I’m Really Not Targeting the Mages

092 Transvestite and Arsonist

Institute of Ecology.

On the trail leading to Area 91.

A necromancer with an indifferent expression was walking quickly.

On both sides of the road are test fields exuding negative energy.

There are bone seedlings, sand tables and various miniaturized monsters in the fields.

When passing by the edge of the field.

The corpse servants working in the fields would pay him respectful attention.

Their eyes were glazed and their movements stiff.

The only advantage is that it is cheap and durable.

Ignored these [567 Chinese www.yue20.com] undead with limited brain capacity.

Roger made his way unimpeded to the boundary of Area 91.

Ahead is the area where the Ben Thunder Dragon is active.

But at this time.

He stopped involuntarily.

A large number of bone fences and wooden houses appeared in his vision.

Compared with other areas in the institute.

There are many guard posts on the border of Area 91, and the access control is very strict.

Roger stopped and watched for a while.

He saw a necromancer walk into the sentry post, and he was able to enter smoothly after passing a very cumbersome verification.

"It's a negative energy imprint."

His heart skipped a beat.

This thing is not a "magic master" can pretend to be.

There are only two roads left before him.

Remember the route, then turn back and let the woodpeckers continue to dig until they dig a tunnel that is sufficient to lead to Area 91.

This approach has many disadvantages.

On the one hand, it takes a long time, and time means variables.

On the other hand, the probability of being discovered in the core area of ​​the research institute is much higher than in the fringe area.

Once discovered, fighting head-on has become the only way to solve the problem.

Although Roger is very confident in the fighting power of himself and the horned demons, but it is inevitable that there will be battle damage in a frontal battle.

In the early stage, any damage to a contracted creature would be traumatic for the contractor.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, Roger will not confront the necromancers head-on.


It is sneaked in with the help of "invisibility cloak".

Of course, the shadow cloak also has the effect of hiding the figure.

But the bone fence was full of will-o'-the-wisps—that level of light would make the Shadow Cloak less effective.


The second seems to be the better way.

But for some reason, Roger has some resistance to the invisibility cloak.

He who was always decisive hesitated for nearly a minute.

Only then did he reluctantly find an empty corner and take off all his clothes.

Then he took out the invisibility cloak and put it on himself.



"So tight!"

"What a strange feeling."

Roger felt his heart beat faster.

The invisibility effect of the invisibility cloak can only be activated when "only wearing this item".

So he was walking barefoot on the cold ashes.

Occasionally step on bone residue or something.


It feels terrible.

He tried his best to suppress all kinds of strange thoughts, and he flew to a bone fence with less will-o'-the-wisps, and then put a little force on his toes!

Ladder cloud vertical!

He jumped up high and landed lightly.

In the next second, he came to the interior of Area 91 without a sound.

"Come in."

Roger breathed a sigh of relief.

While observing the situation inside Area 91, he glanced at the data column.


"You seem to have unlocked a strange hobby, and you have obtained a new milestone: Transvestite"

"You got 1 Milestone Point"

"Transvestism: Being different is not a mistake, only by removing all impurities can you verify your true self"

"Corresponding Title: Women's Clothes Master (When you are wearing women's clothing, Charm +1)"



Roger's face darkened.

Gritting his teeth, he went deep into Area 91.

Just on the move.

He always felt that the invisibility cloak on his body was getting tighter.


As the core area of ​​the Institute of Ecology.

Area 91 does not have a large footprint.

Beyond the negative energy test field and a few isolated warehouses in the outer area, the central area is where the necromancers imprisoned the Ben Leilong.

It was a huge magic sand table.

On the sand table is a lush virgin forest.

From time to time, a corpse servant came over with a shower and watered the sand table like a flower, thus simulating the effect of a torrential rain.

The brontosaurus males brawling in the shrinking world know nothing about it.

They are still mired in turf wars.

Roger watched for a while by the sand table.

The air hope technique is displayed.

The good brothers were all solidified with the "malicious reduction technique".

The effect of this spell is to reduce the target's size by 50 times.

This discovery led Roger to think otherwise.

"Malicious Reduction" is not "Real Reduction".

The difference between the two is.

The real reduction technique can kill the opponent by hitting the reduced target.

But the malicious reduction technique doesn't work.

for example.

The person who got the real reduction technique was slapped to death.

However, for a person who has been affected by the malicious shrinking technique, a slap will cancel the spell effect on it, and the damage caused to it is just an ordinary slap.

in other words.

Roger just needs to do something with the sand table.

In the Institute of Ecology, there will be the roar of the Ben Thunder Dragons!

The necromancers in Gray Rock City all practice evil spells.

Fresh human skin is their favorite material, and they are on the same level as the shelob.

At the same time, they are also eyeing Paramount Manor.

For such a guy, Roger naturally has no psychological burden to cheat.

But the reason why he didn't do it for a long time was——

"Where's my egg?"

He walked around the sand table three or four times, but he couldn't find the miniature dragon eggs he saw earlier.

Instead, the invisibility cloak on his body seemed to be tightened even more.

Roger became a little anxious.

Fortunately at this time.

Two necromancers in standard robes hurried over.

"The latest news from Gray Rock City, I heard that there is a new amazing martial artist in Paramount Manor."

"If it's a real martial artist, then it's worth being careful. But I'm afraid it's Alan's trick again. Remember the "Extraordinary Monk" last year? It was so frightening that Gray Rock City sent people to verify overnight, but it turned out to be a parallel importer. "

"Alan is really cunning. Until the monster control technique makes further progress, the war will have no advantage for us."

"Well, I think so too... By the way, a new batch of monster eggs is ready and ready to be shipped away at any time."

"I see……"

The footsteps of the two gradually moved further away.

"Ship away?"

Roger's eyes swept back and forth between several buildings in Area 91.

It was quickly locked on those warehouses.


After a while.

In the corner of a warehouse.

Roger took off the invisibility cloak with great difficulty—

He felt more and more that there was something wrong with the clothes. After wearing them for a long time, he might not be able to take them off, and it might even cause some strange changes in people!

He shook his head, put these weird thoughts behind him, and concentrated on observing the dragon eggs in the warehouse.

There are at least 200 dragon eggs here!

However, many dragon eggs have lost their vitality under the erosion of negative energy. I don't know if they can still get the evil mark.

Roger thought for a while, and decided not to let any one go!

He walked quickly among the eggs.

At intervals, he would bend down and put down a fire-attributed bullet.

It has been placed to the edge of the warehouse.

He wrapped a loop of thin green thread around the last hand knob.

This is "jungle velvet" soaked in turtle oil.

It is very suitable for the lead wire of hand bumps.

Roger quietly walked around to the back of the warehouse, pulled the lead wire out for a distance of about 30 meters, and finally stopped.

If it is farther away, it is easy to be spotted by the corpse servant.

"This distance should be more than enough to overturn the defensive cover on the sand table."

Thinking of this, he quickly lit the jungle velvet in his hand.

Then he fled outside like flying!

Without the cover of the invisibility cloak, Roger's whereabouts were quickly discovered.

When he used the ladder cloud to run out over the bone fence in an incomparably smooth manner.

There were bursts of shouting from behind.

A large amount of negative energy was quickly assembled.

The corpse servants in front also noticed the abnormality, one after another they showed their ferocious fangs and rushed over one after another.

It's a pity that Roger just lightly tapped his toe, and flew over their foreheads.

next second.

A violent explosion was heard from the warehouse in Area 91.

The strong air wave knocked down all the buildings including the sand table.

Immediately afterwards, waves of fire that soared into the sky swept every corner of this area!

The entire Institute of Ecology was alarmed!

In the blank eyes of the Necromancer and Corpse Servants.

A monster five or six meters tall ran out of the fire!

Burning with raging flames and lightning, they rampage in the Ecological Research Institute, attacking anyone they see!


The sound of the regional defense cover shattering rang out one after another.

All sorts of strange calls followed.

More and more monsters were liberated from the "malicious shrinking technique" and started their performances on this chaotic stage.


There were also crackling sounds in the test field.

That was the sound of phosphorous being ignited.




Red or green flames soared into the sky like fireworks.

In the roar of the monsters.

The fire spread unstoppably to every part of the canyon.

The entire Institute of Ecology is in complete chaos!


"You killed 1 Ben Thunder Dragon, and you have killed a total of 186 Ben Thunder Dragons. Your milestone egg breaking expert has set a new record..."

"You gained 4 XP"

"You have gained a small amount of special attack effects: Lightning"


"Successfully start a fire that kills hundreds and you get a new milestone: Arsonist"

"You got 1 Milestone Point"

"Arsonists: There are only 0 and countless times of setting fire to mountains"

"Corresponding title: Flame Maniac (you are always easy to misuse your gun; wherever you walk, everything you touch is likely to cause fire; fire element series life recognition +50)"


Roger, who was hiding in the underground passage, silently looked at the two newly acquired milestones.

There are mixed feelings in my heart.


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