I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 825 Gates I am going to defeat the devil. How can I let this kind of female devil go?

Chapter 825 Gates: I'm going to defeat the Demon King. How could I let this kind of female demon go?

The moment the game started, the door in front of him suddenly opened, and what came into view was a brilliant new world. It seemed that it was alive because of his own choice. The whole world moved and became extremely brilliant.

Tiandao's eyes appeared with the appearance of the transformation he could choose. He had the same face shape and hairstyle as Kamen Rider Exide, but the color scheme on his body was a combination of pale blue and white.

A scarf was tied around his neck, fluttering in the wind like a cloak.

The wind element symbols on his arms were shining, flashing with abundant energy.

The faint breeze appeared beside him, disturbing the flowers, plants and trees around him, and they also became active and swayed continuously.

"So, this is how you get the power of the wind god?" Tiandao felt very puzzled when he saw his transformation, which was in line with the Exide series and the transformation of this world.

"In this game world, it's not called Kamen Rider, but God's Favored One." Melina floated in the air and circled around Tiandao before answering, "The game cartridge and driver are proof of this identity."

"Huh?" Tiandao replied exaggeratedly, "From this point of view, there are at least seven color-changing series of Exide?"

"Wind, earth, thunder, wood, water, fire, and ice. These are the seven elemental powers of this game world." Melina said.

"My goodness, I am Exide of the wind series. In the future, I will meet Exide of the thunder series, or Exide of the water series..." Tiandao held his forehead: "It's just like the Kamen Rider War has started again."

"If I can't pass this world here, then 2017... no, even the future that is further away will also become this game world, and everything will be replaced by this game."


Reality will be replaced by this two-word game?

I don't want that kind of thing!

When Tiandao thought that the real world would become a game world in the future, he had an indescribable creepy feeling, as if something terrible would happen if he did that.

"What are you waiting for?! Let's go! We have to save this era, this world!" Tiandao canceled the transformation, slid from under the statue, and reached the flat ground along the ramp.

From here, you can vaguely see the silhouette of a city located in an open space not far away, surrounded by rivers, with a clear view.

The blue flag fluttered on the spire. The city was full of European castle architecture. Just by looking at it, you could feel its strong romantic and free atmosphere.

"The land of freedom, and also the city where the wind god of this land belongs." Melina flew to Tiandao's side and looked at the city in the distance with her.

That was the place they were going to next.


Looking at the admiring eyes of a group of humanoid creatures kneeling in front of him and bowing to him, Tokiwa Sougo was confused and didn't understand what was going on.

Look at these things in front of him, they all look very unique.

There are small creatures that wrap themselves in a hood, some blue and some red.

There are also tall minotaur warriors with a bunch of horns on their heads, wearing bone masks to cover their faces, or carrying axes and shields.

And a short creature with a mask covering his face, but with developed muscles like a goblin...

Of course, the one who confused Sougo the most was the masked man next to him, who was all black, shrouded in mist, but dressed noble, like a wizard.

And the mysterious person next to him, who had the aura of multiple powers, was tall, but from the figure of the big thunder, it could be seen that she was a woman.

But if you say that the gods are not too mysterious, after all, the masked man destroyed his mysterious style as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Where are we? I am..."

The familiar voice of Gates sounded, carrying his confusion and helplessness about the current situation.

Obviously, he didn't know what happened yet, and was still in the process of receiving the news.

"Level 72..." The voice of the other masked woman came from under the mask: "The Great Mage of the Abyss who controls the three elemental powers of water, thunder and fire?"

As he spoke, Tsukuyomi took out a game cartridge containing three powers from his waist while Tokiwa Sougo was confused.

Although the cartridge was unfamiliar, it was exactly the same as the one used by Exide.

As the person who recovered the dial of Exide, Sougo had seen Hosou Eimu transform using the game cartridge with his own eyes, and he would never make a mistake.

After knowing that the two people beside him were his companions, Sougo had the mind to lower his head and take a look at himself.

Wearing a white dress on her body, she showed her temperament very well. Looking down, she could not see the height of her toes at all, which was enough to show how strong her capital was.

The golden hair brought a touch of fragrance, which always surrounded her breath and never dissipated for a long time.

The long sword soaked in the power of darkness was placed aside, waiting for her to use at any time.

Feeling the words [Level: 90] clearly marked above his head, Sougo couldn't help but clench his fists, satisfied...

Wait! Is there something wrong?

Thinking this way, Sougo crossed his arms and began to think subconsciously, but he suddenly realized that he had to hold something up when he crossed his arms.

Realizing this, he immediately felt it was ridiculous.

"Wait a minute!"

Standing up from the throne, Sougo's voice suddenly sounded out because of shock: "Wait a minute! Is there something wrong with this!"

"Why am I a woman!"

As soon as these words came out, they instantly attracted the attention of Gates and Tsukuyomi, especially Tsukuyomi. The moment she saw the girl with short golden hair, she couldn't help but smile.

"Sougo is set as a girl in this game."

"Stop gloating over my misfortune! Why do I have to be a woman!" Sougo collapsed and yelled: "I'm obviously a man! I'm a man!"

"Well, it doesn't matter." As he said that, Tsukuyomi forcibly resisted the urge to hug Sougo now, and looked at this cute blonde girl, unconsciously revealing a perverted smile.

"It's the setting of the game world anyway, you won't change anything, and you won't do that." Tsukuyomi blinked: "It's like playing a game, a male player wants to create a female character, this kind of thing is also normal."


Although I really want to find a reason to refute, I don't know why, but Sougo doesn't know how to start.

"But I didn't know it before." Sougo whined weakly, but with his current appearance, it gave people a sense of coquettish beauty.

"My setting in the game is a servant guarding you, an abyss servant." Tsukuyomi naturally accepted her setting. After all, her setting is no different from her position in the team.

The difference is that she has combat power in this game.

"Gates, Gates?" Sougo turned his head and asked Gates, but he didn't get an answer in a series of questions.

Doubtful Sougo turned his head and saw that Gates's appearance in the game remained frozen in place, his eyes were dull, and his eyes were staring at him without blinking.


"Are you okay, Gates?" Sougo moved in front of Gates and waved his hand, asking curiously.

"Don't come near me!" But to Sougo's surprise, Gates' reaction was extremely intense, and he pushed him away.

"Don't come near me! You!"

The face hidden under the mask quickly heated up and became hot and red. Gates spoke harshly, not realizing how trembling his voice was.


Gates gasped.

"I will never be deceived by you!"



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