I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 82 Wolf King: So Daguba, please watch me, my transformation (Dagaba:?)

Chapter 82 Wolf King: So Daguba, please watch, my transformation! (Daguba:?)

"In short, you should hide for the time being and avoid the limelight."

Ichiu dare not let Tiandao go out now. With the character of the people of Shenshan family, if the media microphone is poked in front of them, it is uncertain what they can say.

But in short, it must be a big job against the sky.

"I don't like others interviewing me either." Tiandao curled his lips: "And what kind of reporters are those in Liben, I know much more than you."

There is only one place in the world where reporters have noses like dogs, body movements like monkeys, and minds like concubines in the harem. They can do things like calling a deer a horse. Only Liben reporters.

Don't underestimate these guys. If there is any profession in the world that is most like a vulture, it is the so-called media reporter.

And Liben's media reporter is a vulture among vultures, and can be called the king of vultures.

"How is Godai now?" Tiandao continued: "And Zero, I don't think I have seen Zero for a long time."

"Godai went to fulfill a promise today, he said it was very important." Ichijo nodded: "So the matter of unconfirmed life forms can only be handed over to us for the time being."

"Do you need help?" Tiandao immediately said: "Those guys will not have any rest. If Godai is not here, they will definitely get worse."

"This is indeed a problem." Ichijo nodded: "By the way, there is something I want to tell you in advance."

"The squid head you cut off was forwarded to the Metropolitan Police Department by Kiko's parents, saying that they hope to find more characteristics of unconfirmed life forms from the squid head, and then find a way to kill them." Ichijo sat in front of the bed and continued: "I handed the squid head to the scientific researcher of the Identification Department-Enoda Hikaru."

"Ms. Enoki?" This person is also a member of the Identification Department, but unlike Tsubaki Hideichi who is in the Forensic Anatomy Department, Miss Enoki is in scientific research.

Generally speaking, it is in the back-end process of Tsubaki Hideichi.

For example, if there is something special found in the autopsy, Tsubaki Hideichi will give it to Miss Enoki for identification.

"Yes, the unconfirmed life forms killed by Five Generations before can only leave a little bit of debris, so we have to use it sparingly for research." Ichijo spread his hands: "After the squid's head was sent over, Enoki was very happy."

"It's important to be able to let go of your hands and feet, right?" Tiandao immediately followed up with a complaint: "I'm afraid the squid's head must be very creative."

"After all, we have to find their weaknesses." Ichijo continued: "By the way, those we saw that night, were they all Gurongi?"

"Yes, all of them." Tiandao nodded: "And the strongest one is the rose girl, and then there is another woman, the one I met in the tunnel last time."

"It's a pity that they all maintain their human form and we can't recognize them." Ichijo was quite regretful. As long as he could see their transformed postures, he could target their true bodies.

Apart from anything else, if it was a mantis or something, he would definitely find a way to find a wireworm to treat the mantis.

Think about it carefully, if there really is a Gurongi similar to the iron wire worm living on the body of the mantis...


"Zero has been running around with Grandpa Shenshan recently, and he doesn't have much time." Ichijo continued: "I don't know what they are busy with."

"Tsk... I hope that when I go back to see Grandpa next time, Zero can still maintain his purity." As he said, Tiandao made a cross on his chest and clasped his hands together.


Ichijo's eyes twitched.

If God and Buddha knew you did this, they would suppress you, a pagan, as soon as possible!



This is the conclusion that the Wolf King came to when facing Agito, after the two sides fought for nearly half an hour.

The Wolf King had fought against both Yanlong and Kuuga, and defeated both of them, showing his strength.

But...that was Yanlong who had no fighting spirit and was still confused, and Kuuga who had not fully mastered the basic four forms, so naturally he lacked strength.

But the "Kuuga" in front of him is different.

He is stronger than Kuuga and Yanlong, but not as powerful as Daguba. In general, he is in the middle level like the Wolf King.

(Agito's normal setting is equivalent to Kuuga's sublimation posture, and the Wolf King is also equivalent to this level of sublimation in Decade. Of course, one takes the lowest value and the other takes the highest value, so there must be a gap.)

The Wolf King has the upper hand, but he can't turn the advantage into a winning advantage, so he can only stalemate.

"Can you listen to me now? The former king of Gurongi, the Wolf King." Standing on a protruding stone pillar, Agito... that is, Shiratori looked down at the Wolf King: "I said, I am not your enemy, but an existence that can help you go further."

"Oh? Don't you think it's ridiculous for Kuuga to say this?" The Wolf King did not retract his claws, but he did not use them to chase.

"Although I look like Kuuga, actually, I'm not Kuuga at all." After canceling the transformation and removing Agito's posture, Shiratori returned to her original appearance. Her pretty face was pale with a sickly look, and her eyes were burning with the fire of revenge.

"Agito, the derivative of the power of creation, the master of the power of light!" Showing the dial of the Agito in his hand to the Wolf King, the White Bird said: "This power comes from the God of Creation of your world."

"The light was born from the darkness, and the darkness gave birth to this world, created humans, and all things in the world." The White Bird opened his hands: "It is a power beyond your imagination of Gurongi."

"As long as you get this power, Daguba will no longer be your opponent!"

Wolf King:...

It is undeniable that the Wolf King was indeed tempted for a moment, especially when the White Bird said that he could surpass Daguba.

You know, it is hiding now, and even recruiting Vulture has to use that method. In the final analysis, it is because it can't beat Daguba, so it ends up like this.

It always remembers what the Vulture said at that time.

If its power exceeds Daguba, if it is stronger than Daguba, how could it be so difficult?

"I have never heard of the power of creation you are talking about." Although the wolf king said this, this time, its claws were really retracted: "How do you prove that what you said is true?"

"It's very simple." The white bird snapped his fingers. In the wolf king's somewhat surprised eyes, the white bird threw the Agito dial in his hand, drew an arc in the air, and was caught by the wolf king.

"Why don't you feel it yourself?" The white bird crossed his arms: "Then, you will see the existence that can really tell you the truth of this world."

Wolf king:?

"You mean..."

"The messenger of God who created this world and everything in the world." The white bird took a few steps and jumped down from the stone pillar: "They will tell you how powerful this power is."


The white bird spread his palms and smiled confidently: "The real appearance of this world."

The wolf king was silent, without saying much, but staring at the Agito dial in his hand, without speaking.

This thing, just such a small thing, can have such a powerful power? It can... make it have the power to compete with Daguba?

If such a small thing can do such a thing, then the so-called Kikiru game...isn't it a joke?

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" The wolf king spoke again: "Now, the power you rely on is in my hands, you..."

The white bird did not speak, but kept a smiling attitude and looked at the wolf king.

This calmness made the wolf king finally not continue to say these probing words.

...Think about it, since she handed over this power so easily, she must have hidden a more powerful trump card.

The wolf king's temptation seemed ridiculous.

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