I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 774 The Lord is broken, I have become the hero of the author's previous book!

Chapter 774 Holy Lord: Damn, I have become the hero of the last book written by the author of this book!

Every world has its own level division. Although they all belong to the [Special Effects] world, even if it is special effects, they will be divided into different levels.

Different special effects have different strength divisions, and different universes have different level divisions. This is applicable to any world.

But when it comes to Fei Yuzhen, who can communicate with the characters in the script and portray himself, and create this [Special Effects] world, and even has this power for a short time, his own strength will definitely not be too low.

Strong is certain.

There may not be a general statement on the Knight side, and the division of combat power is not very detailed.

But in the neighboring Ultra Universe, Fei Yuzhen is equivalent to the mysterious four Ultramen, or the existence of the first generation Ultraman who shows the concept of [Glory of the First Generation].

As long as the mystery exists, then whether it is in the past, present or future, the existence of mystery will always exist.

One certificate is the most basic thing to reach this level.

In this case, the future is indestructible, the present is invincible, and the past cannot be changed...

No matter how you look at it, it makes people feel that it is an invincible existence.

As long as it becomes a mystery, it will never be destroyed.

No matter how you look at it, this kind of power is what everyone dreams of.

However. When the one-proof-eternal-proof is fixed, because the past belonging to this existence cannot be changed, some things become unsolvable.

Even mystery cannot solve such things.

Just as the world is opposite, as a mystery, there is also an existence corresponding to itself.

And Feiyuzhen naturally has one.

This opposing existence may not be strong enough, but it is absolutely enough in terms of status.

So the Holy Lord appeared for this reason.

Feiyuzhen's past is the content of the book "Kamen Rider Saber".

And the Holy Lord is naturally the Holy Lord of this book.

As a history that is fixed and unchanging, the birth and failure of the Holy Lord are just like in the story, and Feiyuzhen finally won.

But the Holy Lord is not an ordinary existence!

Although he is a character in a storybook, the Lord knows what kind of existence he is, and he also knows that he is the villain in "Kamen Rider Saber". He can even jump out of the book and talk to the real Touma.

He can certainly do such a thing as he controls the Book of Omniscience and Omnipotence.

So this gave birth to a very heaven-defying thing.

The story of "Kamen Rider Saber" begins → The Lord gets the Book of Omniscience and Omnipotence, knows everything → comes to reality from the book to question Touma → returns to the story and begins to struggle → goes crazy and is defeated → The story of "Kamen Rider Saber" ends → The story of "Kamen Rider Saber" begins.

A perfect closed loop locks the Lord in the past, and he keeps repeating in the state of living and dying, dying and living.

It happened that when he got the Book of Omniscience and Omnipotence, he would think of all this, but because of Touma's problem of eternal proof, there is no possibility of changing his predicament.

It is impossible for the Holy Lord to not get the Book of Omniscience and Omnipotence, just like the final episode of "Kamen Rider Saber", the boss of the last episode is definitely not the Holy Lord.

So the Holy Lord gave up resistance, and he turned to only one thing, which was to make him die completely.

Even if his consciousness was erased, as long as he died cleanly, he would be happier than anything else.

He was tired of this cycle of life and death.

However, Feiyuzhen had only a vague understanding of the thing he had, the Eternal Certificate, and had no idea what to do to change his anchored past.

Even if he wrote a book saying that the Holy Lord died cleanly, it would not work, and it could not be compared with his own history.

So Feiyuzhen was very afraid of the Holy Lord, because to some extent, it was because of his problems that the Holy Lord was experiencing a painful cycle with no end in sight.

And neither the Holy Lord nor he could change it.

Knowing that he was in the wrong, he faced the Lord's repeated questioning. Obviously, he also knew that the Lord had obtained the Book of Omniscience and Omnipotence this time, and remembered all the previous memories.

He touched his nose with a guilty conscience, and really couldn't answer.

"Isn't there a guy who is not in destiny?" The Lord sighed: "Can't he let him come to the story of "Kamen Rider Saber" and give me a quick death?"

"Well, I don't think he can shake my past now." Fei Yuzhen spread his hands: "Well, Lord, please wait for a moment, as long as that person pulls out the sword, what you are experiencing now should be cut off."

The Lord did not speak, but just looked at Fei Yuzhen deeply. The passionate emotions contained in his eyes made Fei Yuzhen turn his head away guiltily, not daring to say more.

"You said this to me for the 2.217 billionth time when you closed and opened the book "Kamen Rider Saber" again."

"How long do you want me to wait?!" The sudden outburst of emotion and the sudden fierce questioning made Fei Yuzhen shrink his neck and dare not say anything more.

"Actually, it's not just you who are waiting, we are waiting too." The True King took a step forward and continued: "Although waiting is a very painful thing, as long as you wait until the moment when all the hardships come to an end, it will be better than anything else. Sweet.”

"I heard Fei Yu really say this for the 66.88 millionth time." The Holy Master crossed his arms over his chest. His veins were exposed due to anger before, and now he has regained his composure.

"You two had better get out of my way and don't come to hinder me." The Holy Lord suppressed his anger: "I know that person is in the world of the King of Time now, let me pass, and then let him take my life."


As he spoke, the Holy Master raised the book of omniscience and omnipotence in his hand. He, who had always been elegant and easy-going, now vaguely revealed some dark and morbid appearance.

"How's it going?" Feiyu Zhengen asked, rubbing his neck. The absolute suppression of his strength gave him the confidence to say so.

"If you don't let me go, I will use the Book of Omniscience and Almighty to inform the entire Knight Universe." The Holy Master held up the Book of Omniscience and Omnipotence, just like Luo Ji raised his hand high in the morning and pointed a pistol at his head.

"Don't doubt the power of the all-knowing and all-powerful book, Fei Yuzhen, you know the known and unknown things recorded in it better than I do." The Holy Lord's eyes widened: "Even you and Luna fought several times, using I know exactly what the posture is and what the words are saying!”

"If you don't let me go, I will broadcast it to everyone in the entire Knight Universe!!"

Fei Yuzhen:? ? ?

"I'll kill you!" Fei Yuzhen roared angrily, drew out his holy sword and prepared to strike.

"Hmph! You can't kill me, Fei Yuzhen!" The Holy Lord was not afraid at all. Even if Fei Yu could kill him with one sword, he would not be afraid: "Even if you kill me here, I will just return. In "Kamen Rider - Holy Blade", when it is closed and opened again next time, I will be resurrected again!"

"And at that time, I will immediately broadcast everything about you to the entire world!"

"You can't kill me! Fei Yuzhen! This is your eternal certificate! It's the eternity you brought to me!!"


Holding the book of omniscience and omnipotence high, the Holy Lord entered the later state of the book "Kamen Rider - Holy Blade" in advance while laughing maniacally. He was already mentally abnormal. Although he looked like a madman, Feiyu was really I don't dare to kill him like this.

Of course he is also very aware of the power of the omniscient and omnipotent book.

It is precisely because it is clear that

At his wits' end, he immediately turned his attention to the True King, and the True King lived up to expectations. He cleared his throat and coughed a few times before preparing to speak.

"Do you want me to tell you what happened between you and Tsukuyomi? True King Tokiwa Shogo?!"

True King: "Eh?! Oh my god! Oh my god!!!"

The furious True King took out his sword and prepared to rush towards the Holy Lord, but this time it was Fei Yuzhen who grabbed his body, desperately preventing the True King from stepping forward and hacking the Holy Lord to death.


The Holy Lord snorted coldly and stood here without any defense, waiting for King Zhen and Fei Yuzhen to come over and hack him to death.

Come if you can!

After calming down, Zhenwang and Feiyuzhen looked at each other, and there was really nothing they could do about the Holy Lord.

"You" Fei Yuzhen opened his mouth.

"We." The true king stopped talking.

"Get out of the way!" He took out a big speaker from behind and put it in front of his mouth. The Holy Lord threatened: "You only have thirty seconds."

"I just want to die, but there's no way you two can do that!"


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