born and why it spread to such a scale." No. 1 snorted coldly: "You guy, you still miss the dead, and even have a thought like "Why didn't I die but him?" "

No. 1's ability to see through people's hearts is not to be underestimated. He almost stripped Qian Qiao's underwear and said everything in a harsh voice, without giving Qian Qiao any face.

So as soon as these words came out, almost everyone immediately focused all their attention on Qian Qiao.

...Except for the unconscious Shenshan Tiandao.

But facing the inquiring eyes of the crowd, Qian Qiao's way of dealing with it was very simple, that is, he was still in a daze, still staring at the light above his head, his thoughts spreading to an unknown place in the divergence.

Immersed in decades ago, he tied himself up with chains and never had the possibility of being freed.

"This guy, there is no hope." Number One shook his head: "The dead are dead, no matter how you miss them, you can't change this fact. People who care about this don't know what he was thinking at the moment of his death."

"Have you forgotten why he died?"

"You are now simply tarnishing his awareness of dying in battle!"

Facing Number One's questioning, Qian Qiao's empty eyes finally fluctuated for a moment.

"I envy Shinji, he can attack his enemies so firmly, and I..." Qian Qiao looked painful: "I will only be a burden to him."

"I can't attack him, Soka..." Qian Qiao sighed: "I... I still remember his words before he died."

"Why is it that I, who has no dreams and is empty, survived, while he is a guy with pursuits and goals..."

Said Qian Qiao closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry for Shinji, if it wasn't for protecting me, he wouldn't..."

"Okay, Shinji hasn't been found yet, he may not be killed." Hidaka Jinzhi spoke for the first time.

"I don't think he is someone who can be defeated so easily."

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