I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 317 Tsukage Chikusa's Jihad 【四】

The reason why Gu Yuansha was targeted by this wretched-looking wraith started a week ago.

A week ago, on her way to school in the early morning, she witnessed the scene where the police restrained an office worker who hanged himself to death by the side of the road in the middle of the night.

For Japan, where the suicide rate remains high, this kind of social animal commits suicide by using the outdated method of hanging himself due to the pressure of life, work, relationship or certain dysfunction.

However, it is different for Gu Yuansha, who can "see" certain things more clearly after experiencing the "Hell Apartment" incident.

On the way to school in the next few days, she "saw" the office worker again.

The spirit body of the other party was still standing under the tree where he hanged himself.

For this kind of spirit body bound at the point of death, as long as you don't touch it and avoid it as much as possible, it will not cause any bad things.

Perhaps, it was because of Gu Yuansha's physique, or maybe it was because he looked at the other person in the crowd out of apology, or maybe it was because of the gentleman's obsession with the girl in his soul...

The spirit body of this office worker actually followed her dully and far away this morning.

Knowing for a long time that Xiaotiao Youmao has important matters recently and cannot accompany him to participate in activities, relying on the careless Gu Yuansha who has a talisman paper on his body, he decided to ignore the resentful spirit for the time being and come to participate in the annual "" Jihad".

After all, the other party is just following around him from a distance. This kind of spirit body does not have that terrible "black breath" on it, and it is reasonable to dissipate after the "first seven".

However, just now, she suddenly discovered that there was a black aura lingering around the spirit body of this office worker crowded in the crowd.

Looking into her eyes, the office worker with his chin upturned stretched out his long tongue and licked his lips lightly, showing a weird smile, and his head turned 3600 degrees excitedly like an electric fan...

Careless, when exactly did it become a resentful spirit.

"Sorry guys... I need a break..."

After finally getting out of the "siege", Gu Yuansha put one hand on his chest and walked towards the toilet.

"Are you really following up..."

The office worker's wraith, whose head was still spinning like a fan, swung its long tongue over its head like a bamboo dragonfly, hanging far behind her with an ecstatic face.

"Call Mayumi now, it should be too late..."

Gu Yuansha stretched his hands into his unfathomable gully and continued to explore...

The exorcism guard given to her by Xiaotiao Yuzhengyu, she always wears it around her neck.

She was going to lead the wraith into the toilet, and try to get rid of it with the guard.

"Wait...too bad..."

The feeling of being empty made her walk stiff.

Since it was broad daylight and I went to a crowded place, in order to ensure the cosplay effect, when I changed clothes before, I seemed to put the amulet in the locker in the dressing room.

Seeing the wraith behind him passing through the crowd and approaching more and more quickly, Gu Yuansha, who was blocked by the door of the toilet, felt a chill in his heart.

"what to do……"

At the same time, a slender man wearing a painter's hat and glasses inadvertently stopped between her and the wraith.

As the sunlight poured down from the corridor, the long shadow under the man's feet suddenly transformed into the shape of several tentacles, and he frantically beat the wraith...

"Oh heh heh..."

Under the "whip" that was caught off guard, the whirling head of the Wraith Spirit flew up high like a fan, and with an expression of inexplicable joy, it dissipated into black smoke.


"Wahhahaha... the miscellaneous wraith, dare to stand in front of me..."

After eliminating the wraith that suddenly "blocked the way", Tsukage Chikusa walked towards the outside of the venue with a smile on her face, like a child who had just tried out a new toy.

"I haven't had a chance to test the attack mode of "Shadow Power". It seems quite powerful. From now on, I won't be afraid to go to the convenience store at night..."

Although he received a vicious evaluation from a reader who was "anticlimactic", but this cannot conceal the fact that his book was sold out on the first day before [beep...] Village Dairy.

This "jihad" that has been in preparation for a year is over, and he can leave with a regal attitude without any regrets, and join the next real "jihad".

"Ah, sir, please wait a moment..."

Behind him came a pleasant female voice.

With thoughts such as "Why would a woman call me", "It must be calling someone else", "Go to hell now", Tsukage Chikusa walked out without stopping.

Immediately, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Looking back, standing in front of Tsukage Chikusa was a blond girl wearing a white dress, boob ears and angel wings.

"Yi... Yi-chan?!"

Seeing the girl's attire in front of her, Tsukage Chikusa called out with a broken voice.

The girl cosplaying in front of him is the robot heroine in an anime he has loved for many years.

This is the true love character that he still can't bear to draw in the heavy-tasting series of "Weird Mud Wrestling".

"Huh...huh...that's right, it's Yijiang, many of the ants don't know each other now."

It seemed that she was walking too fast with those heavy wings on her back. The girl was still resting her hands on her knees, panting slightly.

"So...you have admitted the wrong person..."

The blindingly dazzling scenery in the white low-cut dress immediately made Tsukage Chikusa turn her face away with a blush.

"No... I didn't admit my mistake..."

After calming down, the girl in front of him bowed deeply to him sincerely.

"Thank you for helping me solve that wraith spirit. I didn't know what to do at the time..."

"So, once you bow, everything is exposed!! Wait...wrong, Wraith? What are you talking about..."

Tsukage Chikusa complained in embarrassment halfway, her complexion immediately turned pale.

Impossible, whether it is the power of shadow or the wraith, how can ordinary people see it.

"...You...you can see it? No, I mean, you must have read something wrong... It's not right either. In short, find a way to silence it..."

If ordinary people can see it, then wouldn't the "Wraith SM" performance I just performed in full view...

"I know, you must be a brilliant spirit remover... Don't worry, I know the "Public Confidentiality Regulations", and I won't tell others..."

Looking at Tsukage Chikusa with a panicked face, "Yi-chan" in front of him smiled and gave him a "I understand" look.

"Exorcist... The Exorcist? Cough cough... Yes, I am the Exorcist..."

Grabbing a life-saving straw, Tsukage Chikusa immediately "admitted" her identity

"I knew it... So, at least please give me a chance to express my gratitude!"

"Thank...thank you?! How...how thank you..."

Looking at "Yi-chan" with her hands behind her back and her head held high, Tsukage Chikusa only felt her nose start to itch.

If angels really existed in this world, it would be nothing more than that.

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