I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 315 317+318 Tsukage Chikusa's Jihad [1+2]

"Hey, corrupt working lady and magic stick lady, look at my 'S fixed' move!"

In the middle of the night in Roppongi, Tsukage Chikusa, who was full of decadence and had thick dark circles under her eyes, was working hard in front of the computer.

On his chest was a pure black pendant that looked like a simple rune.

A trace of exhaustion flashed across her face, Tsukage Chikusa stretched her waist, and her whole body suddenly melted into a black shadow under the light.

This shadow is like thick ink, flowing rapidly in the shadows of each furniture.

As the shadows reunited, Tsukage Chikusa appeared in the kitchen.

Like bartending, he skillfully opened the refrigerator, took out espresso, sports energy drinks, raw eggs, frog juice drinks, kidney function drinks and other unknown things and poured them into the blender, and turned them into a cup of color and shape amidst the roar. The breath and breath are indescribable, the liquid that was forcibly mosaiced by the author.

"Gudong Gudong" raised his head and drank the juice of unknown meaning, and his spirit was rejuvenated on Tsukage Chikusa's pale face.

The secret technique, the juice of life.

"Hey hey hey hey... Although this "Shadow Power" is not durable enough, it has already improved the efficiency of life too much just for indoor movement..."

A few days ago, through many troublesome anonymous transactions, he transferred several lockers and shipping companies, and he obtained the package sent by "Observer" from overseas...

Holding the gambling mentality of "just pretend to be a member of the "Hell Revolution"", he activated the "Shadow Pendant" in the package according to the method specified by the "Observer", which was prostituted from the "Evil Flower". ".

After all, compared with the temptation of stepping into the "extraordinary", risks such as exposure, unknown side effects, and even life-threatening risks are tolerable.

In the end, he was quite satisfied with this extraordinary ability to control the shadows.

At least for otaku who move indoors and short distances for a long time, it can save a lot of time.

At the same time, it also proves that the organization "Evil Flower" has more or less real materials.

Turning into a shadow again, he teleported to the computer, picked up the pressure-sensitive pen, and continued to write and draw on the top-level digital screen on the table.

"[Beep...] Village Dairy, you wait for me... I am no longer the failed me! This time of the 'jihad', I want the whole world to know my greatness..."

This was his third day of sleepless nights for some impending holy war.

"...Come here, the inspiration from 'Life Through Juice' is coming up like a tide!!!"

With Tsukage Chikusa's brushstrokes like flying, the wonderful pens are blooming, just a few line drafts, on the digital screen and computer screen, a woman with a strong figure and a refreshing OL skirt is outlined at the same time...

She was fighting a monster with tentacles all over her body, but because her flexible body was entangled by the opponent, her head and feet were fixed.

"Yes, that's it, and it needs to be twisted to be more attractive..."

This is impressive, it is a well-known and exciting move in women's wrestling and sumo competitions, and S is fixed.

"San Tentacle, who had been working hard all day, was oppressed by the working lady of the villainous organization... Yes, the two had a slightly restrained physical conflict at first... But because of the other party's uncompromising attitude, Mr. Tentacle had to use his lifelong skills ...Using my own flexible and strong eight tentacles to surprise the opponent's back..."

As she muttered, the expression on Tsukage Chikusa's face became more frenzied, and her movements became faster and faster...

"I can do it, look at the color of the flanks, the texture of the lower abdomen, the whiteness of the back, the tightness of the thighs, the arc of the calf..."

"The majesty that cannot be restrained by several tentacles, the clear dividing line, and even every small toe must be reflected..."

"I can do it!!! I can do it!!!"

As if burning out her life, Tsukage Chikusa panted heavily, and completed the line draft of "Mr. Tentacle S Fixed".

"Well... Barely qualified, the next step is "Shrimp Fixation". "

Gently holding up her glasses, Tsukage Chikusa confirmed her outline with a glance, and began to draw the next picture with a blush on her face.

Please don't get me wrong, Tsukage Chikusa is not creating any new weirdness, but...

drawing comic.

Strictly speaking, what he draws are not original comics, but some kind of niche fan-oriented works.

Tsukage Chikusa, code-named "Hell Revolution", is still an ordinary young man who needs to eat, drink, and pay rent in private.

The weirdness constantly created through this laptop did not bring him the slightest benefit, and he even had to squeeze out his spare time, use his painting skills, and earn enough money to maintain basic expenses such as rent and food and clothing .

After all, if you live under the Senju Bridge with no water, electricity or internet, and you are hungry, you cannot create excellent weirdness.

Therefore, in addition to IBM700, the supreme moderator of the urban legend of the 2CH forum, Tsukage Chikusa's other trumpet "KIYOMI" is a big hit in the comics in the sub-section of the 2CH forum.

That's right, Eighteen Doujinxiang comics.

It is still eligible for regular fee updates and the kind that accepts crowdfunding customization privately.

Different from the general "soulless" works that put popular manga heroines into their works, what Mr. KIYOMI is good at is more original and niche. Niang is the protagonist, and other popular comic characters occasionally appear in guest appearances. It's a strange comic.

Because of his unusual themes, strange painting styles, and bloody scenes, his works satisfy the unique interests of a small number of readers, thus gathering a large number of die-hard fans.

There is a saying that goes, as long as there is love...

And teacher KIYOMI, who is a well-known painter, struggled through the night with his life, just to prepare for the upcoming holy war, Comiket.

The nickname is Comiket, the full name is Comic Market, or COMI for short.

This is the largest doujinshi sale in Japan and even in the world held by the "Comic Market Preparatory Meeting".

Due to the increasing popularity of Comiket, many professional cartoonists, as well as beautiful girl game companies, railway enthusiasts, gothic loli costume designers, amateur singers and even amateur painters will be there to sell their works.

For fan cartoonists, selling their books here is not to make money.

Showing off his strongest work, gaining the approval of countless fellow fans with tricky tastes, stepping on the corpse of his peers step by step to the throne of the current king of the book...

Such a journey is called "Holy War"!

The time of comi in summer is usually on the eve of Menglan Bon Festival.

As a "community participant" specially invited by the 2CH forum's sub-section, and a named ace painter, the deadline for writing was delayed due to various trivial matters such as weird creations and joining "Evil Flower"...

That's why he is still here desperately trying to catch up on drafts when other book painters are starting to print their works leisurely.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Just when Tsukage Chikusa completed another satisfactory page of "Excessive! Shrimp Fixation" work and hid his face and laughed wildly, a pale eyeball quietly appeared inside his side-view computer case.

"Crack...ZapZaZaZa...Eye of Gap?!!!"

Looking at the tear-filled eyeballs that were covered in bloodshot eyes and filled with complex emotions such as grievance and excitement for some reason, Tsukage Chikusa's pale laughter stopped abruptly, and she fell to the ground directly with her chair.

"Why did it appear here...was it an accident...or did I find it through some contact?"

This is the first time in his life that he has a sincere encounter with his non-fan-based "work".

Steady, steady, don't panic, Tsukage Chikusa, male, 23 years old, 18 X doujin artist.

Anyway, you are now a person who has stepped into the extraordinary...

Moreover, what is in front of you is your own "work".

After calming down, Tsukage Chikusa looked at the pale eye with some curiosity.

As he tentatively spread his hands, the eyeball unexpectedly jumped into his palm in coordination, like a puppy who had been wronged outside, dawdling affectionately.

"This guy... seems to be different from other 'works'?"

Looking curiously at the eyeball in his hand that doesn't follow the "rules", Tsukage Chikusa forgot her fear and revealed a look of inquiry.

The "work" placed on the game map is logically the same as a program that has been programmed in advance, and it will only perform "tasks" mechanically.

Even if you encounter a "creator" like yourself, you will only avoid it according to the "rules" preset in advance.

What happened to the eyeball in front of me, that something like "spirituality" or "self-awareness" was born, and it came to the door?

"So, do you have something to tell me?"

Tsukage Chikusa tried to communicate with the other party.

Unexpectedly, that eyeball actually understood and nodded his head.

Immediately, Tsukage Chikusa saw a scene that made him tear up.

Countless dense eyeballs suddenly appeared in the gaps of the bookshelf, computer desk, case, curtains, etc. in front of him...

Although he didn't suffer any substantial mental coercion, his stomach started to twitch uncontrollably just by being stared at by these dense phobia-like eyeballs.

These eyeballs, like the low-level wild monsters "Ghost Lime" in some games, lined up and jumped onto his desktop.

Just like a song and dance actor bowing to the audience before the performance started, the rows of eyeballs leaned forward slightly towards him, and they were combined layer upon layer.

Next, what appeared in front of Tsukage Chikusa with a sluggish face was a stickman-like "eyeball man" made up of eyeballs.

"Interesting... It seems that your 'peeping' of human society during this period is not useless."

Seeing the "eyeball man" bowing to him in the posture of "Dogeza" on the computer desktop, Tsukage Chikusa calmed down, and fell back on the chair with great interest, clasping his hands on his abdomen.

"Then, please begin, your performance..."

Following his words, the "eyeball man" immediately collapsed on the table, posing in an ecstasy sleeping position sprawled across his back.

A few eyeballs suddenly appeared nearby, then fell powerlessly to the ground without moving.

"So... you met a very strong guy, even when you were asleep, your attacks were ineffective against him?"

Tsukage Chikusa rubbed her chin and pondered for a while, probably understanding the fact that "Eye of the Gap" wanted to express.

"Is it some spirit remover? What does that guy look like..."

After asking this question, Tsukage Chikusa burst into laughter.

It is indeed too difficult for [Eye of the Gap] to use the arrangement and combination of eyeballs to accurately express the appearance of a person.

So, he tried another question: "... What other characteristics does that guy have?"

The "eyeball man" on the table was stunned for a while, and a slightly smaller eyeball appeared on the forehead in the "head", as if there was a sudden bump on his head...

"What kind of feature is this? Eyes on the forehead? Horns? Big poop?"

Tsukage Chikusa rubbed her face in distress, and gave up on interpreting this unclear feature: "... Or, did that person do anything else?"

With the rearrangement and combination of eyeballs, the two "eyeball men" picked up the pens on the table with both hands, and fought against each other like swordsmanship.

After two rough gestures, the "stickman" with "forehead and long eyes" chopped off the opponent's "sword" and won.

"This is... a duel of kendo... wait, my latest model of stylus is super expensive!!!"

After being stunned for a moment, Tsukage Chikusa slapped the "eyeball man" into individual eyeballs, and rescued her love pen that was broken into several pieces with great care.

Not discouraged, those eyeballs reorganized into "eyeball man" and sat cross-legged on the table.

A scene that surprised Tsukage Chikusa appeared...

Several eyeballs form a standing square frame.

Several other smaller eyeballs bounced and overlapped between the "eyeball man"'s legs.

Then, the "eyeball man" started to face the square frame, and the "left hand" kept gesticulating at high speed on the indescribable thing between the legs...

"Enough... You have been peeping outside these days, what kind of mess have you learned!!!"

Seeing the unsightly behavior of her "work" in front of her, Tsukage Chikusa couldn't help but slap the "eyeballer" all over the ground again.

"All in all, you want my help to defeat that spirit remover, right..."

Looking at the "eyeball man" who kept "kneeling down" to him, Tsukage Chikusa thought for a while, then showed a playful smile.

"For the sake of your unique spirituality, it's not impossible for you to 'invest', anyway, the energy required for 'that thing' to start is already enough..."

With the operation of Tsukage Chikusa on the computer, placing it on the game map, the vortex representing the "Eye of the Gap" gradually became larger and the color turned gray.

That's right, he gave [Eye of the Gap] all of his remaining power of ghosts and gods.

Countless eyeballs appeared from all directions in every corner, and gathered together towards the center of the house.

"This is the first time I have witnessed the ghostly transformation of a 'work', so I have to record it well..."

The enthusiasm for "creation" overwhelmed the intense fear caused by the gathering of many eyeballs, Tsukage Chikusa took out a paper notebook and started to write crazily.

"Let me see how far you can grow!"

As the eyeballs continued to merge, a monster with golden double ponytails, curvaceous like a young girl, but completely black, with countless eyeballs slowly flowing from head to toe, knelt down on one knee and appeared in front of Tsukage Chikusa.

"You, you...are you actually a woman?"

Asked by him, the huge eyeballs of the "head" under the golden double ponytails lowered their heads slightly, and a blush appeared on the "face".

You blush with a bubble teapot! !

"The name... Has it become the Evil God with Slit Eyes? Well, it sounds so old-fashioned, it doesn't fit my aesthetics at all..."

Looking at the proud figure in front of me, even a pair of 36Es are composed of densely packed eyeballs [Gap Eye Evil God] (mother).

Sensing the imminent burst of intense phobia, Tsukage Chikusa shifted her gaze to the computer screen, then waved the back of her hand in disgust: "Forget it, what should you do? Don't appear within two kilometers of me if you have nothing to do, so as not to be exposed." my position……"

The newly born [Gap Eye Evil God] obediently nodded the "head" made of oversized eyeballs, and disappeared into the room instantly.

"Ah, by the way, I forgot to ask her if she can draw... It's also good to have multiple labor sketches..."

After a while, thinking of the "unfinished work" at hand, Tsukage Chikusa's screams sounded again in the room.

"Hey, for the last scene, let's just use this [Gap Eye Cthulhu] as the heroine, but I need to configure it for her..."

What he didn't notice when he was inspired and continued to devote himself to the "drafting business" was...

On the old-fashioned laptop next to it, a white horizontal line flashed across the screen like a blink of an eye.

Placed on the game map, under the vortex of [Gap Eye Cthulhu], in addition to the original "ghosts and gods", there is an additional one...

"G meme".

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