I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 87 You angels can point to Sora and say it is Agito, but we can't point to Agito and sa

The upward strike from the bottom cut the truck in one blow. In the surging explosion, the flaming knife slashed from the top to the bottom, setting off the second stage of the Demon Sealing Slash.

This was beyond the Hermit Crab's expectation.

Generally speaking, only one stage of the big move is enough. The Hermit Crab participated in the game on the side of the Wolf King, and the Wolf King naturally warned the Hermit Crab that it was the ability of the Flame Dragon.

But... the Flame Dragon that the Wolf King fought at that time was not the same as the Flame Dragon now.

The two were not opponents of the same level at all. The Wolf King's understanding of the Flame Dragon was limited to that fight.

After that, the Flame Dragon changed several times. Now he is no longer the Flame Dragon that the Wolf King is familiar with.

Or even Daguba is no longer familiar with him.

The second fiery red sword energy came flying, and it looked even bigger in the eyes of the Hermit Crab. The whistling sword energy passed through the body of the Hermit Crab and flew straight past, tearing the body of the Hermit Crab in the blink of an eye.

After the surging explosive energy filled the whole body and finally broke through the skin of the body, the hermit crab exploded with an unwilling roar.

The surging flames stopped in front of Yanlong. The flaming flames seemed to have met their own monarch. They only danced wildly in front of Yanlong, but did not dare to cross the line.

Yanlong put away the flaming knife. Behind him, the three girls leaning on the edge of the corner stared at Yanlong's back with wide eyes. In the bursting flames, Yanlong's figure was firmly imprinted in their minds and they dared not forget it for a moment.

"One... Number one?"

Turning slightly, Yanlong faced the three female students. After a little contemplation, he chose to take a few steps forward and send the three out of this dead end one by one.

He picked up the three people in the form of a princess hug three times, and after crossing the wall and coming to the street, Yanlong put down the last girl and stepped back a few steps.

"I have contacted the Metropolitan Police Department, and someone will be here soon." After a pause, Yanlong's machine-processed voice sounded again: "Have a good sleep after you go back and forget what happened today."

"Although the matter of the unconfirmed life form is not over yet, it will be fine as long as we can get through this period of time."

After saying these words, Yanlong immediately turned around, turned the button, summoned the light and shadow horse from the four-dimensional space, and sat on it.

Seemingly frightened, the three girls did not dare to speak much, but just watched Yanlong driving the light and shadow horse, soaring into the sky and turning into a black dot, and remained silent for a long time.

The three of them leaned on each other, as if they could rely on each other, which would give them a little courage.

Soaring in the sky, Yanlong used radar to search for Kuuga's signal, trying to find where Kuuga was.

The unconfirmed life form he just killed should be the creator of the previous tragic case that seemed to be a car accident.

The unconfirmed life form seemed to take advantage of the blind spot of human cognition of them, and even learned to drive a car to kill.

In the inherent impression of human beings, unconfirmed life forms are all primitive beings.

Being able to drive... seems a little unreal.

But so far, it has been almost half a year since the appearance of unconfirmed life forms. In this half year, if they still have room for growth, it is not impossible for them to learn everything about human society.

And this means that they will become more and more difficult to detect in the future, and their image hidden in humans will become more and more real.

Want to...


While Yanlong was still thinking on the sky, a noisy sound suddenly sounded in the communication system of Guangyingju.


"Ichijo?" Hearing this familiar voice, Tiandao was a little stunned: "Didn't you go to visit your mother? Now..."

"Knowing that two unconfirmed life forms appeared in Tokyo, I hurried back!" Ichijo's courage was anxious: "Where are you now?!"

"What's wrong? What happened?" When the always calm Ichijo sounded so anxious, Tiandao immediately felt the seriousness of the matter.

"Wu Dai! Wu Dai is in trouble!"


"Is this the place?" Staring at the dark cave, the Water Angel snorted coldly: "It is indeed a existence that cannot stand the light, and can only hide in places like this."

"But if you want to survive by this, it is absolutely impossible!"

As he said, the Water Angel bent down and prepared to enter the cave.

"Wait a minute!" But the Earth Angel following behind him grabbed the Water Angel's shoulder.

"Something is wrong." The Earth Angel is not as confident as the Water Angel. Being cautious, it will never take risks easily: "Although the air smells strongly of Agito, it also smells of Gurongi."

"...Do you mean that someone in Gurongi has awakened the power of light and turned into Agito?" The Water Angel sneered: "Or is it that Agito and Gurongi are mixed together?"

"In any case, we should not go in." After a moment of hesitation, the Earth Angel had a new plan: "Let me do it."

"I want to see who is in here."

The Earth Angel holds the power to manipulate the earth. As the Venerable on earth, it not only has the dominance over life on land, but also has the power to interfere with the earth.

So, when it wants, as long as it activates its ability, it can still cause earthquakes in a small area.

This is also the reason why the Earth Angel chose not to enter the cave, but to start the earth rumbling, shaking the surrounding ground, and trying to collapse the cave.

At that time, no matter what is hidden in it, if you don't want to be covered by the earth, you must come out of it!

With both feet on the ground, the Earth Angel raised his hands in the air, as if he was going to overturn something.

In the constant trembling, the surrounding ground also trembled.

Rocks fell, trees collapsed.

The forests trembled, and creatures fled.

The trembling of the earth caused changes in nature, causing the lives living on this land to flee in panic.

The cave in front of the Earth Angel and the Water Angel also fell into pieces, covering the cave little by little, and a violent crack appeared on the entire mountain, which was still expanding.

"Things on the ground are really difficult..." Before the Water Angel's admiring tone fell, a blue light suddenly flashed in the collapsed cave.

Then... the terrifying electric light covered the entire cave entrance, accompanied by a deafening roar, and hit the water angel's chest directly, pushing it up and exploding in the sky.

The electrostatic force field formed by the interweaving of electricity wrapped the water angel and moved around it.

The flashing arcs were like locks, completely blocking all the motives of the water angel, causing the water angel to fall into a state of paralysis.

The water angel fell from mid-air with its head down and hit the rock wall hard.

The upper body was immersed in it, leaving only the lower body swaying in the wind, motionless, as if dead.

The skirt hung upside down, exposing the water angel's blue-green skin.

"Here it comes!"

The earth angel didn't care about the miserable state of the water angel. With strange brilliance in his eyes, he focused all his attention on this moment.

The gushing plasma dissipated immediately, and a deathly silence lingered in the cave.

The Earth Angel waited attentively, not daring to be careless.

"Is this... the existence you said can tell us the truth about the world?" The vulture emerged from the cave, covered in a black robe with a hood, holding a counter in his hand, and walked up step by step, standing in front of the Earth Angel.

This was the first time the vulture and the Earth Angel met.

It was also the moment when the truth of this world was truly revealed to Gurongi.

"Gurongi?" The Earth Angel still did not relax his vigilance: "You don't have such power."

"Come out, Agito!"

The Earth Angel always believed that it was Agito who did what happened before. Although he was a little frightened by Agito's power,... he was not afraid.

"Agito is not here at the moment." The vulture said softly.

"The one inside is just Kuuga."

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