I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 74 Those who can’t control their mouths and speak out their true feelings will definitely no

"It seems like you've found what you want to do."

The clouds and mountains are misty, the stone pillars are jagged, and the top of the sacred mountain that has not been visited for a long time, today, the sky is bright and clear.

The everlasting lead clouds that lingered in the sky of the sacred mountain seemed to have dispersed a lot.

The sunlight shining down became brighter, and the light and shadow on the top of the sacred mountain went from being slightly dim to becoming somewhat normal.

Standing in the center of the temple, as soon as he entered, Tiandao heard the hearty laughter of the Heart of the Mountain.

It could be heard that he was in a good mood.

"Oops... The Heart of the Holy Mountain." He almost said a name that could not be said, but Tiandao immediately changed his mind and said quickly: "Do you already know?"

"Of course." The Heart of the Holy Mountain stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Although this place is the top of the sacred mountain that exists in the dark, in the final analysis, it is the place where your bloodline is derived."

"Your bloodline allows you to come here and create this place where we can communicate. But again, just the power of bloodline is not enough. You must have a strong enough heart and a strong enough will to be more capable. further."

"You are incomparable to what you were before."

Tiandao clenched his fist, but didn't feel anything special in his whole body: "But... I can't feel it. Am I still the same as before?"

"You were in an explosive period before, and the energy that exploded due to your thoughts was too huge, enough to allow you to do some unimaginable things."

"But after that, the situation gradually stabilizes, and your mental energy will return to normal levels." The Shenshan Minder put his hands behind his back and introduced Tiandao: "But the door to the mental energy has been opened for you."

"You are now a qualified armored warrior."

"The door to the mind..." Tiandao murmured subconsciously, but then he reacted: "You mean, I awakened the mind?"

"Yes." The Heart of the Holy Mountain nodded: "I gave up my identity as the summoner of the Flame Dragon, used my own heart to verify my pursuit, and finally found my own answer."

"Your choice is unexpected and will lead to a narrow escape from death."


But you transcended the past. "

Recalling the scene where he challenged the squid with an ordinary person's body, Tiandao still feels that there was something wrong with his brain at that time.

This is not how you seek death, right?

"So, who am I now?" Tiandao asked.

"Yes, you have entered the door of cultivating your mind. From now on, you have one more thing to learn."

"How much power the Flame Dragon Armor can unleash depends on you, the summoner."

"Huh?! I can cultivate immortality?" But Tiandao didn't hear clearly what the Flame Dragon Armor was about. He only knew that he could cultivate his mind and become an immortal.

What is the equivalent of this in a fantasy novel?

Hahaha! Master Tao, I finally became it! Master Dao, I finally built the foundation!

The movement of stroking the beard of the Shenshan Heart Master was slightly stagnant. Who would have thought that this is what Heavenly Dao actually cares about.

"Summoner of the Flame Dragon Armor in this life, now, slaying demons and protecting the way is no longer a shackles imposed on you. Your choice comes entirely from your heart." The Heart of the Holy Mountain continued: "With one thought in the heart, Everything is felt.”

"What we are going to learn today is the real meditation seal."

"The real meditation seal?" Tiandao was stunned: "Could it be that the one I learned before was fake?"

"Of course not." Shenshan Xinzhe shook his head: "But that is the meditation seal used in conjunction with the armor. The real meditation seal requires you to use it."

"It is easy to use the power of armor to release the Meditation Seal, but without the user's intention, the power of the Meditation Seal will be weakened a lot."

"This life..."

"Can you please stop calling me the master of the fire armor in this life?" Tiandao suddenly interrupted the long talk of the Heart of the Holy Mountain: "My name is Shenshan Tiandao, you can call me by my name."

The one with the heart of the sacred mountain was stunned.

Call your name?

Should I call you the Holy Mountain or the Way of Heaven?

Can you take a look at your own name? Is this something I can call out?

"Heaven...the way of heaven." After coughing a few times, the Heart of the Holy Mountain bravely called out the name. The peripheral vision of his vision was slightly upward, and he breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that there was no movement in the infinite light on the sky.

This name...it's a bit painful for me to say it out.

But since "Tiandao" didn't respond, it means there is nothing wrong with the name.

The worries of those who love the sacred mountain are considered unnecessary.

"Tiandao, step forward and be ready."

"Yes! Damn old man!"

The Heart of the Holy Mountain:? ?

"According to reports from our frontline reporters, police officer Kamiyama Tendo, who is affiliated with the Nagano Prefecture police and is currently at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's joint operations center for unidentified life forms, encountered the unidentified life form No. 21 last night, and a battle broke out between the two sides. ”

"It is reported that in this battle, Police Officer Shenshan Tiandao took the initiative to encounter No. 21. Previously, Police Officer Shenshan had encountered Unconfirmed Life Form No. 1 and a fight broke out. The two sides were in a stalemate, and finally..."

"Last night, the unconfirmed life form No. 21 was successfully killed by the Kamiyama Tiandao police officer. This is the first unconfirmed life form that was killed by someone other than No. 4 and Steel Mask Man No. 1 since the appearance of the unconfirmed life form."


Changing to another TV station, Ichigo squinted and saw another morning news.

"Who is Shenshan Tiandao? You should know that all unconfirmed life forms are superior to monsters. As a human, he defeated No. 21 one-on-one. Is he really a human?"

"Is he really not a cyborg?"

Ichijo changed the TV station again, but the news was still about Tiandao. No matter how many times he changed, it was always this.

Until Ichijo got a little impatient and switched to Tokyo TV, he finally didn't see any reports about Tiandao, but... Pocket Elves were being broadcast.


Or else it was Tokyo TV? When other TV stations were beating drums and gongs to get hot spots, only Tokyo TV remained the same, as stable as an old dog.

Even if Prime Minister Tachimoto was killed by two gunshots, Tokyo TV still broadcast cartoons!

In the past, Ichijo would never watch cartoons, but at this moment, seeing the cartoons being broadcast on Tokyo TV, he was relieved and watched them with relish.

"Ichijo-san!" Godai rushed in and pushed open the door of the ward. He saw Ichijo sitting by the bed and Tendao lying on the bed in a coma.

"Godai." Ichijo finally perked up a little: "Godai, where is Tendao's grandfather? Didn't you go to pick him up?"

"Yakurako went to pick him up." Godai panted a few times and came to Tendao's bed. Looking at Tendao, whose head was wrapped up with only a pair of eyes left, he was particularly curious for a moment.

"Ichijo-san, is what the newspaper says true?" Godai took out the folded newspaper from his pocket: "I saw it in the newspaper. Did Tendō-san...really kill No. 21?"

"Yes, and...right in front of me." Ichijo rubbed his eyebrows, unusually tired: "I knew that if he did that, it would definitely cause an uproar, but...I couldn't stop him."

"What happened?" Godai was still confused: "Can't Tendō-san also transform? Why..."

"I think...he must have his own reasons." His eyes shifted to Tendō who was in a coma at the moment, and Ichijo's voice was particularly complicated.

"He must have a reason to do that."

Godai was silent, cut off the squid's head, and took it to commemorate the girl killed by it. This matter can be said to be the biggest hot spot today.

Almost in the blink of an eye, this matter became known to everyone.

Not to mention Tokyo, it is estimated that even the entire Liben knows about it.

This kind of...anyone who sees it will feel shocked.

Ichijo opened the newspaper, and the title in the middle, written in bold and thick font, caught Ichijo's eye.

"Big Shock! The Power of the Human Emperor! Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Office! Kamiyama Tenmichi!"

PS: I feel that everyone can understand it without translation, after all, there is no difference.

But I still translated it.

"Big Shock! The Power of the Human Emperor! Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's Ace! Kamiyama Tenmichi"

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