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Lin Jie opened the old wooden door of the bookstore as usual.

The copper bell on the edge of the door made a dull sound, and a lot of water splashed down on the door frame, and a few traces of mixed dust were drawn along the glass window inlaid on the door.

The sky was dark.

It was raining outside, and the rain was crackling on the road, and a mist of water vapor obscured the view.

At the entrance of the bookstore, there was enough puddles to cover the soles of the shoes.

"heavy rain."

Lin Jie frowned, looking worried at his wet shirt and trousers.

"This station reported that from last night, this heavy rainfall will last for about a week. The meteorological department has issued a yellow rainstorm warning, which may be upgraded to red..."

The sound of the TV came from the store next door, which was quickly drowned out by the rain.

This kind of weather means that the bookstore has no business.


Lin Jie took out a tripod and a wooden board from the back of the door, and built a simple ladder at the door.

He flipped the sign hanging on the door to "Opening".

Although the bookstore must not have many customers in this weather.

It might even be deserted all day.

It's better to go back to sleep than to open up for business - most people must think so.

"But in case someone forgets to bring an umbrella in the rain, they just need a place to shelter from the rain."

Lin Jie took a book from the rental shelf, turned on the warm light, hung a towel on the counter, and made two more cups of hot tea.

Sit at the counter.

He turned the page to the place he had read last time, and pushed one of the cups of tea to the opposite side, as if pushing it to a friend he had never known before.

Now, there are books and hot tea.

Enough to warm the mind and body of a lost person.

Lin Jie took a sip of the tea cup and smiled.

Yes, he is such a kind and romantic person. Although he is ordinary, he is a well-known old man and life mentor among customers, specializing in selling chicken soup.

Life should be full of expectations, right?



Ji Zhixu interlaced his hands, twisted the neck of the person in his arms, and when he turned around, he pulled out his long blade and cut off another person's head.


The head rolled off, and he couldn't rest his eyes.

She reached out and pushed the two corpses to the sides and out of the alley.

Behind him, dozens of corpses were stacked in a staggered manner, gradually charring, igniting sparks, and turning into fly ash.

Announcing the end of a street fight in the rain.

Blood seeped and dripped from the soaked black slim-fitting dress, evaporated into acid-etched water vapor, washed away by the rain, and disappeared in an instant.

The body temperature was rising rapidly, and the flesh and blood began to grow and wriggle, making her clearly feel the number of her broken ribs.

But these are not problems.

For a hunter who has already been injected with filthy blood, it only takes an hour to fully recover from such an injury.

"Time, I need time."

She looked up.

Amidst the rain, the bookstore in front was shimmering, and the rows of bookshelves inside could be vaguely seen from the glass windows.

Other than that, it was dark all around.

So much rain, so many shops.

Only this store is still open, with a sign "Opening" hanging at the door, and a simple ladder in front of the door that is easy to walk, which is out of tune with the surrounding.


It's right across the alley.


"Coincidence or trap?"

Ji Zhixu didn't have time to tell, she believed that her fellow hunters had a keen enough sense of smell to smell her blood in the rain.

In this ocean-like heavy rain, they swim like sharks.

She must get enough hiding time as soon as possible.


The long blade in his hand was turned, and a vertebra-like blade was screwed into the interior, inlaid tightly, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a metal cane with a dark and rough surface.

Torrential rain.

Ji Orio pushed open the door of the bookstore.

The shop is quiet.

At the same time as the sound of the stick hitting the ground, she saw the owner of the bookstore.

A young man was reading a book behind the counter.

Shirts, trousers, all black.

His black hair was slightly messy, his skin was pale, and his slender and articulated hands were picking up the teacup and flipping through the pages.

There was still a cup of tea on the counter, still steaming hot with white smoke.

There was no one on the bar stool in front of the counter.

But Ji Zhixu felt inexplicably at this moment that this cup of tea and this seat were prepared for her.

Her eyes swept across the entire bookstore.

Narrow and crowded.

Not only were the bookshelves full of books, but there were also piles of books on the ground. The stairs leading to the second floor were half blocked by the bookshelves, and the windows were covered with a layer of dust, making them gloomy.

The counter and the young man, shrouded by the only light source, revealed an indescribable mystery in the darkness.

There was even a towel on the counter...

"Tick! Tick!"

She was indeed dripping with water, and she was soaked all over. The black short ear-length hair was clinging to her neck, and the low-cut dress showed a touch of white greasy.


Lin Jie raised his head, the warm yellow light reflected in his dark eyes.

He smiled and pushed the hot tea on the counter to Ji Zhixu, and said, "It didn't take me so long to wait. It was a beautiful guest who came in the rain."

Routine compliments to customers are a virtue.

But the person in front of her was indeed an undisputed beauty. Even though she was wet by the rain, her face against the light was impeccably beautiful. Her ivory-white skin was lustrous and smooth, like a well-carved ancient stone statue.

This made him feel that his wait was not in vain.

This guest looks like he needs a heart-to-heart talk, maybe he can gain a new friend today, and... a regular customer?

Ah, this is not the despicableness of a businessman, but a kind-hearted concern!

Ji Zhixu looked at the teacup in front of him and his pupils shrank.

"Waiting for so long" - that is to say, this bookstore owner is an insider, is he deliberately waiting for the rabbit?

Or is there another purpose?

But no matter what, from the bizarre bookstore revealed everywhere, the extremely precise timing, and the calm expression of this guy, it is obviously not simple.

Is it the Mystery Tower? Or the truth? Or is it the person who attended the night of Wap Ji Si?

In short, this guy is definitely not an ordinary bookstore owner!

Vigilance rose in her heart, and she quietly turned the cane's mechanism. As long as there was something wrong with the situation, it would immediately turn into a murderous blade and pierce the eye socket of the man on the opposite side.

"Are you waiting for me?" The hunter probed quietly.

Lin Jie showed a kind smile and said, "Yeah, I always feel that fate is sometimes magical, allowing two people who have never met to meet."

He pointed to the counter: "I hung the towel there, don't worry, you haven't used it, you can wipe off the rain first, do you need heating?"

Ji Zhixu hesitantly picked up the towel and shook his head: "No need."

Lin Jie takes a closer look

Looking at her, seeing her furrowed brows, and guessing based on past experience that the other party may have encountered difficulties in life, he cleared his throat and said:

"Looks like you're in trouble?"

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