I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 791 Gates, when I get the royal power Gates, I will not let you go! Kadoya Shi!

Chapter 791 Gates: When I get the Kingship Gates, I won't let you go! Kadoya!

"Indeed, sometimes some unexpected functions can often have some unexpected effects in battle."

Zi-O rubbed his chin and said seriously: "For example, yours, I never thought that the Rider Armor could be used in this way, and those two big tires are not decorations."

"Humph, I have many more surprises for you!" Hearing the praise from the "Oma Zi-O" in front of him, Gates' expression was as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a lump of food: "Next, I will impose all of them on you one by one, and then give those..."

"I'm not interested in what you are carrying, you are not interested in what you are carrying. If you shout about friendship, bond, etc., and rush up to punch me to death, I have no objection. "Tian Dao interrupted Gates's subsequent words, and his voice changed with a smile: "But Gates, can you really have those things?"

"Student Sougo Tokiwa should have regarded you as a companion, right? What about you?" Tian Dao asked back: "How much do you feel about him and trust him?"

Gates: ...

This question cannot be answered, or Gates does not know how to answer. His goal is indeed to destroy the past Sougo Tokiwa, and he did so at the beginning.

But why...I have become like this now, and even believe in the words of that hateful demon king Gai?

If a dog can change to eat shit, the future demon king may naturally not become a demon king.

But is this possible?

"What a long-winded!" Switching the sharp axe in his hand into a crossbow, Gates raised it and aimed it at Tian Dao, and pulled the trigger directly.

"Because I was wrong. You are the one who will become the Demon King!"

The red light stream suddenly came and went towards Tiandao's face, but at the moment when it was about to hit him, it was intercepted by the hand that had been inserted horizontally, and it was grabbed and stopped there.

"Is that so." After crushing the arrow in his hand, Tiandao said, "Although I am indeed the king, I am not Oma Zi-O."

"Although I do have some relationship with Tokiwa Sougo, I am not Tokiwa Sougo after all." As soon as the words fell, Tiandao took out a new dial from his back under Gates's gaze.

Unlike other knight dials, this dial is dark gold and belongs to Zi-O himself.

At least the moment he took it out, Tokiwa Sougo suddenly felt a sense of familiarity, as if something that belonged to him and was extremely suitable for him appeared.

"At least at this moment, I am stronger than Sougo."

Buckle this black-based, gold-rimmed dial to the waist, and the time calculated on the space-time driver is accelerated in an instant, and in a flash, it transcends the boundaries of time and space, making the world become the inside and outside at this moment.


【Second Order】

After activating the second-order dial, Tiandao immediately sublimated the basic Zi-O and transformed it into the second-order Zi-O.

The breastplate and shoulder armor are fully unfolded, no longer as simple as the basic state. Two silver-white, watch-like decorations fall from the shoulders, covering part of the breastplate, passing through the belt, and directly falling to the knees, like two unique skirts.

The leg armor has an additional golden lightning, which spirals up from the back of the ankle to the knee.

The head has changed even more. If the original basic Zi-O posture is just a timepiece shape, then the second-order Zi-O is based on this original...

It has become two.

... Otherwise, why is it called the second order? The meaning of the second stage is of course to change from one to two!

The head that originally only had two time hands naturally became four after becoming the second stage.

Not only that, even the two arm armors that Zi-O originally equipped with dials changed from two on each side to four on each side.

"What is this?!" Tokiwa Sougo widened his eyes. You know, the space-time drive and Zi-O dial are all the power he lent to Tiandao. Logically, what he has is what the other party has.

But what is this? I don't have this posture at all, and I don't have this kind of power at all!

No, no, no, it's better to ask why this power appears in this teacher? Shouldn't this be my power?

"Zi-O..." Tsukuyomi swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said with difficulty: "Second stage?"

"You are indeed..." Looking at the posture that was sublimated on the basis of the original Zi-O, Gates exhaled and confirmed one thing: "The real encounter..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw endless sparks burst out from Gates' body, and a series of explosions instantly swept Gates' body.

In the sudden explosion and screams, Gates' body flew high up. He was overturned by the air wave and passed over the head of Zi-O II. He fell to the ground with a scream, and his body was covered with hot white smoke.

The Chiqi dial and the Gates dial fell to the side, rolling with Gates' rolling body.


Tsukuyomi hurriedly hugged someone who was constantly rolling, watching him open his mouth and close his eyes, his eyes rolling straight, and his face was anxious: "What's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly..."

"Because time is accelerating." Zi-O II turned around, and Tendō looked at Sougo who was blocking in front of him and protecting Tsukuyomi and Gates, and directly untied the time and space driver and canceled the transformation.

"If Zi-O-2 wants to speed up time, it's just a matter of raising his hand." He approached closely with the driver, and every time the voice got louder, Tsukuyomi's body trembled for a moment.

The closer he got, the more serious Sougo's expression became.

"Teacher, what is that?" Sougo asked in a deep voice: "My power is clearly..."

"It doesn't exist now, but it doesn't mean it won't exist in the future." Tiandao came to Sougo and handed the space-time driver and Zi-O dial to him again: "This is the power you will eventually get in the future."

Sougo: ...

"Time accelerates, time stops, time breaks..." Looking at Sougo's dazed look after taking his things, Tiandao passed by him and patted his shoulder.

"But there is one thing to remember, even if you can play with time at will, Zi-O-2 itself has no resistance to time."

"If someone's control over time is above the second level, you will be treated the same way."

After leaving his instructions to the future King of Time, Tiandao passed him and walked towards Gates.

Before leaving, he left a message.

"You lend me a chance to use your power. You, the demon king, have entrusted me with trust, so I will also give you the corresponding trust and power."

"You can use my dial once. This is the result of our mutual help."

"Your dial..." Sougo reached into his arms and took out the dial engraved with the year 2000: "Are you... the year 2000..."

Tiandao did not hear the subsequent words, or even if he heard them, he did not need to answer. He stood in front of Gates, who was lying in Tsukuyomi's arms. The shadow he cast from above made Tsukuyomi and Gates dare not move.

"Each era has its own rules. Put away your pride from the future." The obscure eyes revealed a touch of gold, but turned into emerald green in an instant.

The feeling of being able to see through the essence of life and completely above life made Tsukuyomi and Gates feel as if they were naked and had been seen naked by others.

"You really do know our origins." Gates struggled to speak: "What on earth are you..."

"The pride of a future traveler who returns to the past is the arrogance of knowing everything, and naturally feels superior to everything."

"But your future is already broken, and you who came here with the intention of changing the past and reversing the future are indecisive and ultimately achieve nothing."

Tian Dao snorted coldly.

"Is the meaning of coming back just to entertain me?"

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