I’m Really Playing Basketball

Chapter 495 Strong Enemy in the Playoffs

With all regular season games completed on April 18, the NBA 2006-2007 regular season has also ended.

The top-ranked Miami Heat were defeated by the Boston Celtics at home while resting Yao Ming and Wade. In the end, the Miami Heat's record was fixed at 74 wins and 8 losses.

From the Nets' 72 wins in the 2002-03 season, to the Bucks' 73 wins in the 2005-06 season, to the Heat's 74 wins this season, the Chicago Bulls' miraculous record in 1996 that was considered unbreakable has continued one after another. are constantly refreshed.

It can be seen how golden the golden era of NBA is now.

In such a golden era, the Heat can actually achieve such a record in the face of so many strong opponents, which shows how powerful this team is.

The Miami Heat led almost from the beginning to the end this season.

In addition to the first-ranked Heat in the Eastern Conference, the second-ranked team is the Nets with 69 wins and 13 losses.

This record is also very good. In fact, if Chen Xiao and Wade had not supported Yao Ming to win the MVP prematurely, the Nets' record could actually be even better.

But after Chen Xiao and Wade's remarks supporting Yao Ming came out, the Nets lost to the Pacers, Knicks and Bulls in the next few games.

Obviously, Wade and Chen Xiao supported Yao Ming's remarks about winning the MVP, which relieved the tight Nets.

Therefore, after Wade and Chen Xiao's remarks came out, many people said that Carter must be sad, but Pat Riley must be as happy as eating honey.

The team ranked third in the Eastern Conference after the New Jersey Nets is the Bobcats with 67 wins and 15 losses. I won't say much about this.

Ranked fourth in the Eastern Conference is the Cleveland Cavaliers, ranked first in the Central Division. The Cavaliers' record this season is 50 wins and 32 losses. There is an insurmountable gap between this record and the top three teams. chasm.

In fact, if they were not ranked first in the conference, the Cavaliers' record would only rank sixth in the Eastern Conference.

It can only be said that the once extremely strong Central Division, which has the Cavaliers, Pistons, Bucks, Bulls, and Pacers, is really lagging this season.

Of course, every team in the Central Division has its own problems this season. The Bucks have lost their second-in-command and a group of good pillar players, and are now in the throes of reconstruction.

As for the Cavaliers, James focuses on training his assistants and talents. Just like Chen Xiao did in the Bobcats, this season James does not even take charge and focuses on training Mo Williams, causing the Cavaliers to even be in danger of falling apart.

As for the Bulls, they have potential and strength, but they are too young.

As for the Pistons, Wheat and Billups are strong, but after the Pistons replaced Ben and Prince Hamilton, the entire system collapsed.

The Pacers, like the Pistons, have also rebuilt their system by replacing Ou and Artest.

However, although the five teams in the Central Division this season are not top-notch, the strength of these five teams is also not weak.

As soon as the rebuild is over, they can become a superteam again at any time.

After the Cavaliers, ranked fifth in the Eastern Conference is the Magic. This season, the Magic almost spent the second half of the season in a daze. When the other three super teams were struggling, the Magic They gave up their plan to enter the top two in the regular season early on, and in the end, under the incomparable salty fish, this team had a record of 64 wins and 18 losses.

To be honest, the record of the Magic is still very strong.

What's even stronger is that such a record, in the east, can only be ranked fifth, which is amazing.

In any case, the Magic have this record, coupled with Duncan, Big Ben, Prince, Hamilton, Parker and Ginobili and many other strong players in the league, this team will not just be the second in the conference. Five and be looked down upon.

Even, they are considered the only team in the league that can compete for the championship with the Heat.

The Heat's competitors are considered to be only the Magic.

Of course, the Magic's competitors are certainly not only the Heat.

The sixth-ranked team in the Eastern Conference is the Raptors who have newly acquired Jermaine O'Neill this season. The Raptors have a record of 55 wins and 27 losses this season.

This record cannot be said to be bad, but for the Raptors, who have Nash, Ou, Josh Smith, Milicic and Laga Bell, this record is definitely not as good as expected.

The reason why the Raptors' record this season is not as good as expected is mainly because O'Brien is too comprehensive. His arrival, except for Nash, can be said to have compressed the space for everyone else.

Because of his arrival, Milicic's offensive role dropped off a cliff. He was not as good as O'Brien in the face frame, and couldn't be as good as Ou in the back. In the end, Milicic felt as if he was being given away by O'Brien on the offensive end.

And Josh Smith played from a power forward to a small forward because of the arrival of O'Neill, and the shortcomings of poor shooting have also been continuously magnified.

However, although the Raptors have a lot of problems in the regular season this season, in the playoffs, this team will obviously rise to a level, because in the fierce competition in the playoffs, the advantages brought by Ou are far greater. to shortcomings.

Therefore, despite the decline in the Raptors' regular season performance this season, the competitiveness of the playoffs has increased. This is not an easy team to play.

Behind the Raptors, the final seventh and eighth teams were the Bucks and Bulls. Both teams were 45-37. In the end, these two teams defeated the 44-38 Pistons and entered the Eastern Conference. of the playoffs.

The competition for the bottom two in the Eastern Conference this season is very fierce, with the Pistons, Bucks and Bulls competing until the final round.

So much so that at the end of the competition, these three teams seemed to be going crazy. They were really trying to kill each other. No matter you are the Bobcats, Heat or Magic Nets, as long as they prevent me from entering the playoffs, then don't do it. I blame you for being rude.

When these three teams finally faced strong teams, they were indeed in amazing form. All the top four teams in the Eastern Conference were killed by them.

But in the end, the reason why the Pistons were eliminated was not because they couldn't face a strong team, but because they unexpectedly lost by 11 points against the 76ers. Maizi was in bad shape in this game, and the opposite was a little-known little guy. Willie Greene exploded.

In the end, the Pistons sadly bid farewell to the playoffs this season, and Maizi ultimately failed to get the chance to humiliate the Magic in the playoffs.

Outside of the top nine in the Eastern Conference, the teams ranked tenth to fifteenth in the Eastern Conference are the Washington Wizards, Pacers, 76ers, Knicks, Celtics and Hawks.

In the West, the Spurs led by Ron Howard and Arenas finally ranked first with a record of 60 wins and 22 losses.

And this time, the Spurs are already No. 1 in the Western Conference.

At the same time, this season the Spurs have become the only team in the Western Conference with a record of 60 wins.

It can be seen that the new generation Spurs team with Ron Howard, Arenas and Howard as the core is now once again standing at the top of the Western Conference.

After Duncan left, Popovich built a powerful castle on the ruins of San Antonio.

So, despite the fact that Popovich was ridiculed crazily because of Duncan's departure a few years ago, now, because of his successful reconstruction with the Spurs, he has even received a higher evaluation.

In a situation where Duncan was bound to leave, he was able to use Duncan's trade to lure Ron Howard from the Magic. It was indeed a god-like operation.

Although the price for Ron Howard was Ginobili and Parker, the price is also not small.

But at least, for now, Spurs fans and experts think it is worth it.

After the Spurs, the second-ranked team in the Western Conference this season is the Dallas Mavericks, with a record of 58 wins and 24 losses. This ranking is incredible.

Because before the start of the season, no one would have thought that the Mavericks would have such a strong ranking in the Western Conference this season.

Before the start of the season, everyone's attention was still on Iverson and Anthony's Nuggets, Garnett's Timberwolves, Kobe's Lakers, and O'Neal's Suns.

The Mavericks are, at best, the favorite to be No. 6 in the Western Conference.

I have to say that young general Johnson is doing really well with the Mavericks.

And Nowitzki, the head player of the Mavericks, has also played at a very high offensive level this season. His face-to-frame offense is even considered to have reached a state of perfection this season. His two-point shooting percentages from mid-range and long-range are all 100%. More than 50%.

Coupled with his 42% three-point shooting percentage, let's put it this way, Nowitzki is simply invincible from the mid-range.

Therefore, this season Nowitzki, Yao Ming and Chen Xiao are considered to be one of the three players in the NBA who can attack without solutions and have super efficiency.

Of course, some people know that Nowitzki still has some unknown weaknesses behind this flourishing.

Of course, this guy is not coaching in the NBA right now.

Therefore, after all rounds, Nowitzki is still invincible.

The third place in the Western Conference this season is the Timberwolves led by Garnett, Larry Hughes, Szczerbiak, Caron Butler, David Lee, Rondo and other players. The Timberwolves' record this season is 54 Wins and 28 losses, this record is the same as the record of the Lakers led by Kobe Bryant, who is fourth in the Western Conference.

Even the direct battle statistics between the Timberwolves and the Lakers were the same. In the end, the Lakers ranked fourth and the Timberwolves ranked third. The Suns, who are simply in the same division as the Lakers, made the Lakers miserable. The Lakers lost more divisions than the Timberwolves this season. many.

So the Timberwolves are third and the Lakers are fourth.

But for the Lakers, although fourth place is not very good, at least they escaped the nemesis Suns led by O'Neal.

Yes, in order to trick the Lakers, the Suns ultimately failed to reach fifth place in the Western Conference.

The fifth place in the Western Conference was taken away by the Nuggets with 50 wins and 32 losses, while the Suns ranked sixth with 49 wins and 33 losses.

The Nuggets of Iverson and Anthony have shown strong offensive strength this season, but they do have big problems on defense.

The Suns led by O'Neal, O'Neal, Stoudemire, and Rasheed's three inside lines are indeed strong, but the outside problem is due to the big contracts of O'Neal, Stoudemire, and Rasheed. New prospects are basically locked up, and big names cannot sign. Highly valuable veterans are unwilling to come to the Suns to hug their legs. This has resulted in the Suns' perimeter organizational problems never being solved.

So, as time goes by, this team that once dominated the Western Conference is now slowly declining.

Of course, for the Suns, because O'Neal is getting older, they gradually no longer care about the regular season.

Let's put it this way, as long as there are O'Neal and Rashid Jr., in the playoffs, the Suns will still not be afraid of anyone except the Spurs.

Moreover, the Suns have Fisher, Quentin Richardson, and Wade Barbosa on the perimeter. Their perimeter differences are relative. In the entire Western Conference, the Spurs are the only ones who dare to say that they can exploit the Suns' perimeter weaknesses.

So, despite the fact that the Suns are only sixth, as long as the playoffs come, this team is still one of the biggest favorites in the Western Conference.

The seventh-ranked team in the West is the Memphis Grizzlies led by Boss Kee, with a record of 40 wins and 42 losses.

Keith's team is really stable in the playoffs. In the twilight years of his career, Keith and Bago have already entered retirement life in advance with the Grizzlies.

After the Grizzlies, the eighth team in the West is Pierce and Rashad Lewis, and the Seattle SuperSonics led by Okafor.

After trading for Pierce this season, the Seattle SuperSonics finally got their ideal team boss once again, and they also got their wish and entered the playoffs once again.

The ninth team in the Western Conference is the Jazz. Unfortunately this season, the Jazz once again missed the opportunity for the playoffs, and the United Arab Emirates once again missed the playoffs.

This season is the Arab League's third season in the NBA. Although it once again missed the playoffs, under the leadership of Jerry Sloan, the Arab League is still improving, with strength data and even weight improving.

As Karl Malone's mentor and the most reasonable and strongest head coach in the NBA for gaining weight for players, Jerry Sloan is very patient in gaining weight for players.

Malone never had a massive injury problem because of his weight gain.

Jerry Sloan is indeed very stable in this aspect, and is also very suitable for Eastern players like the UAE and Dayao. To be honest, Jerry Sloan is indeed not comparable to Thibodeau or Van Gundy or others in this aspect. .

From the current point of view, although the Jazz has missed the playoffs in a row, Sloan is still full of confidence in the UAE.

According to Jerry Sloan's own evaluation: "I rarely see an inside player like Yi who not only has strength potential, but also athletic ability and shooting ability. I believe I will find Yi with strength, athletic ability and shooting ability." balance point."

This is a bit difficult to understand. Simply put, Jerry Sloan saw the shadow of Malone in Yi Jianlian.

It is believed that Yi Jianlian can be like Malone, gain weight without damaging his athletic ability and shooting ability, and eventually evolve into an ultimate invincible inside killer.

Whether Sloan can turn the UAE into a player like Malone is hard to say.

But historically, the Arab League is indeed one of the few yellow players who has a "long-lasting monster" and has both strength, shooting and athletic ability. Not to mention the NBA, in Asia and even in the international arena, it is said that he matured in the later period. Ah Lian is Ma Long, so there is really no problem at all.

And this is the result of being freed without encountering Jerry Sloan.

With the training of Jerry Sloan, it is worth observing whether the United Arab Emirates can really go further, or even reach the position that Jerry Sloan imagined.

In the NBA, every coach has his or her own predictions. Not all predictions can come true. It should be said that most of the predictions and predictions are failures. Otherwise, Jordan will be everywhere in the NBA, and the magic bird is not as good as a dog.

After the Jazz, the tenth to fifteenth teams in the Western Conference are the Clippers, Mosaic, Golden State Warriors, Hornets, Kings, and Trail Blazers.

By the way, the Trail Blazers, who have Chen Xiao's younger brothers Darius Miles and Lou Williams, are actually not that weak in terms of physical strength. This team is doing crazy things this season!


Of course it's for Oden, the favorite to be the No. 1 pick in this year's draft!

In this regard, Chen Xiao's two younger brothers have complained a lot this season.

However, the statistics of these two guys this season are quite impressive.

Especially Darius Myers, when Chen Xiao suggested that he gain weight and become a devilish muscleman, and combined with his ball-handling ability trained by Chen Xiao to play power forward, he really looked a bit like a historical figure. Tetokounmpo’s shadow.

A super muscular man who can play point guard, run and jump.

In short, for the entire history of the NBA, this NBA regular season is indeed very memorable.

This season, in addition to one 74-win team, there are actually four 60-win teams.

However, compared with last season, this season's personal data is not so explosive.

Last season, Chen Xiao was able to average 44 points per game.

This season, the NBA's regular season scoring leader is Ray Allen, who averages 31.8 points per game.

Ray Allen once again proved himself this season that he is not a flash in the pan player.

Although the team's record dropped significantly after the team was split by Chen Xiao last season, Ray Allen is still the same Lei Zhentian this season.

As for the assists king, it was won by Chris Paul of the Bobcats. This is the second consecutive season that the young point guard has won this award. This season, Paul averaged only 12 assists per game. Compared with There was a lot of decline last season, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that Paul's assists this season are completely different from those last season.

At the same time, the rebounding leader this season is Kevin Garnett. Garnett averaged 13 rebounds per game this season, ranking first among all players.

The steal leader this season is Ron Howard, who averaged 2.5 steals per game. This is the first time in his career that he has won this award. The overall steals per game data in the NBA this season is not very high.

On the contrary, in terms of blocking data, this season is astonishing. The leader in blocks is Camby, who averages 3.3 times per game, followed by O'Neal Jr., who averages 2.9 times per game, and Josh Smith, who averages 2.6 times per game.

Good guys, Ou and Josh Smith are both Raptors players.

In fact, the Raptors' defense was useless because of Nash. Milicic, O'Neill and Josh Smith all had many opportunities to block shots and help defend, and these three were really good at blocking and assisting defense.

O'Brien and Josh Smith ranked second and third in the blocked shots list, while Milicic ranked fifth with an average of 2.5 per game.

There are three Raptors players in the top five in blocked shots, which is the first time in NBA history.

So, can we confidently say that Nash is the strongest shooting assistant in the NBA?

Of course this is a joke, but the real situation is that although the Raptors have a poor record this season, they have done a very good job in solving Nash's defensive loopholes.

After having Ou, the Raptors are no longer a team that relies on offense like in the past, but a team with strong defense. This season, their offense is constipated, but their defense is constipating their opponents.

And such a team is the Bobcats' opponent in the playoffs!

Speaking of the Bobcats, the Bobcats actually have quite a few milestones this season.

This season Chen Xiao can average 10 of 17.5 shots per game, 3 of 7 three-pointers, 9.5 free throws and 8 free throws. His three field goal percentages are 57.1%, 42.9%, and 84% per game. He can average 31 points per game. Points, 7.5 rebounds, 6 assists, 2 steals and 2 blocks.

This season, Chen Xiao's average number of shots per game hit a career low, but his field goal percentage hit a career high. At the same time, Chen Xiao, who scored 2,542 points this season, also reached a career regular season total of 13,768 points.

This also allowed Chen Xiao to achieve the record of being the youngest player to score 12,000 points and 13,000 points this season.

In addition, Chen Xiao's scoring average this season ranks third, second only to Ray Allen and Tracy McGrady.

Although he is only third in the scoring list, which is a sharp drop from last season's 44 points per game, no one said that Chen Xiao's scoring ability has declined. Look at Chen Xiao's terrifying efficiency, let's just say that, although Rea Lun and Tracy McGrady scored slightly more than Chen Xiao, but in terms of scoring ability, Chen Xiao is still the strongest.

Moreover, this season Chen Xiao averaged 2 steals and 2 blocks per game, which is quite eye-catching this season.

Last season, Chen Xiao's steals and blocks were 2.3 steals and 2.5 blocks, which looked more terrifying. However, because Chen Xiao's scoring was so dazzling, the defensive data was overshadowed.

But this season, because Chen Xiao's scoring data is not that amazing, this makes Chen Xiao's defensive data stand out.

Therefore, many people say that Chen Xiao is likely to win the first Defensive Player of the Year trophy in his career this season.

In the selection of the best defensive player, Chen Xiao's competitors will be the shot-blocking king Camby and his good brother the stealing king Luo Ge.

If he can really win the best defensive player, Chen Xiao's career will also reach a small breakthrough.

After the regular season ended, Chen Xiao and the Bobcats waited in Charlotte for the arrival of the Raptors.

The first round of the Eastern Conference between the Bobcats and Raptors starts on the first day of the playoffs, which is April 21.

Before the start of this series, most experts across the country were optimistic about the Bobcats.

"No disrespect to the Raptors, I don't think the Raptors can beat the Bobcats even one game, no, they may not even be able to get even a moment's lead in any game in this series!"

Mr. Ba, you are blowing too hard!

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