I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 820 Pay attention! No one in this world has ever seen the back-up plan that I, Kadoya Shi, h

"Is this... where the alien knights appear?"

Looking at the people coming and going around, the endless stream of guests discussing the topic of magical magic in laughter, and entering with a look of joy, Tiandao just felt strange.

"What kind of great magician do you think would perform in such a small place?"

Tiandao stood there with his hands folded across his chest and his legs apart, like a door god, making everyone who approached him unconsciously step back a few steps and stay away from him, not daring to have too much dissolution with this guy.

Standing on his left and right sides were Haidong Dashu, who was posing in the same shape, and Melina, who stood like a pine tree.

...Anyway, the combination of these three people is really a bit strange.

The only one who still retains consciousness in the real Zi-O trio is Tsukuyomi, and she has become the person who takes care of a wounded, a sleeping guy.

So the candidates who go out to deal with the alien knights are of course the alternative trio.

To be honest, this is no different from the real trio. The male protagonist who can transform into Kamen Rider Zi-O, the second rider who can travel through the world (referring to Kaidong Dashu), and the knowledgeable space-time girl (referring to Melina).

Looking around, they are exactly the same!

"Maybe it's because good wine needs no bush, and great people hide in the city?" Haidong nodded seriously: "Real masters are often active among the people."

"Are you crazy?" Tiandao glared at Haidong Dashu, and stretched out his hand to Melina without saying a word.

Melina also understood very well and directly offered three tickets.

"Tsk, although your mouth is a bit stinky, this is what I am most satisfied with, and it is also the place where you are more like a person than that guy." Haidong Dashu clapped his hands and said approvingly: "If it were that guy, even if he tried his best to get in, he would never buy a ticket honestly."

"You compare me with him, you think too highly of him." Tiandao knew who Haidong was talking about, and that was naturally the real Kadoya Shi.

Judging from the current situation, the self in "Heisei Knight Chronicle" also has a constant entanglement with Kadoya Shi.

That's enough.

"This same ignorance is the most annoying thing about you two." Haidong sighed.

"Go in quickly." Melina said: "The show is about to start."

This small magic hall is full of signs of expansion, but even so, the number of audiences that can be accommodated at one time is not much.

In addition, the surrounding seats are full, which makes this kind of bustle seem more crowded.

The ticket Melina bought is an excellent position, that is, in the front audience seat.

Although sitting here may not have the best experience, they didn't come here to watch magic, but to find the alien knight.

"According to Aura, the dial of the alien witch knight was given to a magician." Since Aura is already a subordinate of Tiandao, Melina knows every move of this woman and can perfectly remotely control this woman to meticulously carry out the original plot.

"Magician? Using magic to disguise as magic, Aura is quite ambitious." Haidong pulled the corner of his mouth: "Did she say why the witch knight chose to become an alien knight this time?"

"Because of this theater." A man and a woman sitting next to Melina in the noisy audience were even hugging each other, but Melina still looked normal, without any change.

"Before getting the power of the alien witch knight, this theater was on the verge of bankruptcy. The poor magic and poor management made this theater reach the last moment."

"Just when the owner of the theater, the young lady, was about to close the theater, the cameraman in charge of the camera, Hayase. Because he couldn't accept this, he was chosen by Aura in a breakdown and became an alien witch knight."

"After getting this power, Hayase showed the existence of magic, and the advertisements he made were unprecedented advanced magic."

"With Hayase's performance, this theater successfully survived and has developed to the present."

If these secrets were replaced by others, they would take a long time to explore before they could know. But in Melina's hands, you only need to flip through the book to know everything.

But as Melina spoke, Tiandao and Haidong looked at each other more than once, and both felt each other's speechlessness in each other's eyes.

"Then this Hayase should like this young lady very much." Haidong spoke immediately.

"Use the magic power of Wuqi as magic, and then the scale of this theater has not changed, and Hayase's popularity has not changed." Tiandao also spoke at any time: "If you say that all the faults are Hayase's, I will definitely not accept it."

As soon as the words fell, Tiandao took over Haidong's words, and Haidong also took over Tiandao's words.

"If he doesn't like the young lady, does he like magic?" Tiandao asked back.

"Poor management is also a common thing, but this young lady's operation method is indeed low-level." Haidong answered Tiandao's question, and the two seemed to sing a double act, doing all the black and red faces.

Fortunately, Melina is the kind of person who can't hold back a word for three minutes. Facing the two guys singing in unison, she didn't feel anything at all.

"So what should we do now? Just rush up and kill him?" Haidong asked this question to Melina.

Compared to the way of heaven, he trusted Melina's judgment more.

"The danger of the alien witch knight is relatively low. If possible, try to deal with it with gentle means." Just as Melina was speaking, Hayase, dressed in a gorgeous outfit, had already appeared in the spotlight...or should I say, in the spotlight of a hundred people.

As soon as he appeared, he immediately showed his skill of conjuring a fireball out of thin air, and then in front of a steel masked man, a famous thief, and the guardian of the Book of Omniscience, he performed the operation of turning the fireball into countless rose petals that drifted away.

For the audience who don't understand magic, this is a magical move.

But because of the cover of the name of magic, no one would think it is magic.

But for Tiandao and the other three, if this move is a magic, it is indeed a magical move.

But if it is magic, then it is just like that, it is nothing.

"I feel the fluctuations from the magic power." Haidong took out a card from his arms. It was the card of Kamen Rider Beast Rider, which appeared in Kamen Rider: Witch Rider and also used magic power. It was one of the powers that Haidong had collected.

Using this card, he could feel the same type of magic power boiling in this small hall.

"No wonder you didn't panic at all after the Final Rider Lance was confiscated. It seems that you really have a backup." Seeing Haidong showing the Beast Rider card and shaking it around, Tiandao immediately understood what this guy was so confident about.

"When you go out, people always need more trump cards to do what they like boldly." Haidong covered his mouth with the card to make the smile on his face not so bright.

"Tsk, in this regard, Shi can never be better than you." Tiandao curled his lips: "When that guy encounters something and gets beaten to a pulp, he doesn't know what to do like a dead man."

"He doesn't even know how to make a backup plan."

Melina, who was standing by, squinted her eyes for a while, and finally chose to keep silent.

Have you never seen Shi Kadoya leave a way out for himself? Then you will see it this time.

Hey! After he gave his power to Swartz, he also kept half of his power to protect himself, deposited it with Tokiwa Sougo, and took it back when needed.

Then you will ask, what about the other half of the power taken away by Swartz? Aren't you going to take it back?

Don't ask, the answer is to give it to Zi-O.

That half of the power is like the Decade dial for Zi-O.

If Zi-O wants it, he has to take it himself.

He knows the rules.

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