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In the rain, Ji Zhixu stopped.

But the old man walking across from him did not stop.

The two passed by.

Ji Orio didn't even have time to open the switch of the blade stick.

It wasn't that she didn't want to, but the invisible power so close at hand even made her stiff, and cold sweat fell from her forehead.

The old man, wearing a dark old suit and a gentleman's top hat, paused beside her, looked at the book in her hand with surprise, and whispered, "It's this book, but What a lucky little guy."

His voice was hoarse and unpleasant, and half of his face exposed under the umbrella was covered by a dark and old iron mask, revealing only a pair of dark green sinister eyes like snakes.

His eyes were as sharp as the edge of a sword, not at all cloudy like an old man should have.

Ji Zhixu only had time to glimpse the name of the book with black background and red stripes in the old man's hand - "Void Quiet", and the latter had already passed her and walked towards the dimly lit bookstore.

The cold dampness of the rain crawled along the bare skin, bringing a chill.


Ji Zhixu sighed heavily.

Go back.

In the bookstore door that was slowly closing, there was a faint conversation.

"Welcome... Huh? So it's Old Wang, have you come to return the book?"

"...Although you said it was a close call, I always felt something was wrong. Can you call me by my name? Mr. Lin."

"Certainly, Mr. Wilde."

"Huh... It's really inexplicably relieved, do you have a new guest?"

"Yes, old man."

"Name... Forget it, it seems that you like her very much, and you have even lent out the books you often read-here is the book you borrowed last time."

"The book I read often is also a book. Besides, I just think that book is suitable for her. It took only 20 days to return it, and the last bet was within 30 days. You lost haha, I'll tell you Such old people are not suitable for reading such books, so as not to feel dizzy, you still do not believe it."

"...I lost, sorry, this book is too esoteric, it is like a complete and huge world, full of mysterious and magical unknowns, transcending the limitations of time and space, from life to death, from From birth to death, with my shallow understanding, it is hard to imagine someone who can write such a masterpiece, that must be a great person."

"Of course, it was a dead giant."

"Giant? No wonder..."

The sound gradually disappeared.

Ji Zhixu looked at the book and umbrella in his hand.

The owner of the bookstore was much more relaxed and humorous when talking to the old man who was obviously a regular customer.

And the old man was also kind and friendly, as if he was a long-term friend with a deep friendship.

However, when Ji Zhixu recalled the meeting just now, he felt that there was cold sweat behind him.

"The Faceless Man of Black Scales" Frank Wilde, a destructive dark wizard.

The most iconic features are the mask on his face and the dark green snake pupils caused by the half-snake blood.

The seemingly gentle old man was a well-known and fiercely famous, ruthless and cruel executioner, a butcher with blood on his hands.

He once fought with one of the ten glorious knights of the Mystery Tower, destroyed an area of ​​nearly 10,000 kilometers, and won the title of Destruction.

I don't know why it disappeared from the public eye.

According to the regulations announced by the Truth Society in 1788, the superhumans are divided into four grades, also known as the "APDI classification method", and the Truth Society will announce the change list of the registered superhumans at all levels for this year every year.

Abnrma (abnormal grade).

Panicky (panic level).


Inescribabe (God level).


Although Wilde's name was marked with two remarks, "Whereabouts Unknown" and "Mystery Tower Bounty", it has never changed at the Destruction level.

You must know that there are less than ten Destruction-level Transcendents in the upper-level area of ​​Nuojin Capital City, and there are less than a hundred in the entire Azir.

How could such a brutal dark wizard who has long disappeared appear here? !

And it seems to be friends with that young man.

Ji Zhixu took a deep breath and left in a hurry, more and more convinced in his heart.

The owner of this bookstore is indeed an extremely powerful mysterious wizard!

At least it is the same level of destruction as Wilde!

She has an amazing person next to her...


Lin Jie put the book of "One Hundred Years of Solitude" back on the shelf, turned his head and asked, "Old Wang, you don't seem to be in a good mood."

Wilde was a frequent visitor to his bookstore.

——Although his dilapidated bookstore doesn’t have many customers in total, if you do a careful calculation, you can count the regular customers with just two hands, but it’s all thanks to his careful management, these customers have established a deep friendship with him, and basically have Make it a habit to come here.

Like Wilde, since he first entered the bookstore two years ago, including this time, he has borrowed books five times.

Although it seems that the number of times is a little small, each time the borrowing cycle is about one month, which is equivalent to two years and twenty-four months, four months are contributed to Lin Jie, a full one-sixth!


He opened the bookstore for three years, and there was no business in the first year, so Wilde can be said to be a long-term customer.

At the same time, it is also the object that Teacher Lin often provides life guidance and psychological counseling.


The elderly, especially empty nesters, are prone to problems both physically and psychologically.

And Comrade Lao Wang is a very standard empty-nest old man.

According to Lin Jie's understanding, Lao Wang has two children, but they are very bad to him, his lover has left him again, and his colleagues are still ostracizing him, and even fear him because of his appearance, and leave him alone in Nuojin Living in such a big city.

Although there is no shortage of money and food and clothing, but in terms of spiritual life, it is very lacking.

This lack is not only a lack of care from relatives and friends, but more importantly, a lack of identity.

Lao Wang himself is an expert in linguistics. He has in-depth research on various rare languages. He is a dedicated and highly accomplished scholar.

Such a person can easily get used to being alone, but he can't stand the loneliness of Qu Gao and widowhood.

So Lin Jie starts from this aspect!

When they met for the first time, they exchanged their initial goodwill by facing up and respecting each other's flaws in appearance.

The identity information was inferred from the books sold by the other party.

Then I recommended a book "Wenzhou Dialect".

This is one of the most difficult dialects in China known as "Devil's Language".

Within the territory of Wenzhou, there are as many as 12 languages ​​that are incomprehensible to each other.

During the war, even the Wenzhou dialect was used as a secret language, and the enemy could not decipher it at all!

Lin Jie looked at Lao Wang's eyes from casual, to doubt, to panic, and finally changed to the ecstasy that rekindled hope in life, shouting "Devil, this is the real devil", feeling that he is the master of chicken soup. significance.

Alas, the happiness of a life mentor is so unpretentious and boring.

Of course, there is no Wenzhou, let alone Huaxia, in this land called Azir. Lin Jie can only interpret this book as coming from a remote relic that has died.

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