I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 90 Tian Dao was defeated by the Steel Fighting King? Why did I have such a strange dream? (7

The sound of the clock ticking in this stagnant world seemed so harsh that it almost attracted all of Tiandao's attention.

[King Gundou]

The mechanical voice repeated such words, and in front of Tiandao, the woman changed into another posture almost in the blink of an eye.

The heavy blue and white armor worn on her body looked extremely clumsy. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a heavy armor of the assault series, and it seems to have nothing to do with extreme speed.

The honeycomb-like digital grid covered the white bird's body bit by bit, and in just an instant, the white bird's posture was completely changed.

The red compound eyes were covered under the dark blue helmet, and were covered perfectly without any gaps.

The shoulder cannons on both shoulders were equipped with four muzzles, which could pour out powerful firepower in a very short time.

Heavy assault armor, Gundou is also known for its defensive power in the original work, that is, Kamen Rider-Kabuto (Kabuto).

To some extent, it is the strongest knight system except Kabuto.

If the previous Agito and Lightning Man are counted, then the one shown now is Shiratori's third posture.

This makes people curious, how many cards she has not yet revealed.

"Flame Dragon Armor, merge!"

But Shiratori is transforming, and Tiandao is naturally unwilling to lag behind. He also chooses to transform and wears the Flame Dragon Armor. Not only that, after completing the armor fusion, he inexplicably feels that some barriers have disappeared.

It's as if... something that has been holding him back has been isolated.

"Nani?!" But after seeing Tiandao transform into this posture, Shiratori was obviously very surprised, as if she didn't expect such a thing to happen.

And at this moment, taking advantage of Shiratori's surprise, Tiandao stepped forward, hugged Shiratori's waist, pushed her body to break through the wall of the hospital, and the two fell from the third floor to the ground outside the hospital, and then separated again.

The grayish-white world gradually faded, returning the color that originally belonged to the world. This represented the disappearance of the time-stopping domain, and also symbolized that the originally static world began to flow again.

The broken wall, the rubble that had been stagnant in the air, also fell with a bang, dripping on the ground, becoming a ruin.

Ichijo kept patting the shoulder, but failed to pat Tiandao's shoulder. He almost stumbled and slipped. He was attracted by the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, and also looked at the broken wall that shouldn't have been there.

"That is..."

Leaning out to take a look, Ichijo immediately found Yanlong who fell on the flower bed outside the hospital, and the guy who didn't know him... who was also wearing armor?

"In Kuga's story, there shouldn't be anyone else except him!" With his hands supporting the ground, Shiratori was dressed as the King of Steel Fighting at this moment. Before the armor exploded, this heavy armor was enough to provide sufficient defense.

It's just a fall from the third floor, no big deal.

Listening to the nurses' hasty escape after the time stop, and all kinds of pointing and talking on the windows of the surrounding hospital, Yanlong thought slightly, knowing that he must not start a fight here.

This is a hospital! If he fights here...

"Who are you!" Pointing at Yanlong, Bai Niao asked sternly: "Who are you..."

"Before questioning someone's identity, shouldn't you introduce yourself first?" Yanlong raised his head and said loudly: "You are not Gurongi."

"...I understand, it seems that this world is not the original world." Instead of answering Yanlong's question, Bai Niao stared at Yanlong's figure for a long time, and finally said: "This is just a story in a book."

"It seems that you are the protagonist of this book."

"...What are you talking about?" Tiandao didn't understand Bai Niao's words. What story of a book, what protagonist of a book, what connection is there?

"Ha! Don't you understand?" Shiratori sneered: "Although it is not the original world, nor the original story, and even the protagonist is no longer Kuuga, I still want Kuuga's power!"

"Are you targeting Godai?" Although I don't understand what the woman in front of me says most of the time, this sentence clearly means that she wants to harm Godai.

That's enough.

"I will never give you a chance to hurt Godai!"

"Really?" Shiratori chuckled: "Then let me see, see what kind of power you, as the protagonist of this story, have!"

Shiratori, who has already regarded the existence of Tiandao and even the existence of this world as a story collected by Fantasy Omnipotence, no longer has the previous enthusiasm.

If it is not the original story of Kuuga, it is useless even if Kuuga's power is taken away.

Because this is just a brand new story derived from the original world of Kuuga.

There are so many such derived stories in Fantasy Omnipotence.

Agito, Lightning Man, and even the current Gundou King in Shiratori's hands are all powers plundered from this derivative world.

Although it cannot have any impact on the original world, this power is real and exactly the same as the real one.

"Your power belongs to me." The blank dial was still redundant. Shiratori didn't mind taking away the power of the protagonist of this story first, and then taking away Kuuga's power.

It's also good to strengthen your own strength and enrich your trump cards.

"Cast off."

Turning the sharp corner of the catalpa-shaped insect on the belt, which is the insect instrument required for the transformation of the armor-based knight system, waves of electric current spread from this center to the limbs and bones.

Whether it was the shoulder cannons on both shoulders, the thick plate armor on the chest, or the heavy armor on both arms, they were all opened one by one after the white steam gushed out, no longer tightly fastened to the body.

[Cast off]

A mechanical sound rang out, accompanied by the explosion of countless armors, and two horns rose from the left and right sides, sandwiching the shape of the bald head in the middle.

The overall shape changed from heavy armor to light combat melee armor, and the shoulder cannons on the shoulders were also replaced with two curved scimitars, loaded on the rider.

【Change Stag Beetle】

The golden lines on both sides of the blue breastplate seemed to symbolize his identity as a god of war.

"You are..." Tiandao was very surprised to see a heavy armor turned into such an easy appearance.

Especially the operation of exploding armor, he had never seen it before!

"Humph!" But the Steel Fighting King, who was supposed to be dressed as a god of war and should be equipped by another person, was equipped by a time robber at this moment.

That disdainful snort made people feel an indescribable sense of weirdness.

"I will end this battle in a moment."

"Clock up!"

Slapping the belt on the side of his body, after a burst of mechanical voice sounded, Yanlong had lost the trace of the white bird, that is, the Steel Fighting King.

The next moment, from all directions, or rather his own body was hit by all-round attacks. Almost in an instant, countless sparks burst out from Yanlong's body, so that Yanlong himself was blown up and exploded all the way in mid-air.

The sparks dispersed, and Yanlong fell from the sky, falling to the ground in a mess, lying prone, unable to get up for a while.

There was no enemy in the azure goggles, and even Tiandao didn't know what happened. He just felt a sudden pain all over his body, and then the whole person flew up, and then fell to the ground.

During this period...what happened?

"Hmph, vulnerable."

Just as Bai Niao suddenly disappeared, Bai Niao also suddenly appeared in front of Tiandao.

Tiandao didn't even know how she appeared.

Yanlong raised his head and stared at the arrogant figure. He couldn't make up his mind about the other party's ability for a while.

Is it super-high-speed movement? Similar to Leopard Girl? Or something else?

"Is he still not dead?" Bai Niao sighed: "It's worthy of being the protagonist of this story~"

"Just like those swordsmen, it's disgusting!"

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