I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 762: Gates, don’t save dinner for me (patting Tsukuyomi’s shoulder), I’ll be back soon.

Chapter 762 Gates: Don’t leave dinner for me (patting Tsukuyomi on the shoulder), I’ll come as soon as I can.

Tokiwa Shogo's acquaintance with Gates and Tsukuyomi was not a good one, especially when Gates drove a huge red robot and chased Tokiwa Shogo as soon as he appeared, as if he was determined to kill him. Tokiwa Sogo was tired of running for his life, running on the run.

If Tsukuyomi hadn't suddenly appeared in the middle and taken Tokiwa Shogo away with a robot of the same style, I'm afraid Tokiwa Shogo would have been punched to death by Gates driving the Space-Time Demon.

In that case, the world of King of Time, whose world line is always changing, might derive some weird world.

After that, other time robbers appeared, plotted to seize the history of Kamen Rider - Soki and created the alien Soki.

When facing this unexpected foreign enemy, Tokiwa Shougo also obtained the transformation device.

It was the time and space transformer presented by Woz. It was a device that needed to be matched with a dial to transform. Therefore, Tokiwa Shougo transformed into Kamen Rider-King of Time.

At the moment when he transformed into the King of Time, his destiny was fixed to walk on the road to becoming a king, and all other possibilities disappeared.

Becoming the King of Time, a being named Tokiwa Shougo, this is the only path he can choose in the future.

If you don’t become a king, you will die.

After that, it was not important that after briefly repelling the alien Sokki, he was chased by Gates. In short, later on, Gates and Tsukuyomi, two people from the same era but with completely different choices, who.

One wants to kill, the other wants to stop.

The two people who made different choices were attacked by Chuangqi.

Then... in the profession of second rider, Gates did something quite impressive, that is, he appeared in the first episode, and then failed in the second episode.

With no rookie protection period and no rookie aura, it is completely predictable how gloomy his future will be.

The future is not bright, brother.

After borrowing the ability of the Time and Space Demon to travel through the timeline, he went to 2017 and solved the case of the real Creation, that is, Kiryu Sento and the Myriad Dragon Ga as Kamen Rider Crozier. The alien Creation that could not be eliminated originally Qi was eliminated by the real power of Qi. Therefore, Gates and Shi Wang, who had reached a cooperative relationship for the first time, also got to know each other somewhat.

After the alien creation knights were eliminated, the history of Kiryu Sento fighting as a creation knight disappeared. No, or rather it did not disappear. Instead, it was all concentrated in the dial, and was carried by the King of Time who used the dial.

The history of Chuangqi was thus carried by the King of Time, becoming the first force to be carried by the King of Time.

After that, the ordinary high school student Tokiwa Shougo tried to return to his ordinary daily life.

But unfortunately, the sudden appearance of Gates and Tsukuyomi in his life clearly told him that such an ordinary life was completely out of his reach.

Creation is not the end, but the beginning. It symbolizes a milestone in the road to becoming a king, and shows that from now on, there will be no ordinary life.


Taking Gates' hand, Tsukuyomi quickly pulled him back: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"That's of course." Gates curled his lips: "You should understand the appearance of the alien creation knight. Something came to this world with us."

"And now, there happens to be a new teacher." Gates snorted: "Don't you think this kind of thing is too coincidental?"

"You must be too sensitive!" Tsukuyomi pulled Gates to sit down: "And have you forgotten who we are now? Do you want to challenge the teacher as a student?!"

"Hey, isn't it great for fake students to challenge fake teachers?" Gates turned his head aside and said dissatisfied: "And what the PE teacher said..."

Gates said with a sinister smile on his face: "It should be allowed to engage in some competitive behaviors."

"As long as I get my hands on it, I can find out this guy's true level."

Gates glanced at Tokiwa Shogo, who looked confused but was shocked. His mood, which had improved a little, suddenly turned worse: "At that time, I will get rid of this guy and show you what he is doing." End!"

Tokiwa Shougo:…

Although the words did not refer to anyone, Tokiwa Shougo knew that the person Gates was talking about must be him.

"So, Mr. Gates, are you really sure you can win?" Shogo Tokiwa showed a polite smile: "I think..."

"I don't want you to feel it, I want me to feel it." Gates waved his hand to interrupt Tokiwa Shogo's follow-up. Full of confidence, he broke away Tsukuyomi and grabbed his hand, as if he had stood up again, a brave man blessed by BGM. generally.

Extraordinarily generous and ready to die.

"He's just an ancient person. If someone from the future like me just needs to be a little more serious, he won't be my opponent at all."

"I will reveal his true colors to you!"

Having said that, Gates walked quickly towards the way of heaven with his head high and his chest high. He could only see the figure of the hateful guy surrounded by many female students in the entire class. What was left to Tsukuyomi and Shogo was a scene worthy of a theater. A back like that.

At this time, Tiandao obviously didn't know that a future person was trying to challenge him. He used small tricks to perform magic to attract the attention of many female students. Amid the cheers and exclamations, Tiandao kept a smile and easily became the focus of many people.

Such a talent for attracting attention, except for the existence named [Tiandao], of course no one else can do it.


With one hand on his waist, his unceremonious voice suppressed many cheers and exclamations, and attracted the attention of everyone with his voice. Gates crossed his arms and stood there, but gave people a sense of arrogance as if he was standing on a high place and looking down on all living things.

"New physical education teacher, I really want to see what you can do." Amidst various questions such as "Who is this?" "Whose student?" "Is there this person in our class?", Gates began to introduce himself.

"My name is Gates. Maybe you don't remember this name now, but it doesn't matter, because soon this name will trample on your body and become a legend of this school."

Tiandao: ...

He raised his thumb and pointed at himself. Just from his standing posture, you can feel the arrogance of this guy.

Tiandao narrowed his eyes, and a feeling of discomfort that he was pretending to be a big shot suddenly surged into his heart, making Tiandao scan Gates's body with a scrutinizing gaze.

[Is this Gates? ]

On the surface, Tiandao did not speak, but in his heart, Tiandao had already started to communicate with Melina.


[Can I beat him up? ]

Tiandao was outspoken and expressed his opinion quite directly.

[I have never seen anyone more pretentious than me. I must beat him up. ]


With the permission of Melina, the guardian of the Book of Omniscience, Tiandao's originally stern face suddenly became lively.

He walked out of the crowd with a very bright smile and stood face to face with Gates.

"As a student, you should have at least some respect for your teacher." Using power to pressure others, or using your status to pressure others, is something that anyone who holds a high position will learn without a teacher.

Not to mention Tiandao, who is best at using chicken feathers as a token of authority.

"Tsk, if you want to respect your teacher, at least you have to see what kind of teacher he is, whether he is worthy of respect." Gates' mouth twisted, with a taste of a crooked-mouthed dragon king: "If you want my respect, then prove it to me."

"Then... classmate Gates." Tiandao smiled and said: "How do you want me to prove it to you, teacher?"

"Aren't you a physical education teacher? Then let's compete in what you are best at." Gates stretched out his finger and pointed at Tiandao: "No matter what kind of competitive sports, I will accompany you, whether it is a one-game match or a three-game two-win match, it's up to you."

"But there is only one winner!"

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