I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 96 Fire Crystal: What do you mean, brothers? I have fallen into another world, and you won’t

Tendao returned to Tokyo Medical University Hospital in a hurry.

He wrapped the Hokage Stone in a dhoti and pushed open the door of the intensive care unit, causing Tsubaki Hideo, who was always paying attention to the situation of the Five Generations in the ward, to stand up.

"This is the stone passed down from our family. It is the same as the stone in the Five Generations' waist. They fell from the sky together." Tendao's face was not red and he was not out of breath. Even if he ran all the way, it was not a burden for his current physical fitness.

"Is this... the stone in the Five Generations' body?"

Tsubaki Hideichi's eyes were fixed on the Hokage Stone. You know, Tsubaki Hideichi could only see the stone in the Five Generations' body through the photos taken by X-rays, and it was impossible to even touch it.

Such a magical stone, I think no hospital staff can ignore it, and it would be a shame to not study it carefully.

But the Five Generations is Kuuga, a Kuuga who needs to fight against unconfirmed life forms. In addition, this stone has extended many nerves in the Five Generations' body, and is connected to the Five Generations themselves, and is inseparable.

To peel off the stone, it would take Godai's death.

Tsubaki Hideichi couldn't do such a thing. He wasn't a crazy doctor. His moral standards were still very high.

But at this time, Tiandao took out a stone that was the same as the one in Godai's body, and it was even the original one, which made Tsubaki Hideichi particularly excited.

He stared at the stone with his eyes fixed, and his mind was full of the appearance of the stone, ignoring everything else.

Tiandao ignored Tsubaki Hideichi's obsession, and instead focused his eyes on Sakurako who walked in with him.

"Miss Sakurako, I want to save Godai. No matter what, I want to try it once." Staring at Sakurako's somewhat empty eyes, Tiandao knew that Sakurako, who had been sitting on a chair in the hospital corridor with her hands holding the hem of her skirt, was obviously suffering great mental torture.

After all, lying on the hospital bed, it was unknown whether she was alive or dead...

Putting the Hokage Stone next to Godai, Tiandao looked at Godai with expectation, wanting to see if he could understand and wake up.

Tsubaki Hideichi picked up the testing instrument and began to test Godai's body in all directions to see what Godai's physical condition would be like with this stone by his side.

However, just as Tsubaki Hideichi's hands touched Godai's body, the world turned gray in an instant, and Sakurako, who held her hands in front of her chest, was also captured by the still time and space, becoming a colorless and gray existence.


This gray world spread, as if it stimulated the Hokage Stone. The originally ordinary stone emitted a strong magnetic field at this moment, and the entire red stone continued to glow.

In the bright light, it maintained its own color.

In this gray world, its color remained stable and was not stripped off.

"Doctor Tsubaki? Sakurako?"

And Tendō was also unaffected.

It seemed that because the Hokage Stone was right next to him, compared to the last time when it was also affected but broke free in the end, this time Tendō was not affected at all and maintained his existence in this stopped world.

"This domain... Shiratori!" Tiandao naturally recognized this domain, and therefore he completed the armor fusion in an instant.

The Hokage Stone was right beside him, and Tiandao could transform at a thought, and the speed of dressing was very fast.

However, just as Tiandao finished dressing, a long sword emitting blue fluorescence cut through the world of time stop, and slashed at Yanlong's back, causing him to stagger forward a few steps.


Speak out in anger, Tiandao immediately turned around and hugged Shiratori's body, stopping her from reaching out to touch the Five Generations.

"You guy, haven't you given up your plan yet?!"

Locking Shiratori's body from behind, the armor rubbed against each other, Yanlong tried his best to pull Shiratori's body back, so that she and the Five Generations would have a distance.

"I've never failed to get what I want!" Shiratori's voice was filled with strong emotions: "Even you, it's the same!"

As soon as the words fell, Shiratori kicked the ground with both feet, and broke through the wall with Yanlong, and came to the hospital corridor.

Shiratori took out a blank dial, and took advantage of the opportunity when the two sides were tightly together, and slapped the dial on Yanlong's arm.

That is, the hand that was holding her neck.

"I accept your power!"

Yes, Shiratori did not come simply for the power of Kuga, and the power of Tiandao was obviously within her sight.

Tiandao, who did not know that Shiratori was a time robber and a means of seizing the power of others, could not imagine that there was such a thing.

The moment the blank dial touched Yanlong's arm, the strange plundering power that operated on its own instantly blocked Yanlong's arm. The moment the dial was activated, it automatically attached to Yanlong's arm, clinging tightly, like a parasite, and could not be shaken off.

The power of existence, belonging to the existence of the Flame Dragon, began to materialize little by little, and was even stripped away, turning into rays of light, absorbed and contained by the dial.

The white bird snorted coldly, flew up in an instant, broke through countless floors of the hospital, broke through the roof directly, and soared in the sky.

The figure circled in the air and swooped down, and when it was about to touch the ground, it chose to land on its back and smashed the Flame Dragon to the ground.

The flower bed burst into pieces, and the world that stopped in time dissipated again, and the broken water pipes sprayed out water stains like rain and fog.

The time-stopping domain dissipated, and White Bird and Flame Dragon separated immediately.

The white bird landed gracefully on the ground, its body light.

Yanlong rolled on the ground several times, covering his arms involuntarily. The power flowing in his body, belonging to the existence of [Yanlong], was being deprived of him.

The dial embedded deeply in Yanlong's arm armor has gradually been dyed with a subtle light red from the original blank nothingness, and this red is still gradually deepening.

Obviously, the dial is absorbing the power of the current possessor at maximum power.

"You have caused me to lose so much power. Now, use your power as repayment." Standing with the sword in hand, White Bird looked down at Tiandao who was lying on the ground.

"Just as you..."

Before the subsequent words were finished, the space fluctuated. The sudden appearance of a figure did not give everyone present time to react. They squatted down and grabbed Yanlong's arm. The moment the latter raised his head, he stabbed the sword in his hand to the dial. above.

The clock of time appeared in an instant, as if he wanted to use it to resist this power, but the sword showed no intention of being hindered. Yanshi pressed down again, and the sword advanced three points again, shattering the dial of time.


The sword edge entered, Yan Shi's arm turned, and the sword energy caused by the rotation of the sword edge smashed the dial into pieces, turning into falling fragments, and completely collapsed.

The power absorbed by the dial also returned to Yanlong's body, and the scattered light returned to Yanlong's body along his arms, gradually becoming calmer.

After releasing Yan Long's hand, Yan Shi stood up and stepped forward, blocking Yan Long behind him.


Bai Niao glanced at Yan Long who was still recovering on the ground, and then turned his attention to Yan Shi.

"You lingering fellow, why on earth are you going against me?!"

"You who do not belong to this story should return to the story that belongs to you." Yan Shi turned to speak: "The dial in your hand is the evidence."

"Oh?" Bai Niao said with a half-smile: "You know again?"

"The story of the King of Time is still unfolding, but the story of the True King has ended long ago." Enshi stepped forward and said, "In the countless worlds where Tokiwa Shougo became king, they all became kings in different ways."

"Each Tokiwa Shogo has a different story."

"So?" Bai Niao spread his hands: "What do you want to say?"

"But no matter which Tokiwa Shogo it is, there is no time robber Shiratori in his story."

Yanshi took a step forward.

"No, you don't even have anything to do with King Shi at all."

"You come from a derivative world of the Holy Blade series. This is your true origin. The so-called Time Tribulator is just a false identity."

Yan Shi said calmly.

"Go back with me. Luna will send you back to your original world."

All the previous words did not arouse any reaction from Shiratiao, but as soon as the word Luna came out, Shiratiao's aura suddenly became terrifying.

PS: Tokio system: refers to the knight system used in the work Kamen Rider-Tokio and its transformation.

Dial: A prop used by Time Robbers to rob others of their power.

Tokiwa Shogo: The male protagonist of Tokio is destined to become a king. In countless worlds, Tokiwa Shogo will become the Demon Tokio, but only one person becomes the true king.

The King of Demonic Time: The king who has all the power of the knights until 2068.

PS: Holy Blade System: Refers to Kamen Rider-Holy Blade, a knight system that uses holy swords and books to transform.

Luna: The hero of Holy Blade - Kamiyama Feiyu's childhood sweetheart, the embodiment of the fantasy world, and the embodiment of the fantasy omnipotent book.

(Mainly these two works are Holy Blade and King of Time. Now I am writing about the settings that cannot be avoided in Kamen Rider, so I have to introduce these two a little bit)

(After all, not everyone has watched Kamen Rider)

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