I’m Really Not Targeting the Mages

031 Greasy technique (please recommend)

The gray dwarves are attacking the dragon tooth village!

With the help of the mystery of Ti Yunzong, Roger stood on the crown of a tree with one foot and looked far into the distance.

The fire drove away the dense fog, and the noise broke the tranquility.

He saw dense gray dwarves rushing towards the gate of Dragon Tooth Village like a tide.

The gate, which was not considered strong at first, was soon crumbling under the imposing impact of the gray dwarves.

In the tower over the gate.

Some villagers were shooting arrows outside, and some villagers raised stones and threw them down.

Indeed, many gray dwarves died under the resistance of the villagers.

But that's just a drop in the bucket.

There are too many gray dwarves!

Roger roughly estimated.

The number of gray dwarves hitting the gate of the village in this wave exceeded 600!

The most frightening thing is that this is not the full power of the gray dwarves.

Roger noticed.

On the east and west sides of Longya Village, two gray dwarf armies were encircling and outflanking.

In terms of terrain, Longya Village is located at the highest point of Huangshi Island.

Among them, the southeast, west and three sides are all supported by the mountain, with natural protection.

But these mountains are not steep enough. After all, the mountains in the swamp are just small slopes.

Roger noticed that these gray dwarves not only carried climbing tools such as ropes and thick iron nails, but also carts of equipment covered by black tarpaulins.

"What about these gray dwarves..."

Roger shook his head secretly.

The number of gray dwarves participating in the surprise attack on Dragon Tooth Village tonight may be close to 2000.

2000 gray dwarves.

What a scary number that is.

Even if they stand still and let Roger go to kill, he may not be able to kill until he loses all his strength.

If Longya Village doesn't have an unconventional hole card, then even Roger can't do anything about it.

At best, he can only support it from the sidelines, but cannot really change the fate of the village.

Just at this time.

In the dense forest beside the Rapunzel Avenue, another group of gray dwarves emerged.

It was different from the previous batch of companions who could only hit the gate of the village with their bodies.

Among these gray dwarves, Roger saw a big killer similar to an engineering vehicle!

This made Roger even more speechless.

At the same time, he was even more curious about what was in the village that could make the gray dwarves so inspiring?

"Forget it, I can kill some."

Roger jumped down from the canopy and started the night's hunt.


On the hillside on the west side of the village.

An army of duergar is advancing while covering each other.

The hillside is covered with wet moss, and there are many streams flowing down it, so it is quite difficult to walk.

Quite a few gray dwarves fell while walking, only to be stepped on by their companions behind them.

Thanks to the strong gray dwarves, if they were replaced by other races, a lot of soldiers might be killed in this wave of stampede.


The trampled gray dwarves let out violent curses.

But under the glare of a leader, they did not dare to make too much noise.

Suddenly, a violent wave of magic came from halfway up the mountain.

Landed near a car.

Before the gray dwarves could respond, an overwhelming amount of grease appeared out of thin air, spilling blood on the nearby gray dwarves!

A hasty cry followed.

As the grease rolled down, the gray dwarves in that area couldn't help but fell into the mud.

At least twenty gray dwarves fell down the mountain.

And this action caused a chain reaction, and the companions behind them also suffered disaster.

For a while, the gray dwarves in that area became a mess.

These monsters are inherently irritable, and when they are on top, they can't distinguish between enemies and friends.

After being touched by the greasy fat, many gray dwarves squeezed together, and many people started hugging and throwing each other after pushing and shoving!

The gray dwarf leader uttered a series of low-pitched curses, but it couldn't stop the situation from further chaos.

Grease bands spread further.

Halfway up the mountain.

Roger lifted the hiding status, and threw away the scroll of "Greasing" that had been completely scrapped with some pain.

It is really rare to cast a magic scroll like this that does not require magic guidance at all.

In the collection of the Sheluo demon, there are only 3 copies.

In the next second, he ignited the arrow wrapped in cotton core with flint.

Whoosh whoosh!

Three arrows in succession landed on different places in the grease belt, forming a sharp angle.


Borrowed by the mountain wind, the fire was ignited immediately.

The screams of the gray dwarves erupted in full force.

The asphalt and grease produced by the greasing technique played a wonderful fueling effect.

in a blink.

The sea of ​​flames rising from the ground took away the lives of more than twenty gray dwarves!

And the fire continues to spread!

More and more gray dwarves below were drawn into the flames.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

After a successful blow, Roger turned and ran.

Halfway through the run, he couldn't help but glance back.

Under the burning of the mountain fire, the tarp that wrapped the car has long been changed beyond recognition, vaguely revealing the true face of the car.

That's a ballista!


Roger felt cold behind his back.

Exaggerated things like ballistas came out.

And more than one!

What is the gray dwarf doing?

Want to slay a dragon?

When he was thinking this way, there was a long and loud chant suddenly from the gate of Longya Village.

The long chant was clear and solemn, like a thunderclap on the ground, exploding in Roger's heart.

His running limbs froze for a second or two.

"It's really a dragon."

Roger was a little shocked and looked towards the place where the dragon's chant was heard.

But see the tower of the gate of Longya Village.

A petite dragon with a whole body green is screaming.

Its neck is very slender.

The wings spread out like two sea-green screens, and the dragon scales on its body gleamed in the dark.

"Is this a baby dragon?"

"This color... is the green dragon?"

Although it was unavoidable to be shocked when seeing the Dragon Clan for the first time, Roger had already made a guess in his heart, so he quickly recovered from the shock.

This dragon was completely different from the colossal monster he had imagined, it was simply too petite.

The innate dragon power certainly frightened many gray dwarves.

But more gray dwarves came up as if they were pumped with adrenaline, and they rushed even harder.

At the same time, on the mountains on the east and west sides.

The gray dwarves who had already been in place opened the cover of the tarpaulin.

A ballista more than one meter long showed its ferocious fangs.

Under the control of the gray dwarves, the ballista gradually aimed at the young dragon.


The young dragon roared angrily.

Its lower jaw began to move involuntarily.

Not long after, it spewed out its first breath of dragon's breath towards the bottom of the main entrance!

The emerald green dragon flames swooped down, directly burning a large group of gray dwarves to pieces!

This is the most gorgeous flame Roger has ever seen!

On the edge of the dragon's breath, although many gray dwarves did not die, they lost their fighting power.

Roger resisted the desire to pick up the head, and touched the west hillside again.

Now he already knew the hole cards of Longya Village.

They may have ties to dragons, but there is only one young dragon guarding them today.

The gray dwarves came to the door after getting the news from nowhere.

They even prepared a ballista, a special weapon for slaying dragons!

The hills to the east were beyond Roger's reach.

But at least he can clear out these ballistas in the west and relieve the pressure on the young dragons.

"I didn't expect the green dragon to be so beautiful."

Roger felt that he had been deceived by fantasy novels. In his impression, green dragons were ugly and evil.

Then he inadvertently glanced at the data bar.


"Emerald Dragon (Young Dragon) LV21???" (Note 1)



"It's because I'm uneducated."

The ashamed and angry Roger could only vent his anger on the gray dwarves.


(Note 1: Emerald dragon, a kind of gem dragon, is curious and suspicious by nature. The breath of the emerald dragon in DND is a sound wave effect, and it has been modified in the novel)

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