I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 332 Shibuya under the moonlight

"Let me take a look... Hey, watch the advertisement to get the coupon, I have it..."

Late at night, on the quiet streets of Shibuya, Sosuke Araki stood alone on the side of the road, and unlocked a red shared bicycle by scanning the code with his mobile phone.

It was already midnight when we came out of the police station, and the last subway train had already stopped running.

No matter how you look at him, he doesn't look like a local tyrant with money to take a taxi. If he wants to cross the city from Shibuya in the southwest to Taito District in the central area, he can only rely on this thing other than coercing the taxi driver with violence.

Just when he stepped on the shared bicycle and was about to "catapult start"...

The back seat of the car sank slightly.

Looking back, Mochizuki Ayano, who had changed into a short skirt and casual clothes, quietly sat sideways on the back seat of the bicycle at some point.

A pair of big round eyes with different colors of black and blue stared at him with a sly expression.

"...Eh? You, you, you..."

Looking at the lingering girl, Araki Sousuke's whole body shook violently like a puppy being passed by static electricity.

Sure enough, the Metropolitan Police Department finally decided to pursue the crimes I committed!

Why not hold her hostage now, rush to Yokohama port overnight, and give her a lifebuoy after successfully boarding the snakehead's boat...

"I'm off work too, as a favor, take me home by the way..."

Being stared at by Araki Sosuke with piercing eyes, Mochizuki Ayano looked away in embarrassment.

After returning to the police station, she couldn't hold back the thoughts stuck in her throat, and finally followed.

"Oh heh heh, I'm startled, where do you live? Over there..."

Heaving a sigh of relief, Araki Sousuke stepped on the bicycle pedal with some guilt, hoping to avoid falling into the possible "encirclement".

The red bicycle kicked off at a speed faster than the battery car, kicking up a big cloud of dust.

"Hey! Even bicycles have legal speed limits..."

Caught off guard, Mochizuki Ayano could only hold on to the hem of his clothes with both hands, facing the sudden gust of wind.

Under the silent moonlight, their thoughts were like wheels spinning under their feet, silently driving on the streets of Shibuya.

After the heat and hustle and bustle of the day fade away, Shibuya at night reveals a rare sense of tranquility and elegance under the chirping of cicadas and the moonlight.

"...that... Araki..."

Mochizuki Ayano lowered her eyelashes and spoke cautiously.


"...What do you think of things like 'talent'?"


Araki Sousuke scratched his head in confusion.

After living for more than 20 years, he is an idiot in exams, finds it difficult to get a job, and barely makes a living by relying on his physical strength. The word "talent" seems to be far away from him.

"...If it is said that there is one person who can easily accomplish things that others cannot do and cannot challenge, then he..."

On the back seat, Mochizuki Ayano looked up at the bright moon that was not yet full in the sky, her chest heaved slightly, as if exhausting all her strength, she asked: "... Then, does he have the responsibility and the obligation to complete these things? Woolen cloth?"

Youyou's tone seemed to be asking Araki Sousuke, but it also seemed to be asking herself.

Thinking of the approaching Meng Lan Bon Festival, she couldn't help but think of the dark alleys in Ikebukuro, the square of Kanda Myojinja Shrine, and the double bridge...

That detective with no "talent" used his fresh life to win the possibility of victory for the spirit destroyers.

Shota Matsuda, Jiro Fumitani, Seihiro Tamiya, my grandson Hayato, Shigeo Niguchi, Yuya Kamiko, my wife Shinji...

For her with a photographic memory, these names represent not just the files that are permanently sealed, but the fresh lives that have fought with her.

From the first meeting with them to the farewell, every detail will be etched in her mind forever.

"Responsibility and obligation?"

Hearing the other party's question, Araki Sousuke slowed down on the pedals of the bicycle, and seemed to be using his rusty brain rarely.

"Although I don't quite understand what you want to express, but in my opinion, everyone is equal, with their own unique talents and fields suitable for flowering. But as far as I am concerned, there are too many people in this world who are more talented than me. A guy who is smart and good at all kinds of things..."

A trace of confusion flashed across his eyes, and he tried to give his own answer.

"If you blindly throw responsibilities and obligations to others on the grounds of talents or talents, and don't work hard to pursue your own path, isn't it a kind of self-denial and evasion?"

"Self-denial and escape?"

Listening to his words, Mochizuki Ayano showed a thoughtful look.

"In this world, there may be joint efforts by everyone performing their duties, and there are also responsibilities and obligations divided according to talents... But, more importantly, it should be individual wishes."

Seeming to have seized the inspiration, Araki Sousuke became more and more enthusiastic.

"...or in other words, taking a certain responsibility or mission on one's own shoulders without authorization, and suffering alone, is it not a good thing for those who are unwilling, unconvinced, still working hard, and even willing to sacrifice for it? A kind of denial and contempt."

Enjoying the moonlight above his head and the oncoming wind, he thought of his "employment choices" over the years, and couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion.

"Do what you think you want to do, love to do, and are willing to do, and refuse to do what you don't like. Isn't that the freedom everyone desires most in their hearts?"

Perhaps according to what Xinghei said, if I had given up "freedom" and chose a career path based on "talent", I might have been much better off than I am now.

"Back then, the director of GENNMA Entertainment said that I was gifted and destined to dedicate myself to art...Master Chiba also said that I have a kendo instinct that is rare in a thousand years, and asked me to stay and inherit his credit card...But , I still want to do things that I like, for example, I like to ride a bike, even if I ride a motorcycle to deliver food at night, I think it is more interesting than those things..."

No time to complain about Araki Sousuke's nonsense, Mochizuki Ayano was immersed in her own thoughts.

The other party's remarks are very different from the education that "greater ability comes with greater responsibility" instilled in the family since childhood.

I never seem to ask myself what I really want to do.

I never cared if I liked what I was doing.

Perhaps, this is an enviable philosophy of survival that belongs only to Sousuke Araki, who has no one to rely on and grew up in an orphanage.

"That's right, always thinking like this, is it not a kind of restraint to others and yourself. Everyone just needs to do what they think they should do, and that's enough..."

Sighing, she seemed to have finally figured something out, showing a look of relief.

After knowing certain truths, I am indeed the most unwilling and unconvinced one in front of you.

Perhaps, everyone in the ninth class, for me who is born with extraordinary abilities and is the head of the class at a young age, I am more or less working hard with this feeling in mind.

"Here, it's this building, right? It looks so luxurious."

The red bicycle briskly stopped in front of a high-end apartment building.

Mochizuki Ayano jumped out of the car and lightly straightened her skirt.

"Thank you, I probably got the answer I wanted... As for you..."

Looking at Sousuke Araki, her eyes were still a little unwilling, and her cherry mouth was slightly pouted, as if she felt that it was too cheap for him to let this guy go.

She really wanted to tell him everything, from the Gap Girl to what happened on the South Honmoku Wharf, so that this nasty guy in front of her would know what she had done without knowing it.

"...That's all for today."

However, since he has agreed to promote the Dharma, he naturally cannot rashly interfere with the experience of this "venerable" in the world.

Before he finished speaking, a big evil hand suddenly rubbed Mochizuki Ayano's head quickly...

"Although I don't know the specifics, let me tell you, have you been too aggressive lately? Not only does your face look disheveled, but the dark circles under your eyes are so heavy that you can go to the zoo to pretend to be a panda, and the injury on your arm also looks quite serious..."

Araki Sousuke's words stunned her who subconsciously wanted to use "arm rotation" to break free.

"When you can't hold on, when you are in pain, asking for help from 'talented' people is also one of the wisdoms of human beings as a group of creatures. If it doesn't work, running away is also an option. Anyway, even if the sky falls, There were also a lot of people who were taller than you were crushed to death first..."

Before the other party could react, Araki Sousuke had "completed the crime" and started to leave with a catapult.

"For example, I will give you a ride like today, or if you are 'privately dealing with' the troublesome guys in the police station, you can come to me at any time. After all, I owe you a lot of favors..."

The red bicycle blended into the street under the night at an inhuman speed, leaving only Araki Sousuke's words and the raised dust still floating in the air.

"You bastard..."

Seeing this familiar scene, Mochizuki Ayano shook her head like a puppy just after taking a bath, and shouted loudly in the direction Araki Sosuke left: "... Who is going to run away, is he so tall? You are an illegal deck, a guy who used lynching under the nose of the Metropolitan Police Department!!"

In the interrogation room a few days ago, which idiot had a tearful and sad face when he talked about Higashino Yukihei and Reiko, but now he has the time to comfort himself instead?

Staring blankly at the empty street, after a while, two lines of tears, silently, slid down Mochizuki Ayano's face.


20 hours before "The Gates of Hell" appeared.

"Sister, IBM700 just pinned a post to the top..."

In Akihabara, on the first floor of "Caution! Haunted House Appraisal", Atsukai Ludou opened a certain interface of the 2CH forum with some nervousness.

Late at night was the peak time for the activities of the two night owl siblings, so they discovered the post issued by IBM700 at the first time.

"...The title is "Greetings from Hell"?"

Although the air conditioner was fully turned on on a summer night in August, his palms were still soaked in sweat for some reason.

"Oh? Is there a video this time? Play it and see..."

Wearing a white coat, Mai Hanyu came behind him with great interest.

"Everyone who watched this video, congratulations, because you will have the honor to witness with me the drastic changes in the world..."

In the video, in the middle of a pitch-black room, a figure sits with his back to the camera.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. I am the moderator of the 2CH forum, IBM700. You can also call me "Hell Revolution". "

This figure, with a thick and furious voice, sounds like a strong middle-aged man.

"This... isn't this the 'I'm no longer a human voice pack'? I just downloaded it the day before yesterday..."

Hou Hailu moved his ears slightly, muttering something.

"Don't be noisy... This is the first time IBM700 has appeared..."

Mai Hanyu patted him lightly, then turned up the volume to the maximum, his complexion gradually became fanatical.

"If, based on the recently confirmed existence of hidden energy field life forms, the 'Urban Legend Maker IBM700 Hypothesis' also exists, then what is the principle and purpose of his creation and control of weirdness...just casually Thinking about the 'truth' hidden in it, I'm already so excited that I can't help myself..."

"Since you asked the question sincerely, then I will tell you with great mercy... I appear here today to tear up the old fig leaf of the existing power institutions and religious organizations, and show the real world to you before……"

In the video, "ibm700" continues his performance.

"...No one asked questions at all!"

Before Hou Hailudou finished complaining, the figure behind the chair on the screen took a deep breath and said the shocking truth: "That's right, Wraith, Gap Girl, Human Face Dog, Headless Horseman... These urban legends circulating in the 2CH forum are all true. Even, countless people have died because of them..."

"...And these supernatural existences and bloody realities have been covered up by the power agencies and their religious organizations for hundreds of years, just to maintain the 'order' needed for their rule!"

"Putting aside your doubts and laughing for a while, I, "Hell Revolution", will let you know that all the above are true..."

Following these words, the chair with its back to the camera slowly turned around.

Sitting on that chair was a dark, blurred figure.

"Wow, look at this five-cent special effect..."

Mai Hanyu had already slapped someone on the head who was still performing the function of "Tucao": "Why are you standing there, the shape of this chair, the download source of that voice pack, and the figure data of this figure are all Record it and analyze it, maybe you can get some clues..."

"I would like to formally inform you all that starting with the Menglanpen Festival, the gap between hell and the world will no longer exist, and the era of ghosts and ghosts will come again with the opening of the gate of hell..."

"At that time, the departed will return to the world, and there will be no boundary between life and death... I am looking forward to how those incompetent rulers, lost gods and sleeping gods will react..."

"Finally, if you are lucky enough to survive the karma of hell, you can also call on me for protection in my name, and witness with me the birth of a new order... Inferno Bless Me."

As the figure on the screen calling himself "Hell Revolution" rushed towards the camera, the entire picture was swallowed by darkness, and the video ended here.

"That's it? Could it be some kind of gimmick created by the Meng Lan Basin Festival essay competition? I'll make him a "Special Effect Super Double Ghost Animal Version" every minute..."

It was only ten minutes after the post was published, and countless netizens had already left messages below.

Most people’s opinion is basically the same as that of Hou Hai Lu Dou, they are all madly complaining about the moderator IBM700’s “Holiday Blessing” video, which is too old-fashioned, and the special effects are 50 cents...

"A gimmick? Whether it's a gimmick or not, IBM700 can release a piece of text information like before. Why would it take the risk of revealing its identity to make such a video? Could it be that he has to go through some kind of visual impression..."

Mai Hanyu rested her chin in thought, her brows furrowed more and more.

"...According to the 'personality modeling' analysis, this guy will not do things that are not beneficial."

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