I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 827 Don’t ask, just say Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, but I’m in pain (There’s one more update)

"What the hell is this?"

Under the guidance of the little Melina, Tiandao successfully found the location of the earth vein, opened it here, and released the monsters hidden underground.

As for why this earth vein is in the form of a flower, Tiandao doesn't know.

As for why this earth vein grows on the mountain, Tiandao doesn't know either.

He only knows that after he opened the earth vein, he immediately gave the sky a middle finger.

What the hell, what is the game god? You have to be at level 10 to open the earth vein, do you think I care about him?

What do you think about me opening the earth vein at this level?

The rules he made are shit!

"The source of collapse." Melina floated beside Tiandao: "It's just a form that conforms to the setting of this game."

"Are you going to solve it?" Melina asked Tiandao: "If you open the earth vein, as long as you calm the restlessness of the earth vein, the experience is enough to upgrade two levels."

"Why only two levels?" Tiandao was still a little dissatisfied: "This is really annoying."

It can be seen that Tiandao was very disappointed that he couldn't upgrade five levels at once.


Wearing the driver on the waist, the moment the cassette was inserted, endless wind fell from the sky, turning into a green edge around Tiandao, and sinking into Tiandao's body little by little.

The external armor fits one by one, allowing Tiandao to transform in an instant and become a Kamen Rider who uses the power of the wind element.

"Wild wind, I'm back!" Shouting inexplicable words, Tiandao learned by himself and manipulated the wind element to lift his body, allowing him to fly in the air from the ground.

Aiming at the center of the group of monsters, Tiandao crossed over, and justice descended directly, landing steadily in the center of the monsters.

The emerald storm wrapped around his body suddenly exploded, and spread to the surroundings in an instant, forming a tornado that rose from the ground, roaring and sweeping away all monsters.

The short monster was blown up by the wind, and fell to the ground in mid-air with its teeth and claws bared.

The tall one took a step back slightly, and with its huge body, it resisted the invasion of the storm, and the scarlet eyes hidden under the mask had locked onto the emerald figure after the strong wind.

With a roar, the huge bull-headed monster put the shield in front of it, stepped on the ground with both feet, and rushed over like an angry bull, with the shield in his hand as the impact point, like a train with full impact.

Tiandao stomped his foot, and he flew up with a light figure like a feather, as if he was swept up into the clouds by the wind, moving with the wind and following the wind.

The fierce and rapid attack finally came to an end, and the confusion of not being able to hit the opponent was revealed in the eyes behind the shield.

The bull-headed monster put down the shield and scratched his head, revealing a human-like confused expression.


Tiandao's voice sounded from behind the monster. He kept his feet off the ground with his hands on his chest, always maintaining his smart IQ occupying the high ground.

Standing in the air, he maintained his own style.

"Too slow."

With a flip of his hand, a green short sword immediately appeared in Tiandao's hand.

"Tsk, but I am not qualified to say that to you." Feeling the touch of the weapon in his hand, Tiandao curled his lips: "This speed is still not as good as a ninja."


Seeing this guy appear behind him, the monster roared, and this time he did not use the previous tricks, but took out a red, hot jelly-like creature from his loincloth and threw it to Tiandao.


No, you took out a slime from your crotch cloth, or a fire slime?

Tiandao, who was somewhat disgusted, manipulated the wind to blow the flying slime away, and at the same time, he threw the dagger in his hand and chased it at a faster speed, but kicked the end of the dagger with the posture of a knight.

The two merged into one and rushed towards the enemy together.

The monster roared, blocked the shield in his hand in front of him, and prepared to meet the impact.

But what he didn't expect was that Tiandao didn't play by the rules.

He twisted his body and turned at high speed while crossing in mid-air. The emerald storm wrapped around his body, making him look like a drill, crashing into it with an unstoppable posture, tearing the shield's resistance in an instant, and piercing through the monster's chest.

The dagger fell on the ground like a meteor, and Tiandao knelt on one knee, firmly supporting the ground with one hand, and stayed in front of the dagger.

"Sa, count your evils."

As soon as the words fell, countless wind blades burst out from the monster's body and blew in all directions. The bursting wind blades left scars on the ground, but also made the monster's body covered with wounds.

The monster with black gas all over his body fell on his back, and it seemed that he could not get up again.

As the strongest monster fell, the earth vein flower was fully bloomed, and the light blooming on the stamens was extremely bright, and it was so gorgeous that you could feel it even by looking at it.

"Huh? It's not bleeding?" Without looking at the changes in the earth vein flower for the time being, Tiandao turned around and looked at this scene with some surprise.

"This is a 12+ game, there is no bloody and violent factors." Melina floated over and stood directly on Tiandao's head.

"You didn't come from the Kamen Rider set of the late-night movie. You have to get used to this game world."

"Okay, now go and touch the earth vein flower."

Tiandao curled his lips, took a few steps forward and stretched out his hand to touch the stamen of the earth vein flower.

At the moment when the flower was fully in full bloom, a strange power flowed from the palm of the hand to the body, and soon dispersed into the limbs and bones, making the armor on Tiandao's body become brighter and brighter.

But in a moment, the game level above Tiandao's head changed from level one to level three, proving the fact that he had indeed upgraded.

"Okay!" He clenched his fists and felt the improvement in level. Tiandao's fighting spirit was high: "This feeling of upgrading and becoming stronger is really addictive."

This feeling made him, a person who never played games, feel the beauty.

After all, the improvement in level is real, and the process of becoming stronger is obvious to all.

This kind of visible accumulation over time can arouse people's ambition and motivation more and more.

"Let's strive to reach level 10 today!" Tiandao clenched his fists and said happily: "Let's go! Tell me where the next Earth Vein Flower is!"

Tiandao, who was eagerly embarking on the road to upgrade, may not know that when he was still hard at leveling, Zhuangwu and the others were already at level 90 and level 72.

Compared to him, a conscientious upgrader, those two guys looked like they bought someone else's account to enter the game, which really made Tiandao's blood pressure soar.

And at the same time, another person who entered this game world looked at the person in front of him with a blank expression...

"Ah? What are you dressing up like?"

Although he was a strange figure with a head of red hair and a plush coat, Haidong could immediately know his identity as long as this face was added to it.

After all, this guy has all kinds of hairstyles and clothes.

But this face alone cannot be changed.

"Tsk, are we actually brothers in this game?" Kado Yashi stroked his red hair, his face full of displeasure: "Being a brother with a guy like you, I can't imagine how ruined my reputation will be. ”

"Tiandao is right, you have indeed arrived in this world." When Haidong saw Kadoya Shi, he finally confirmed his guess. He sat in a tavern on the edge of the city and watched the other worlds coming and going outside. Looking at the scenery, Haidong continued: "So can you explain why you appear in this era?"

"Because I'm here, I'm here." Kado Yashi didn't bother to answer someone's question: "Unlike someone who follows Tiandao, I have my own way to go."

"I also have my conjectures that need to be verified."

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