I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 747 Feiyu Zhen I do not allow the existence of any armored warrior other than me, so

Chapter 747 Fei Yuzhen: I don't allow any armored warriors other than me to exist, so...

"It's coming!"

In the hyperspace, Fei Yuzhen and Zhen Wang hurried to the location of "Fantasy Almighty", but saw that the page that was originally sealed was now releasing an ominous dark light.

As for the story of suppression, that is, the book "Armored Hero", some of the words on it seemed to be subject to the gravity of a black hole and were constantly collapsing inward.

Even the words have become two different existences from the book itself at this moment.

Although the book still exists, the words have suffered a terrifying attack.

As the words written in "Armored Hero" were swallowed one by one, the seal began to become unstable.

The looming roar of the beast resounded in the ears of the two, causing their faces to change at the same time.

"Oh no! Why is the seal going to fail so soon?!" The real king stepped forward and used his own power as a king to seal the fantasy omnipotence, trying his best to suppress it.

But even his power was still the object of absorption, and it was all swallowed up bit by bit.

"It should be... the story of Armor Hero is gradually becoming known to more and more people, and the object of familiarity is still the part that constitutes the existence of that guy's body." Feiyuzhen took a deep breath: "Either Kamen Rider, or Ultraman, or..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" The real king roared: "Come and help! No matter what, write a story book that is not Kamen Rider or Ultraman, and then use it to suppress it!"


If I could write a book to suppress this thing, would I be like this now?

What book I write will not be erased by this thing?

Even if it is "Armor Hero", isn't it going to be able to hold on now?

"There is no other way. We can only call Melina back." Fei Yuzhen shook his head: "As long as this seal can hold on for a little longer, just a little longer..."

"Melina has found her destined person. Just give her a little time and she will be able to complete her destined mission."

"And then, whether it is Luna, Fantasy Omnipotence, or this world, they will all be saved."

As if sensing Fei Yuzhen's words, the seal, which was already unstable, suddenly broke a gap. From this gap, a dark beam of light suddenly flew out, accurately locked Fei Yuzhen's location, knocked him out, and let his body slide towards the outside world in the hyperspace, speeding all the way.

After knocking Fei Yuzhen away, the remaining pressure was all concentrated on the True King. A strange force that seemed to erase everything and return everything to nothingness followed the King's power upstream and stained the True King.

Therefore, the True King felt his own story at this moment, which was beginning to dissipate from those unimportant and marginal places.

"Is this power... aimed at me?" Zhen Wang gritted his teeth. Even though he knew that he would definitely get into trouble if he continued like this, once he let go, the seal would...

"Hold on for a moment!"

In the distance, Fei Yuzhen's voice echoed in the hyperspace.

"I'll go find Melina~"

"Then I really have to thank you!" Zhen said with gritted teeth: "You'd better give me a second to fully appear."

"Otherwise I..."


The changes in "Fantasy All Might" will not affect the stability of the world today. As long as the terrible monster does not break the seal, the world will not be completely destroyed by the power of everything returning to nothingness, and the world will still have a chance to reset.

However, unlike everyone's obvious happiness, Melina's worried look can be seen by anyone.

It's just that everyone immersed in joy has no feeling about it, especially Kamen Rider. As a man who is keen on collecting power and forming a bond with the knight, he now shows great interest in the new power possessed by Tendō.

So, the day after the incident, Kamen Rider proposed a condition to fight Tendō.

Tendao gladly accepted it, and some Kamen Riders who were about to leave were very happy when they heard that Kamen Rider Kamenshi was going to fight with Tendao. They all gathered together and prepared to watch the fight between the two.

The "brother" fight of the Kamiyama family is no less than the fate of the entanglement between Tendao and Daguba, and it is an enduring TV series.

In order to avoid causing too much damage to the city, the two agreed to fight in the deserted wilderness.

Kamen Rider Kamen Rider and Tendao stood on the left and right, facing each other. It was not the first time that they stood in the position of opponents like this, and they were still talking about the same topic.

"In order to distinguish who is the older brother and who is the younger brother, how many times have we fought like this?" Kamen Rider Kamen Rider fiddled with the camera hanging around his neck.

"I can't count them all, but you are always unwilling to admit this established fact when you have time." Tiandao took out the Nava belt. If the Yatales Summoner is a complete lotus platform and the scattered lotus leaves are lotus flowers, then the Nava Summoner is part of the gathered lotus petals.

"This time, I must make you admit the fact that you are my younger brother."

Wearing the Decade Driver on his waist, Kadoya Shi took out the card from the card box, inserted it into the driver casually, and then combined it with one hand.

"If you want to prove it, you have to do it yourself." The red energy key radiated a warm light and was inserted into the Nava driver by Tiandao: "You know the rules."


[Masked Driving]


"Nava of Flame, devour the power of fierce flames!" Tiandao pointed to the sky with one hand and shouted.


[Armor Fusion]

Nava of Flame, one of the fusion parts of Yatales, is a piece of armor that exists as a separate [fire] element, and its color must be golden red.

And the overall look is completely the complete form of the flame, exuding a sense of vigor and vitality.

The blazing flame dispels the darkness, and as long as it exists, it is a beacon that guides people forward forever.


The two who lowered their bodies and were ready to fight were ready to fight again.

But in the next moment, Tiandao's figure suddenly disappeared, and Melina's figure disappeared with it.

The two disappeared under the gaze of a group of knights as if they did not exist in this world or were erased by the world.

"What?" Decade ran forward a few steps, but failed to detect any aberration. As a Kamen Rider, he had enough confidence in his strength. It was impossible for someone to take a person away quietly in front of him.

"There are still enemies?!" Hongo Takeya stood up from the ground: "Showa Knights! Everyone set off immediately and find Tiandao!"



In a flash, the world where Tiandao stood had already come from the earth to the hyperspace. Standing on a huge rock, he looked at the man in front of him wearing a black windbreaker and a bowler hat.

"It's not... you..."

"No time to explain!" Grabbing Tiandao's wrist, Feiyuzhen glared at someone: "It turned out to be you! I was wondering why the seal was invalid so quickly!"

"Boy, the existence of Armor Hero is what you have been showing to the outside world!"


"Let me explain this matter." Melina came out from behind Tiandao: "After all, I invited Yatales from the book "Armor Hero"."

"If you don't do this, the ultimate armor named Shura will not be able to let him leave."

"Leave?" Feiyuzhen said in surprise: "Do you know that the appearance of Yatales has a great impact on this world and even this seal..."

"I know." Melina nodded: "But if Yatales doesn't come, Shura, who is also the ultimate armor, will stay on Daguba. The longer the time, the more people will know, and the more serious the consequences will be."

"It's better to suffer a short pain than a long pain."

Melina bowed slightly.

"Please rest assured that everything I do is to complete my mission."

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