I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 742 Thunder Yatales, you will represent the power of justice in the world! (Rampant face)

"Is it over?" Although Tiandao's appearance was very miserable, he returned victoriously, and this was more important than anything else.

"Ah, it's over." Tiandao nodded, stroking the broken breastplate on his chest, and said word by word: "The turmoil about Soga and the dark land is indeed over."

"But the battle is not over yet."

Everyone was very happy when the previous words came out, but the following supplement made everyone look confused, and they didn't know why they said that.

The battle is not over yet?

Why? Does anyone need to fight now?

Tiandao didn't speak, but slowly turned around and focused his attention on the Shura Armor not far away.

This existence wearing Shura Armor, I think at this moment, is thinking this way.

"That's right." Shura Armor stepped forward, stood up in front of a kind of person, and expressed his words: "It's not over yet."

"I'm still standing here, this matter is not over yet."

Although Daguba's words were to inform others, his eyes were also locked on Tiandao.

Both of them knew that this time, the battle between them would end with only two people.

"Are you Daguba?" Hongdu had already sensed the breath of a certain ultimate life form under the Shura Armor.

In this world, there are many ultimate life forms that oppose Kamen Rider, but the only BOSS that can return from the Land of Hades and has not appeared is the Kuuga series.

And Hongdu also knew that the fate of Daguba, the ultimate life form corresponding to Kuuga, was completely entangled with the Way of Heaven.

His appearance was natural.

"It seems that I am not that low-level." Daguba smiled casually: "Don't think that this battle will end so easily. Now is the real beginning!"

As soon as the words fell, a strong aura burst out from the inside out.

The breath of Daguba as an ultimate life form, the power of Shura Armor as the ultimate armor, mixed with Daguba's fighting spirit, all burst out at this moment and spread to the surroundings, making many Kamen Riders terrified.

Tiandao took a step forward and stood in front of No. 1, blocking the aura bursting out from Daguba.

With the power of one person, he took it all.

Seeing Tiandao stand up, Daguba smiled brightly, happier than anything else.


Before he finished speaking, he saw the war god Xingtian armor on Tiandao's body disappear instantly, and quickly converged into a ball of light in the red light.

Then, under Tiandao's gaze, even the dial shape could not be maintained, but the Xingtian summoner returned to its most original state, cracking a gap from the core part in the middle, and then the entire Xingtian summoner became dim.

The tiny cracks all around, coupled with the huge wound that was enough to split the entire summoner in two, clearly indicated that Xingtian had reached his limit.

"." Tiandao squatted down and picked up the Xingtian Summoner: "Xingtian..."

"Xingtian Armor, this final glorious ending, are you satisfied?"

Tiandao's muttering was meaningless. The Xingtian Summoner could not give him any answer. It just remained in his palm in a broken state, announcing the fact that it had been laid off.

Tiandao took a deep breath, put away the Xingtian Summoner, and then stood up again.

"Tiandao-san" Daguba said word by word: "I will not cancel the transformation."

"You guy!!" No. 1 wanted to stand up and fight with the other party on behalf of Tiandao when he heard Daguba say this.

Bullying a knight who could not transform with a transformed posture, such a bad behavior, No. 1 would never stand idly by.

Tiandao stretched out his hand to stop No. 1's action, and he was not dissatisfied with Daguba's answer. It was better to say that he had known that Daguba would say this.

"I have challenged you twice in an untransformed state and won the battle." Tiandao looked at Daguba, and the scenes of his past victories surged in his mind: "For you, am I the most powerful when I remain unchanged?"

"No." Daguba shook his head: "It is you who remain unchanged who can surpass the limit and show new strength."

"Every time you and I fight, when I think I have caught up with you, you take a big step forward and surpass me." Daguba raised his hand and showed the Shura Wind Claw.

"This time, it's the same."

"That look gave you confidence." Tiandao was silent for a moment, but then immediately said: "If you really think so, then this time, let me fight you in this posture as well."

"This is the last battle!"

"That's right! That's it!" Daguba nodded fiercely, and his originally suppressed voice gradually became higher.

"It is true that we have joined forces to eliminate the strong enemy, but that does not mean that we will not fight!"

"Joining forces to eliminate the strong enemy is just for a better fight between us!"

Dagub raised his hand, his tone was extremely excited.

"All obstacles no longer exist. After eliminating the guys who are in the way, the fight between us will also begin!"

"As always, it will never change!"

When it comes to fighting, Dagub becomes crazy again, and the madness in his tone is gradually rising.

The battle has not started yet, but the anticipation has already made his heart surge.

With a flick of his hand, Tiandao summoned the Tianlie Sword. It is not a wise move to fight against such a guy in the flesh.

But in Daguba's eyes, Tiandao has defeated him twice in this way.

And the third time will be the same.

He took a step forward with the Tianlie Sword, and just when he was about to continue fighting, he saw a pair of hands suddenly handed over a belt and a red beetle from the side.

Tiandao didn't need to look back to know that this was the hand of Tiandao Zongsi and the armor he possessed.

Tiandao did not accept it, but shook his head at Tiandao Zongsi.

He stood in front of Shura Armor with the sword in hand, and fought the third battle with Daguba.

From the slight gap in the first time to the equal strength in the second time.

Now, this is the third time.

"This is what I have been waiting for." Daguba lowered his body, suppressed his voice, and could no longer suppress his excitement: "Sure enough, I would rather be your partner than standing side by side with you."

Before he finished speaking, the Origin Sword that fell from the sky blocked Daguba's path with a thunderous attitude, forcing Daguba to stop.


The owner of this sword, Daguba, was no stranger, so when he saw it for the first time, he roared and questioned the other party: "You woman, are you going to..."

"As the king I serve, I cannot allow him to fight you in such an unfair manner." Melina fell quietly and stood behind Tiandao, not side by side with him.

Always remembering her identity, she took out a golden book from her arms with great care.

"I won't interfere with your fight, but you, wearing the ultimate armor, must have the same fighting power to fight." Melina opened the golden book, and after flipping through the pages, she locked onto a page of the story, and reached out to go straight into the story. In full view of everyone, she took out a golden belt.

It has four sockets, and the left and right decorations that look like flying wings can be unfolded to both sides.

The white lines in the center are noble, and in the center of the belt is an oval crystal that stands upright, emitting colors as brilliant as the universe and the galaxy.

This belt is very large, especially the part in front of the belt, which is even larger than the space-time drive.

After closing the book, Melina put the golden belt in her hand on Tiandao's waist.

"Miss Tsumuri." Melina called out.

"Yes, yes, I get it." The black-haired girl who suddenly appeared from the air answered perfunctorily, but the four elemental aggregates between her hands were firmly inserted into the socket of the belt.

[Wait. Why does that belt look familiar? ]

When the four-element aggregate was accurately connected to the socket, the sound of the Shura Armor sounded.

[Wait, this shouldn't be]

"Then." Melina turned around and announced loudly.

"Only the Ultimate Armor can fight against the Ultimate Armor."

"Thunder Yatales, representing the power of justice in the world!"

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