These almost-looking people have no expression on their faces, no brilliance in their eyes, in these complex honeycomb-like structures

Shuttle among them, each doing their own thing, without any communication with each other.

Silent, silent.

It's as if these people aren't human, but just robots that have been indoctrinated with certain instructions.

The riders who followed Joseph looked at each other, obviously shocked.

If they are facing a bloody and fierce battlefield, then they will not have such a big reaction, but will feel ordinary

, but the quiet but strange scene in front of him is a kind of horror that touches people's hearts.

"What the hell is this

Joseph couldn't help but ask such a question in a deep voice.

He expected that in the depths of the underground mechanical reincarnation of the Truth Society, there would be people surrounded by the dense fog of highly toxic reagents produced by the failure of the experiment.

In a dead place, there will be monsters that are distorted as a result, there will be out-of-control mechanical equipment, and more will be dark and untouched for many years.

foot dust

However, I never thought that there would be such a complete and complex architectural space under the ground of the Truth Society.

Inside, there is another world at work!

This just makes my scalp tingle!

In a place where the truth would have been blocked and never entered, so that even the key had been abandoned for many years, there is such-

A well-ordered, sprawling experimentation site that looks like any other Truth Society laboratory it's seen before.

So, does it mean that, like parasites, they have quietly used mechanical reincarnation here.

The structure itself exists for decades, hundreds, even thousands of years

However, the scholars of the Truth Society did not know it, so they lived directly next to these things in front of them through a wall.

Just imagining it is enough to make one feel shivering and creepy.

An enemy, or a remnant of a bygone era?

While waiting for Andrew's response, Joseph quickly looked around, and the knights behind him also consciously dispersed.

Come, protect those two scholars who are barely fighting in the middle.

He frowned fiercely, and the more he looked at it, the more his heart skipped a beat.

The first is the "things" that don't seem to have anything to do with the word human, other than their appearance.

Joseph can be sure that when they came in, there was definitely a perspective that could see them with their eyes, but these things did not.

There was a slight reaction, still doing their own thing, as if they didn't exist.

These probably do not have their own thoughts.

Secondly, all the equipment and buildings here, including the ground, are old but very clean.

This means that these things are very old and are in constant use

This is supposed to contradict each other, but if the previous assumptions hold, then things make sense instead, and there is an inconsistency

The well-known organization has parasitized the underground of the truth society, and for a long time, - has been using this forbidden place in the eyes of the truth society

But here comes the problem.

They can't live in self-enclosure right down here, so apart from the path that Hood opened, - - there must be

Another way to connect the ground and the underground!

Then, it can be concluded that a high probability is established

In the truth meeting - there must be an inner ghost, who is cooperating

support them, and provide them with resources and help!

Joseph's mind changed, thinking of the incident of the inner ghost of the Truth Society before, and he understood in an instant.

Che here, Andrew is absolutely aware of it, or at least he absolutely knows that there will be people in these areas

, Moreover, the purpose of his coming down this time, I am afraid, is to let Joseph help him catch the ghost, not to clear the danger


"Damn, these old ** in suits really don't have good things. He simply wants to use the Mystery Tower as a gunner!"

Joseph cursed inwardly-

The crowd temporarily retreated to the corner like the stars and the moon.

Although those humanoids did not respond to their presence for the time being, they could not pin their hopes on the enemy

They are all deaf and blind.

The preparation is still to be done.

"Artificial man." Andrew took a deep breath and gave a firm answer: "These are made by the sage's stone.

Made by the core, androids. "

Joseph turned his head and stared at him: "The android? Is that your 'mud tire' plan?

Andrew nodded, his expression somewhat complicated and authentic: so. Our 'mud tire' product to date

, can be said to be all failures.

"So these here are the successful products?" Joseph immediately understood the meaning of Andrew's words and pointed to it:

These indifferent figures.

Andrew said: "Yes, but no.

*Joseph wanted to punch this guy on the spot, but held back, warning: "You better make it clear.

"The success of these androids lies in the fact that their bodies have been perfectly integrated with the superior quality of the Philosopher's Stone.

body without any flaws. "

"The ether flows unhindered in their bodies, believing

You should be able to feel that their resonance has been

reached the fear

The level of horror, as long as they learn and imitate, they can instantly become a powerful wizard or an excellent scholar

From this point on, they are perfect creations that could not be more successful.

Andrew didn't seem to see Joseph's intention to kill, and said to himself: "I said they were unsuccessful, then

It is because they are deprived of their minds. "

"An artificial human without thinking is just a useful tool, and cannot be called a human."

His eyes were more complicated: "But I think this failure was deliberate.

"It was deliberately repeated for Joseph, and he asked: "That is, the people who made them, and

It's not that there is no ability, but that all you need is a tool?"

He was speechless in his heart.

If that's the case, then the energy and daring of the man behind the scenes is probably more intimidating than they] imagined.

He has also heard about the plan of this artificial man. The resources that the truth will use is absolutely beyond imagination, and there are so many in front of him.

A perfect android will inevitably require more resources.

Paying so much, but finally using the product as a tool is too extravagant, if you cultivate it into a war

how strong

An idea popped into Joseph's mind.

Unless that person is a god level, then he does not need these dispensable existences to help himself.

"Also, their prototype

Andrew's words, looking at an artificial man in a white coat passing by: "It was the mechanical reincarnation at that time.

After the bombing of the bomb, it was confirmed that T1383, one of the three outstanding samples that was missing. "

"After that attack, we all thought that these samples were sent elsewhere by an insider, so we searched the whole area vigorously.

No gold, but no result so far

"It turns out that we were all wrong, they never left the mechanical reincarnation."

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