I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 794 Octopus didn’t expect that I would appear in more than 700 chapters. It really touched t

Chapter 794 Octopus: I didn't expect that I would appear in more than 700 chapters. I was really moved (tears)


The flashing thunder exploded between the sky, and the rain pouring down from the dark night penetrated the surrounding ground.

On the cement paved ground, a puddle accumulated, and the continuous rain curtain leaked down from the edge of the eaves.


The sound of footsteps on the ground, the splashing water stains flew in the rain curtain, and it was impossible to tell where they came from.

But in this heavy rain, the collision sound that was still difficult to hide clearly fell into the ears of the three people who came to this era and stood in the heavy rain.

Someone is fighting in this heavy rain.


The collision caused by some heavy object falling to the ground caused more water stains to fly up from the ground.

Ripples splashed, and in a trance, the flash of thunder in the sky was reflected.

The boundary between heaven and earth was blurred at this moment, as if the two were to be reunited in this continuous heavy rain.

"This is the year 2000, the era of Kamen Rider-Kuuga." Holding an umbrella above his head, Tsukuyomi felt the mixed sound effects around him and frowned: "This heavy rain has weakened my perception to the extreme. I can't find the source of the collision sound."

"Just look for it, it shouldn't be too far." Gates said: "The place where we landed is generally not far away from the Kamen Rider of this era. As long as we look for it a little, we will definitely find it."

"But what we want to find is not Kuuga." Sougo looked at the dial on his hand: "I'm looking for him!"

"Tsk, I know." Gates replied unhappily, and then continued: "Anyway, it's okay to go over and take a look now."

"I hope this rain won't wash everything away." Reaching out his hand to catch a stream of rain, Tsukuyomi looked disappointed.

In the timeline where she was, heavy rain often meant something bad. Every heavy rain was accompanied by another failure of the resistance army, which meant that many people familiar with her would die.

In Tsukuyomi's perception, that was the origin of sadness.

Holding three umbrellas, the three of them walked in the heavy rain, looking for the location where the collision sound came from.

In the drizzling rain, the figures of the three people were inevitably covered by the rain curtain, and ordinary people could not detect them.

"If I remember correctly, the monster that raged in 2000 was called Gurongi, right?" Sougo had made up for the stories of this era in the Space-Time Magic Machine. Although it was a last-minute cram, it was better to cram than not.

While he still remembered it, Sougo asked quickly.

"Yes, this is a group of sealed monsters that have been passed down from the ancient times. They were once human beings, but they mutated because of the meteorites that fell from the sky, which led to their own evolution." Tsukuyomi nodded and agreed with Sougo's statement.

"Now it seems that the evolution of Gurongi is actually a mistake."


Before the subsequent words were finished, the iron piece that tore the curtain that fell from the sky in the rain came straight to Tsukuyomi's face. At the moment when it was about to approach, it was washed to the ground by the rain because of the exhaustion of power, and was soon submerged by the rain.

The three stopped moving forward and looked at this broken thing that could be recognized as a street lamp fragment at a glance, and they all fell into silence.

But in an instant of tacit understanding, they all accelerated their pace and rushed forward.

They had a hunch that the person they were looking for was in front of them.


In an instant, an extremely strong shock wave spread out to the surroundings, and in almost the blink of an eye, the rain curtain connecting the sky and the earth was completely torn apart, creating a rainless world around.

Even the heavy rain that was pouring down from the sky had to stagnate at this moment, as if it was also stopping for this.

All the water stains were blown away, and under the short clear sky, what fell into the eyes of the three people was a figure sitting on the bloody monster and constantly punching, hitting someone who was suppressed under him.

The power of the last punch created a clear sky world in the continuous heavy rain.




Even with the flushing of rain, it was difficult to wash away the blood rolling under the two people.

The extreme brutality, the most primitive bloody fighting scene in cruelty, brought a strong shock to the three people.

This is not the fighting method of Kamen Rider. No matter who among the three people, they can accurately distinguish this fact.

Apart from the bloody battle, there stood a group of humanoid creatures with uneven life breath, which should be the Gurongi in the records.

Not far away, the human lying in the rain appeared in this place, which really gave people a feeling that they were in the wrong place.

"This is it" Sougo quickly recovered from the impact of this scene, looking at the dial in his palm, and was a little surprised for a while: "Teacher's past history?"

"Is that guy really a warrior active in 2000?" Tsukuyomi was also quite surprised: "But why? Why has there never been a record of this guy? Why didn't Oma Zi-O get his power?"

"Is the existence forgotten by history also the existence that escaped the hand of Oma Zi-O?" Gates looked at the man with his eyes fixed: "But why didn't you transform? Why did you fight with Gulang in this posture?"

Before he finished speaking, Gates saw the man stand up from the bloody corpse under him, raised his hand and held a big sword in his hand.

A red glow suddenly appeared, and the pouring rain covered the world again, and also hit the sword with dense sounds, symbolizing that the sword was not an illusory thing.

Gates opened his mouth, but he didn't have time to say the subsequent words, or he didn't know how to describe it.

"Hey! Did you see it! Just now, the teacher did it!!" Sougo made the same move, raised his hand and said excitedly: "Just summoned a sword!"

"Is that guy really a human?" Tsukuyomi was amazed. Although he used some abilities to hide the figures of the three people, anyone who saw this scene would be amazed.

But at this moment of amazement, Tsukuyomi's concealment ability was slightly loosened. Tiandao, who was about to swing down with the sword, stopped his hand suddenly, and slowly raised his head.

At that moment, those eyes, even through the endless rain curtain, fell clearly into the eyes of the three people, as if they appeared directly in the sea of ​​consciousness of the three people.

Cold, ruthless, looking down on everything in the world from a high position.

Angry, resolute, personally taking the place of the heaven to judge the crime and settle the grudge.

The moment these eyes, like gods and demons, fell into the eyes of the three people, they unconsciously took a step back, causing themselves to be wrapped in the rain curtain.

Stimulated by the cold rain, the three people quickly came to their senses, left here without saying a word, and rushed towards the Space-Time Demon Machine.

Tiandao just glanced over there, and then swung the Fire Punishment Heaven Sword again, cutting off the head of the octopus under him.

This cruel method made Rose and others, who were watching from the sidelines, tremble in their hearts.

"That's simply..."

The three of them entered the Spacetime Magic Machine all at once, and even the sound of the door closing could not calm them down at all.

"I don't know what Oma Zi-O's past was like, but I think it was just like this." Gates covered his chest, and his violently beating heart seemed to jump out of his chest, making it difficult for him to control it.

"Did you notice that his appearance didn't change at all from 2000 to 2018?" Tsukuyomi whispered. She was the least intimidated by the look just now among the three.

"Sure enough, the teacher was once a Kamen Rider." Sougo panted a few times and looked at the dial in his hand: "And this is the teacher's power!"

"Are you sure? That guy didn't transform just now." Gates said, loosening his collar and taking a few deep breaths: "As expected of a demon king, even if he doesn't transform, his use of power is at the pinnacle."

"Gates, do you still want to stick to your opinion?" Sougo turned around and handed the dial to Gates with a smile on his face.

"You should understand that the teacher is not Oma Zi-O at all. He and Kamen Rider-Kuuga are warriors of the same era."

".Huh, this makes you one step closer to the demon king." Gates glared at Sougo.

"Are you happy?"

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