Forty years ago.

"Kazuo Kazuo, why did you come back... and brought a stranger back..."

"If Lord Mountain God is angry, it will affect the whole village..."

"Hurry up and kill this outsider and throw Kazuo back into the mountain!!"

In the dilapidated small village, more than a dozen thin-faced male villagers held sickles and hoes, nervously surrounding the little boy and the tall man in ragged clothes behind him.

"Hey, seem to have promised me three wishes."

The little boy lowered his head, making it difficult to see the expression in the shadow.

"That's right, so soon, have you considered it?"

Hearing his words, the tall man seemed to understand something, walked aside expressionlessly, picked up a thick branch and held it in his hand.

It was obviously an ugly branch with dead leaves, but it glowed like a peerless weapon in his hands.

"These people are the ones who want to dedicate me to the mountain god in exchange for their own survival..."

The little boy's words were full of cruelty that didn't match his age.

"Give them...a happy time."

Following his words, the branch in the tall man's hand waved forward as if removing "weeds", splashing a large cloud of blood.


"Give you a good time?"

Hearing Kazuo Amado's words, Kohei Higashino put his forehead against the opponent's face, showing a crazy smile.

"...Like, what you did to Reiko?!!!!"

According to the results of the autopsy and the reconstruction of the accident scene, Reiko Shirasui died at the moment of the explosion without feeling any pain.

This may be the last mercy of God to her.


Higashino Kohei looked around, and just dragged Kazuo Amado to a large two-story machine not far away.

He violently smashed the protective shell of the console, and after pressing the start button, he hammered the protective shell into the console panel.

"Buzz buzz..."

The machine suddenly made a piercing roar.

"You... what do you want to do..."

Watching his movements, Kazuo Amado's pupils instantly narrowed, revealing an expression of disbelief.

"of course……"

Higashino Kohei bent his legs to the ground, jumped up suddenly, and led Kazuo Amado to climb up along the bracket next to the machine.

"...I'll give you what you want."

Standing above the machine, Higashino Kohei looked down and smiled contentedly.

Inside the machine, like the mouth of an abyss, are steel sawtooths that roll at high speed and bite into each other.

He just started it, which is impressively legendary. Whether it is a hammer, a fire hydrant, an inflatable doll or a scrap car, it can be crushed one by one, pressed out of the warehouse, and brought inexplicable pleasure. It is a business-use shredder. .

"Uh ah ah ah... no, don't..."

Looking at the giant steel beast that chose to devour people under its feet, Kazuo Tiandou, who was strangled by the neck and lifted above the machine, let out a wail of incomparable fear.

At the same time, with the piercing sound of brakes, several beams of bright light instantly concentrated on the two of them.

"This is the Yokohama Police Station's 'Violence Group Surrounding Guard'. Now I suspect that you are involved in multiple crimes such as illegal assembly, gang fights, and deliberate murder. Please stop your behavior immediately and come down to cooperate with our investigation..."

Below the machine, several police cars attracted by the explosion of the off-road vehicle had already gathered.

Beside the car, more than a dozen heavily armed members of the guard were aiming at Higashino Kohei with their guns.

And one of the police officers was holding a loudspeaker and negotiating with him loudly.

"Hey hey, you policemen really came 'just in time'."

Seeing the heavily armed guards surrounding him below, Higashino Yukira asked expressionlessly.

"Do you know how many people have died because of this monster in my hand?!"

"...And when Lizi needed you, where were you?!"

The raindrops in the sky became thicker and more violent, like Higashino Kohei's questioning, beating hard on everyone's hearts.

"Lucky Ping!!!"

At the same time, two men wearing silk stockings, drenched all over, and acting suspiciously rushed out from the corner of the warehouse, roaring.

It was Araki Sousuke and Nizen Ryoma who came here after hearing the news.

What greeted them was a row of black muzzles from the guards.

"If you find a suspected accomplice, arrest him first..."

Several police officers immediately surrounded them, pressed the suspicious-looking two people to the ground with their knees, and handcuffed their hands.

"Xinghei!!! Don't be impulsive!!!"

Regardless of being handcuffed, Araki Sousuke dragged the police officers behind him and yelled at Higashino Kohei above the machine.

Seeing these two men with silk stockings covering their heads and looking like bank robbers appearing suddenly, Higashino Xinghei was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then showed a relieved and helpless expression.

"Two before Ryoma!! You smelly policeman, and your informant, do you still want to stop me now?!"

"Hey, stinky cop? Although I do..."

"The informant... is talking about me?"

Higashino Xinghei roared angrily, but made the two of them look dazed.


Higashino Kohei ignored the crowd below, picked up the pink diamond ring on his chest, and kissed it lightly.

"You are optimistic under Jiuquan, I will avenge you now..."

He pulled out the dagger from Kazuo Tento's body and aimed it at the opponent's chest.

Higashino Xinghei's eyes, which were originally fierce and energetic, had lost all luster and turned into a lifeless gray.

"Oops...that guy..."

Erqian Ryoma, whose head was firmly pressed in the mud, noticed his eyes and felt a "thump" in his heart.

That is, the eyes with no nostalgia for the world.

"Don't move!!! What are you doing?!"

"Stop your behavior immediately or we will shoot!"

"Go and turn off that machine!!!"

"The console is broken and can't be turned off..."

"Cut off the power immediately!"

"That's a high-voltage cable, and someone has been arranged to go..."

Seeing Higashino Kohei's actions, the police below suddenly panicked and pulled the safety catch in unison.

"Xingping, don't be impulsive... What's the matter, you come down and talk to me!!!!"

At the same time, Sousuke Araki, who was pressed to the ground by the three policemen, turned over the three adult men on him like an ancient monster, squeezed into the crowd in front, and ran under the machine.

"What are you doing, you are obstructing official duties!"

"Hold him quickly..."

"Come to someone to help, this guy has a lot of strength..."

The police officers who were knocked to the ground by him got up one after another and threw themselves on Araki Sousuke's back.

"Bastard... let me go..."

Sousuke Araki was like a shark entangled in seaweed, dragged by more than a dozen police officers, and walked towards Higashino Kohei step by step with all his strength.

There was chaos under the pulverizer, but it seemed that all sounds were covered by a thick rain curtain.

Seeing Sousuke Araki running towards him below, Higashino Kohei opened his mouth slightly and said something silently.

Then, he gently handed out the dagger in his hand.

"Uh ah ah ah..."

Following Tiandeng Kazuo's screams, the sharp dagger had already ruthlessly penetrated into his chest.

Blood spurted like juice.


Faced with this bloody scene, an unknown policeman couldn't hold back and pulled the trigger.

The deadly bullet pierced Higashino Kohei's forehead with a sound of piercing, and a bloody hole bloomed.

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