I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 805 Zi-Ou Abelut, just wait, I will transform into Omo, and I will tear the hood off your he

Chapter 805 Zi-Ou: Wait, Aberrut, wait for me to transform into a demon, and I will grab the hood from you!

Although the battle between Aberrut and Aura seems to be evenly matched on the surface, in fact, this is only maintained under Aberrut's wanton indulgence.

And just to maintain this situation, Aura has already done his best.

Wanting to do more, or to go further, that is simply impossible.

"Is the danger level equivalent to 5.0?"

During the battle, he also felt Aura's strength in detail. Although the unscientific magic power made Aberrut feel uncomfortable at first, in the battle, Aura's shortcomings in hard power gradually wiped out the advantage gained by chance.

Although Aberrut could not understand the power of magic, he could get used to it.

Excluding the magic power that he was not used to, the strength shown by Aura itself was equivalent to the danger level 5.0, or even a little worse.

If it was him before, he might feel uncomfortable with Aura at this level.

But unfortunately, the current Abelut is equivalent to Abelut who is only one step away from transforming into a snake-skinned monster. His strength is the late stage of the late stage in the Creation Rider TV, almost the strength of the last two or three episodes.

Danger level 5.0?

That's not good enough.

In the magic circle, he materialized the flames, and summoned the power of the rocks in the magic circle, combining the two into a rain of fire that fell like a meteor, and hit Abelut all over the sky.

After the fierce battle, Abelut has already had a preliminary understanding of the power of magic. He just opened one hand in front of him, and a deep and dark black hole appeared at his fingertips, swallowing all the incoming attacks, leaving no trace.

"It's a pity. If this power can be used as my evolution, it would be really good." Abelut shrugged. He has delayed long enough to fight to this point.

If no one finds out and intervenes immediately, he really can't pretend anymore.

In order to avoid killing Aura in a few blows, Albert carefully controlled his strength, but now, he was about to lose it.

So even if he broke Aura's offensive, Albert just stood there and said dirty words, and had no intention of taking advantage of the situation to punch her.

Talking dirty words in a battle is also a science.

"But I can feel that the Creation Rider actually exists in this world." Albert crossed his arms, rubbed his chin with one hand, and said with interest: "But I always feel that the existence of Creation Rider is somewhat specious."


Before the subsequent words were finished, a flying knife flew over at a very fast speed and stabbed towards Albert's chest.

But this kind of painless attack, Albert stood there without moving, completely ignoring it.

Gates fell from the sky, followed by Tsukuyomi and Sougo who drove the Space-Time Magic Machine.

The three finally arrived at the battlefield at this time and became reinforcements to help Aura.

"Alien Knight?!" Gates looked at the alien wizard standing in the front and was shocked: "The guy who asked us to come over to help was actually an alien knight?!"

"Compared to the alien knight, the guy over there is more important!" Tsukuyomi's voice sounded from the Space-Time Magic Machine: "Gates, be careful! That's not an ordinary opponent!"

"That's... that's..." Tsukuyomi swallowed her saliva unconsciously. She, who was driving the Space-Time Magic Machine, could of course see clearly who was standing over there.

Even the scanning system of the Space-Time Magic Machine has automatically provided information and files that match the internal information based on its own scanning.


"Oh my, I didn't expect that someone in this world actually knew me?" Alberut's special voice, which was covered by armor, sounded. Although it seemed distressed, it was actually mostly teasing: "I am really relieved."

Jumping down from the Space-Time Magic Machine, the transformed Zi-O stood in front of Alberut, posing a guarded posture.

Looking at the completely unfamiliar knight in front of him, Alberut didn't care about his existence.

But he was particularly concerned about the thing equipped on this guy's wrist.

"So-Ki." Alberut stared at Zi-O's existence: "So that's it, the power of So-Ki was obtained by you."

"What are you going to do?!" Brushing the mark of the So-Ki dial on his arm, Zi-O didn't have a clear understanding of Alberut's strength, but he could feel that something had just awakened.

It was as if there was a snake waiting for an opportunity, staring at him from the moment he appeared, hiding in the shadows, staring at him with cold and vicious eyes.

"Nothing." Albert spread his hands and said casually: "Just holding this thing for you..."

As soon as the words fell, Albert suddenly appeared in front of Zi-O, so fast that no one could react.

The venomous snake hidden in the shadows had been ready for a long time, and the speed at which it exploded at the moment of deciding to launch an attack was unmatched by anyone.

"I'm just unhappy!"

After just five words, Albert had already punched Zi-O's chest armor. At the moment when Zi-O had no time to react, a huge black hole instantly opened up, swallowing Zi-O and even the space around Zi-O, turning it into the deepest darkness.

The collapsed space formed an abyss from which even light could not escape, and the twisted darkness would dismember even time into fragments.

Zi-O was suddenly attacked and completely lost control of his body in the black hole. The pain of tearing his body and tearing himself into countless pieces instantly invaded Zi-O's whole body, causing him to scream in pain.

[Evoltic Finish! ]

The sound effect sounded just after hitting the enemy, and the fully expanded black hole completely swallowed up Zi-O, swallowing him in the blink of an eye, causing Zi-O to sink into the black hole and disappear into a faint point.

Only a dial that was spit out from the black hole at the moment it was closed was left flying in the air, and was grabbed by Abelud as it fell.


The moment the Foundry dial was caught, the black hole that had shrunk to a point expanded again and was completely detonated. All the matter and energy absorbed by the black hole exploded at this moment and were all imposed on Zi-O who was deeply trapped in it.


A strong explosion occurred in the air. At the moment of the explosion, the distorted space-time connected to the future, allowing Tokiwa Sougo, who was in great pain, to vaguely see a dark golden figure.

The cracked space allowed the broken cracks to continue to spread around. The King of Time, who was blown away, lifted his transformation while still in mid-air, fell to the ground in human form and rolled several times, covered with mud, and finally fell at Gates' feet.

"Sougo!" Tsukuyomi hurriedly picked up Sougo, and Gates was not arrogant at this time. He immediately stood up in front of the two of them and blocked the way that Albert had to pass.

"Albert!" Gates took out the dial, his face was unusually solemn: "I'll..."

"This thing should be returned to its original owner." Looking at the Foundry dial in his hand, Albert smiled with satisfaction.

"Return the property to its original owner?" Gates frowned: "You mean..."

"Kamen Rider Found, or Kiryu Sento, is an existence created by me." Aberroot put away the Found dial, and the joy in his tone showed that he was in a good mood now.

"No one can erase the existence of Kiryu Sento without my permission."

"Even you, Zi-O."

After removing the transformation, Aberroot returned to his normal appearance, with one hand in his pocket, he still kept smiling.

"Also." Aberroot glanced at Gates: "It's time to return Croze's dial to me."

"That's not something you can get involved in."

Even if I am hostile to Kiryu Sento and Manjo Ryu, I can't avoid the fact that both of them are existences created by him.

Taking away everything from Kiryu Sento is no different from denying his existence.

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