I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 724 There is also the guardian of the evil land, he wants to summon the land (I also got it

Chapter 724 There is also the guardian of the evil land, he wants to summon the earth of ___ (I also topped up the phone bill for free, right)

"Fuck, who said it was one-on-one!"

Evil Fire lay on the ground, looking at the two guys gathered together over there, with a face full of grief and anger: "Why am I one against two!"

"Kamen Rider has always been a friend-calling existence!"

Hibiki and Agito stood together, Shining Aspect and Sound Ghost combined with each other, both of them belonged to Kamen Rider, and gathered the same power at this moment.

The glorious history of Heisei will not end here, even if it is rotten to a certain extent, as long as it is gathered together, it is still a powerful force.

After all, so far, the multiple superimposed Heisei power has never been defeated by any power alone.

It is also the power of multiples that can defeat the power of multiple Heisei Riders.

"It's okay, Hibiki." Shining Agito, who can give Black God a death, the power of human beings to say "no" to the gods who created them, is completely shining and reborn at this moment, which no one can ignore.

And even if Agito is not an armored warrior, but... as a warrior who also manipulates elements, Agito can be said to be a professional counterpart to fight against the five dark guardians to a certain extent.

What? Where did the water angel go?

Shining Agito can kick Black God to death with one kick, so what can the water angel do even if it is resurrected?

Its father was kicked to death, can it still live?

Even if the blessing of Shura's power is taken into account, the gap in strength between the strengthened water angel and Shining Agito is still very large, so... the water angel still died very cleanly.

After that, after solving his enemies, Agito came here without stopping to meet with Hibiki and fight against the enemies from the dark land together.

This scene reminded Evilfire of the time when he was caught fishing by a group of armored warriors without any sense of justice and then beaten to death.

At that time, it was just like this moment.

The same thing happened not only on his side. The five guardians from the dark land all picked some good opponents when the battlefield was divided by Melina.

Kuga and Ryuki intercepted in front of Evilwater. The two warriors were highly focused and determined. Even if Evilwater used words, it could not interfere with them.

Wuqi and Electric King joined together to fight against Evilgold. It was the peak power of magic and technology, which made Evilgold feel the double blow of miracles and modernity.

However, with the power of Shura attached and the existence of the power of [Gold], Evilgold was not at a disadvantage when fighting two alone, and was as steady as an old dog.

But... if it continues like this, the extremely sharp and strong power of [Gold] will expose its subsequent weaknesses.

The first is strong, the second is weak, and the second is exhausted. It is most appropriate to describe [gold] with qi.

On the side of Emu, the four cavalry and the sword cavalry, one dominates the sky, and the other dominates the ground, forcing Emu to have no way to go up to the sky and no way to enter the ground. No matter where he is, he will be chased by the enemy.

Even if Emu has the power of Shura, the advantages of the single attribute itself are magnified to the fullest, but... the weaknesses of the single attribute are also infinitely magnified.

In terms of speed and recovery ability, Emu is stronger than the corresponding attribute, and it has a strong corrosive ability, which is enough to stack countless negative buffs on the opponent in milliseconds.

But... it is also because of this that the ability to stack negative buffs is so superb because the attack power of Emu itself is too low.

How low is it?

Let's put it this way. The powerful attack on Siqi with the power of Shura failed to defeat the completely defenseless Siqi, but instead allowed Siqi to continue fighting him as if nothing had happened.

Can this be said that Siqi has a high defense?

As we all know, most speed-type characters are related to elegance and handsomeness.

After having elegance and handsomeness, the damage and so on can only be seen by each person.

The reason for this is naturally because the blue warrior is completely different from the blue-haired female warrior.

The former has nothing but handsomeness, and even later even the only handsomeness is gone.

The blue-haired female warrior can be a great victory from the beginning to the end, and she can be said to have won a great victory in all aspects, which is not comparable to the blue warrior.

Even if Emu is not a blue warrior, who made him the warrior in the opposite position is a blue warrior.

What can Emu do?

He can't just close his eyes and wait for death, right?

So stop talking nonsense, just scrape it!

On the Bad Land side, facing this being who has endless power standing on the dark land, Oz alone may not be able to withstand it.

But it doesn’t matter. In order to deal with this person, the partner with Oz is not a Kamen Rider, but the number one in the Heisei era… the Steel Masked Man!

Oz spread his wings, and the swinging tail fell from the sky like a whip, hitting the Bad Land head.

The Bad Land slapped the ground with both hands, and in the wind and smoke that rose in an instant, it manipulated the earth and turned it into a palm made of rock, completely catching the purple tail.

Even if the moment of hitting the palm will cause a huge collapse, it doesn’t matter, because this arm can only play this role.

If he chased after him at this time, he would definitely cause enough damage to Oz.

But unfortunately, although the Bad Land wanted to do so, he couldn’t do it.

Because the red sword energy sweeping the ground was approaching him at a faster speed.

Fire Punishment Heaven and Earth Chop.

This was a move that Evil Earth knew the moment he saw it.

As the five guardians of darkness, they had seen more than just the light and shadow series of armor. Even the three armors of Xingtian, the four elements series, and even the stronger King Catcher series, they had more or less had the experience of dueling.

Fire Punishment Heaven and Earth Chop, Evil Earth recognized it at a glance.

Manipulating the weapon in his hand, he released a slash with a yellowish-brown light in the darkness, colliding with Fire Punishment Heaven and Earth Chop.

But... until his attack was annihilated, Fire Punishment Heaven and Earth Chop still flew out of the smoke and dust. Although it was a little dim, it still could not change the fact that it was still there.


Evil Earth estimated the strength of the Xingtian armor in front of him based on the strength of the Xingtian armor he had seen, so its output was just the corresponding strength.

Because in its mind, no matter how powerful the Xingtian in front of it is, it can't be stronger than the Xingtian in Mingjie, right?

However, the fact is that its mind is completely wrong.

Caught off guard, the Evil Earth only had time to cross his hands in front of him to block the remaining power of the Fire Punishment Qiankun Cleavage, but he still retreated one after another because of this, and finally stabilized his body.

"It's not over yet!"

Diving down from the sky, Oz flew close to the ground and rushed towards the repelled Evil Earth.

While the Evil Earth could not control its body, it pushed its back with both hands, pushed it against the ground, and plowed a long mark on the ground.

Although it was the first time that Tiandao and Oz joined forces, the tacit understanding between the two sides was not low at all. When one side attacked, the other side would make up for it at a faster speed, jointly making up for the weaknesses in each other's offensive and completing the complementarity, which also made the Evil Earth lose sight of one thing and the other, and there was no chance to breathe at all.

Mistakes made in a hurry, there was a moment of opportunity in the Evil Earth.

Once given the chance, it will definitely not have a chance to survive!

Oz grabbed the body of the evil land, dragged it by the armpit and flew up into the sky. The edge of the wings pulled a long white track in the air, spreading upward along the height of Oz's flight.

After reaching a full height, Oz loosened his hands and let the evil land fall to the ground.

"You can replenish your strength continuously on the ground, right?" Oz flapped his wings and laughed happily: "What about now?!"

"You are a bird in a cage and a fish in a net in the air, with nowhere to go!"


Oz pulled away from the original place, because on the ground, someone had already flown a sword in front, erected three copybooks, and aimed at the figure of the evil land.

The state of killing was at this moment.

A trace of panic flashed in the bloody eyes of the evil land, but he had no power to use above the sky, and could only watch the three copybooks shining.

Especially the copybook that appeared in front of him, which had the same attribute as him, [Earth].

"Three lines will kill!"

The sword tip moved forward, and the Fire Sword that was pushed out pierced through the three copybooks one after another, carrying the power of the three lines, dragging a long tail, and accurately hit the chest of the evil land.

The Fire Sword pierced through the body of the evil land, completely taking away its vitality, and also tore apart the darkness that was entrenched in the shadow.

Evil land, destroyed!

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