I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 722 What’s wrong with Gochard? You want to reveal my past before I finish it, right?

Chapter 722 Gotchad: What? I haven't finished yet and I'm going to reveal my past, right?

"If you want to separate the battlefields, you must use this book."

Although she couldn't intervene in the battle, Melina couldn't just watch the five dark guardians do whatever they want here.

So, she thought of another way.

A page torn from the Book of Omniscience changed in an instant, from a thin piece of paper to a whole book, and it was placed heavily in Melina's hand.

This book, which didn't even have a cover, was used by Melina as the power used for this transformation, and it was placed on the Holy Blade Driver for reading.

Only at this moment, this book, which originally had no name, let everyone know its name at this moment.

"Legend of the Eyes"

Although this name is indeed worth complaining about, this book can really be driven by the Holy Blade Driver.

Even the corresponding lyrics have begun.

[The girl who served the gods eventually became the origin of everything, like the eye of the moon, shining from the past to the present. ]


The white robe rose from her feet and covered Melina's whole body in an instant. After a moment, the scarlet third eye appeared on the forehead of the Kamen Rider that Melina transformed into, like Yang Jian.

The two strange eyes with vortexes gave people a very heavy pressure. The armor and the white robe were combined, and some additional clothing styles were added to the white and red armor.

Yes, it looked like when the ghost boy transformed, he wore a set of clothes on his body. Now Melina's transformed posture also has the same appearance.

[Kamen Rider-Kaguya]

As the mechanical voice fell, Melina, who had completed the transformation, opened the third eye on her forehead. While waving it casually, the holy sword in her hand released a strong light, covering the entire battlefield, depriving everyone of everything they could see.

Finally, the world was divided into different boundaries at this moment.

"The power of Kaguya divides the world into equal numbers, and different battles are fought in different worlds." Melina kept her third eye open, and her body remained motionless, maintaining the operation of the world.

"Only by deciding the winner can you escape from the world I created."


The wildly shooting light cannon exploded, shattering the boulder under his feet. Kazushi Kazushi did not dare to stay there for a moment. He had to fly up and leave the place as soon as he landed, otherwise, the opponent's next attack would be enough to cause him a fatal attack.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to kill me? Now there are only you and me in this world. Where is your boiling murderous intent? Don't you want to kill me?!" Yingyue, or Shenshanshi, turned the sword in his hand into a sword cannon, opened the center of the sword, and revealed the muzzle inside.

Every bombardment can cause a tremor like a landslide. No matter what kind of thing it is, as long as it stands in front of this cannon, it will be turned into nothingness.

"Just wait!" Kamen Rider raised his middle finger fiercely. Although he said this harshly, Kamen Rider still didn't dare to stay there for long. Instead, he jumped up again and leaped out without staying there for a moment.

"Does that woman Melina have the power to split the world?" Seeing Kamen Rider running away like a stray dog, Kamiyama was happy but also frightened by the power of that woman Melina.

If that woman sets foot on the battlefield


On Tiandao's side, although Melina was not by his side, Tiandao knew that as long as he called out Melina's name, the woman would definitely hear it.

"Why am I in the same world with this guy? Where's Daguba!"

He lowered his head and dodged the sword's sweeping edge. Tiandao stepped back a few steps and looked at the guy who had fought with him right at the beginning.

[He is indeed an opponent you must defeat]

Melina's voice sounded in Tiandao's mind.

[The first thing for the undead who have revived from the underworld is that they also have their own nostalgia for the world of the living. If this is met, they can be resurrected]

[But not all of them meet this requirement]

"So." The Fire Sword was summoned, and Tendō raised the sword to block Zi-O's attack: "Is this the reason why Decade couldn't meet his own boss?"

"Tendō." But Melina couldn't answer Tendō's words. Instead, the inexplicable Zi-O in front of her called out Tendō's name accurately: "How are you now?"

"Zi-O." Tendō only knew one Zi-O, but that Zi-O was Oma Zi-O, not Kamen Rider Zi-O: "Who are you?"

"Why, have you forgotten me so quickly?" Maintaining his second-level posture, Zi-O smiled inexplicably: "Or, after accepting my king's order, you turned your back on me?"

"Accept your king's order?" It would have been fine if he hadn't said this, but when Zi-O mentioned this, Tiandao was immediately furious: "Do you know what you are talking about?! Before you made that decision, did you consider my feelings? Did you ask for my opinion?!"

"You made that decision without authorization, and now you have the nerve to tell me this?!"

As he spoke, Tiandao exerted force with his arm, and while pushing Zi-O out, he also took out the broken Tianlie Sword: "See! This is the price of accepting your king's order!"

"Who wants to be your lousy king!"

"If you don't accept my king's order, Melina won't choose you to serve, and then you won't come to this world." Zi-O put down the sword in his hand: "Then, you will know nothing about what happened in the "Chronicle of the Heisei Knights."

"When this world is destroyed because of Daguba, the story of the Heisei Knights will be shattered, and this world will also be destroyed."

"Does Kamiyama Hiwasama still have the ability to save this world again?"

"By then, when Daguba finds you again, will you still have a chance to defeat him?"

Tian Dao:.

"Nothing is destined." Zi-Ona's deep voice was filled with satisfied confidence: "What do you think your original destiny was?"

"And now you are beyond destiny, walking on a future that is not arranged by fate, but belongs to you and opens up!"

"Anything is possible."

Zi-O stretched out his hand, just like when he gave his king's order to Tian Dao, he looked the same.

"So, I should thank you?" Tiandao paused and asked again, looking at Zi-O's outstretched hand.

"I should thank you." Zi-O smiled, retracted his hand, came to Tiandao and patted his shoulder: "The miracle you created, even I saw it in the Land of the Dead."

"You!" Tiandao looked at Zi-O with astonished eyes.

"In this way, I can safely leave everything to you." Zi-O smiled, walked past Tiandao's body and walked behind the scenes. Just as he handed his fate to Tiandao, he was also a behind-the-scenes manipulator to Tiandao.

"Is this why you resurrected?" Tiandao did not turn around, but he still had to say what he had to say.

"Because I am very satisfied." Zi-O said slowly: "I am satisfied with the fact that I slapped fate a few times, and I am also satisfied with the fact that I found a person who can be delivered."

"And everything you have done makes me willing to sleep in the Land of the Dead."

As he said that, Zi-O threw it casually and handed over the last bit of power he had to Tiandao.

That was the dial of Zi-O's second stage.

"Your sword needs the goddess to restore it."

At the moment when Zi-O disappeared, Tiandao seemed to hear Zi-O's last voice.

With his wish fulfilled, he gave up his current "living" identity and chose to return to the netherworld and the world of the dead.

The return of Zi-O also shows one thing.

The Land of Hades still exists and has not been destroyed by the collision between the God of War Xingtian and Shura.

Then, those undead rushed to the ground.

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