I’m Really Not Targeting the Mages

056 Elite Gargoyle (recommended)


is a particularly sensitive hidden attribute.

Before that, Roger didn't even know the existence of this attribute!

but now.

The naked data was placed in front of him.

He was a little restless.

It doesn't matter what the preset lifespan is.

One Jonny Turtle equals one year of extra life!

It's heart-warming just thinking about it.

"I'm committed to you, brother!"

Roger's eyes gradually hardened.

He trotted over and put Jonny Turtle's body into the only empty compartment in the storage bag.

Then he walked away briskly.


into the night. Charcoal Hotel.

Drink and eat enough.

After declining the warm invitations of two protruding ladies and a handsome man one after another.

Roger Shiran returned to his single room.

Jonny Turtle's body is too big to handle, so it can only be put on hold for the time being.

He took out the "Development Potion" from the crucible, combined with the "Scroll of Forbidden Object Identification", and began to identify the gargoyle statue.

In the absence of qi-watching skills, identification is actually a very troublesome task.

In Mystra.

All items have a hidden attribute called "Appraisal Value".

Corresponding to it is the "cognition number" of people.

When your "recognition number" exceeds the "appraisal value" of the item, the item does not need to be identified.

A person's "cognitive number" depends on various aspects of knowledge:

Racial general knowledge, regional general knowledge, professional knowledge...etc.

The "appreciation value" usually depends on the rarity of the item.

The more common items, the lower the inspection value; and the less popular items, the higher the inspection value.

for example.

The inspection value of daily clothes is infinitely close to 0.

This means that individuals can understand its meaning and value, and use it proficiently.

But the inspection value of props such as whips, candles, and handcuffs may be higher.

There will be a considerable number of people who cannot fully understand its full meaning.

As for books, weapons, cultural relics and other items.

Its forensic value is even higher.

Ordinary people must improve their cognitive numbers through education and other means in order to correctly recognize and use them.


in the process of identification.

The role of the identification scroll is equivalent to providing an additional "cognitive number".

The effect of the development potion is to reduce the "discernment value" of the corresponding item.

Only by combining the two swords can we get twice the result with half the effort.

Just as Roger tore off the third "Scroll of Forbidden Object Identification", the gargoyle statue in his hand trembled involuntarily!

A radiance symbolizing knowledge flashed by.

The true face of forbidden things is ready to come out.


"Gargoyle Statue (Incomplete Forbidden Item 1/3)"

"Rating: S"

"Seal: A LV29 elite gargoyle is sealed inside"

"Unblocking method: Kun's Blood Curse (Mastered)"

"Remaining Parts Tracking: Inactive"


The so-called "Kun's Blood Curse" refers to the practice of recognizing the Lord by dripping blood.

It's something everyone knows in Mystra.

Without hesitation, Roger cut open his finger pulp and squeezed a drop of blood onto it.

A faint mist rises from the statue.

at the same time.

A series of reminders also appeared on Roger's record bar.

After unlocking the seal, the system provides four ways to deal with it.

The first is "surrender".

That is, to show obedience to the elite gargoyles in the statue.

in this case.

Roger needs to provide gargoyles with a certain amount of human and animal blood as a tribute every day.

At the same time, he has to accept the task of the elite gargoyle-to find the remaining two parts so that it can be completely freed from the seal of the statue.

The advantage of surrender is that you may get help from gargoyles in battle.

And a BUFF of "Movement Speed ​​+50%".

Needless to say the disadvantages of course.


The second way of dealing with it is "slavery".

After choosing to enslave, the gargoyle will temporarily unseal and jump out of the statue to fight Roger.

If it loses, it will willingly become Roger's servant.

The advantage of enslavement is that you can order this 29-level elite gargoyle to work for you at any time.

The downside is that if you can't beat it, you may die.


The third is "destroy".

That is, forcibly destroying the statue with external force.

But this requires a lot of external force. After all, the statue is made of high-quality materials, and it may be difficult for ordinary weapons to destroy it.

Upon successful destruction, Roger has a chance to claim a portion of the loot that the Gargoyle devoured during its lifetime.


The last option is "Sacrifice".

Forbidden and wondrous, favorites of gods and other great beings.

Roger could choose to sacrifice it to a god in exchange for a favor or something.

system hint.

There seems to be a lot of divine favors that gargoyle statues can exchange for.


Read the instructions.

Without further ado, Roger chose "Enslavement".

The gargoyle statue in his hand trembled.

A cloud of black mist rose suddenly and filled Roger's side.

He took a step back and grabbed the Qingfu sword.

In the black mist, two scarlet lights faintly lit up.

A ferocious gargoyle flapped its deformed wings and flew out of the fog!

On the data bar, the flow of information falls like a waterfall.


"Gargoyle LV29 Magic Beast/Elite"

"Life 220 Defense 24"

"Trait 1: Supersonic flight"

"Supersonic flight: Elite gargoyles have unparalleled flight speed, and their speed can easily exceed the speed of sound propagation in short-to-medium-distance bursts."

"Trait 2: Specialized Intuition"

"Specialized intuition: the elite gargoyle has a legendary keen intuition, it can easily distinguish the strength or weakness of the enemy"


Too late to take a closer look.

Roger clenched the Qingfu sword in his hand and prepared to meet the enemy.

Who knew that the gargoyle flew halfway, and suddenly landed on the floor with a puff!

The pair of misshapen wings folded meekly at the sides.

The gargoyle rubbed its pointed head obsequiously against Roger's trousers.

That demeanor, very much like a dog.

Roger was slightly taken aback.


"You have successfully enslaved the elite gargoyles"

"It must unconditionally obey any command it issues to you"


"Is this "Specialized Intuition"? "

Roger shook his head with a wry smile.

Put away the Qingfu sword.

He grabbed two of the gargoyle's heads.

Except for those two goat horns, the gargoyle's head is bald and slightly slippery...

All in all it feels good.

Roger tried to send some simple commands to the gargoyle.

The gargoyle's comprehension ability is quite good.


Let alone the basic actions of "opening the door" and "pouring water".

Even complex commands such as "back beat" and "massage" are executed in a decent manner.

"It's fast and has high defense. It's a bit similar to Jonny Turtle."

Thinking of this, Roger suddenly had an idea.

He gave an order to the elite gargoyle——

Hunt the Jonny Turtle!

The complicated ideas are transmitted to the gargoyle's heart through the slavery contract.

The gargoyle was in a daze for a while.

Roger took out Jonny Turtle's body to show it, and made several kill gestures.

Then the gargoyle flew up and flew out of the open window.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

It was late at night.

Roger was yawning from sleepiness.

The belated kill prompt appeared in the data column.


"Your servant killed a jonny turtle"

"You gained 5 XP"

"Your lifespan increased by 31536000 seconds"



Roger smiled slightly, and gave the gargoyle an order to continue working.

Blow out the candle.

I went to sleep happily.


next morning.

Roger left the Coal Fire Inn in good spirits.

The gargoyle followed him listlessly.

He's going to the town to gather some information about Jonny Turtle.

By the way, look for a long-term foothold.

After all, you can't stay in a hotel all the time, can you?

Even if the wallet can take it.

My ears can't take it either.

Recalling the weird noises heard in the middle of the night yesterday.

Roger couldn't help shaking his head.


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