I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 339 Wipe away the darkness in front of you

Just when Your Excellency "Hell Revolution" unwillingly gave up the position of "stepping the world under your feet"...

A helicopter suddenly appeared in the night, ignoring the fireworks blooming all around, approaching the door in the sky, as if wanting to find out.

"Hey...the incompetent government, the reaction this time is quite fast..."

No longer haggling with these "mortals", Tsukage Chikusa, who was forced to a corner by the flow of people, raised her hand to look at the time, picked up the binoculars on her chest, and checked carefully.

"Unfortunately, no one can stop the progress of the world. And the revolution will also be accompanied by blood!"

At 8:30, after the climax of the fireworks blooming all over the sky, they gradually entered a dull stage.

Only the bright red wooden door still stands abruptly in the night sky.

At the same time, on the rooftop of the Zangqian apartment, the dark iron door suddenly started from the top and slowly spread down a crack that revealed the light of lava fire.

As if echoing each other, on both sides of the dark red wooden door in mid-air, two huge skeletons emerged like relief sculptures, stretched out their bare arms, and slammed their palms fiercely in the middle of the door.

"Wow, it really is a naked-eye 3D holographic performance. Is this a sideshow after the firework festival?"

"That helicopter should be used to carry projection devices, or to spread gas that acts as a 'projection curtain'."

"Look at the pixel-less details. It's definitely more than 500 yen for special effects. It must have cost a fortune!"

"If LOVE DEAD uses this technology to hold concerts in the future, wouldn't I have the opportunity to see the bottom of the skirt? Who can resist this?"

The crowd who were about to leave on the Skytree saw this scene, and suddenly became excited again, talking a lot.

"Holographic projection? Ignorant mortals... I want you soon, and contribute the fear in my heart."

Hearing the frolicking around her, Tsukage Chikusa, who was stuck in the first row by the overcrowded crowd behind her and couldn't move, showed a morbid grin on her slightly deformed face squeezed against the glass.

In the night sky, with two huge skeletons suddenly appearing on both sides of the door, the arms pulled hard...

The huge dark red door slowly opened a gap from the middle.

On the surface of the wooden door, drops of blood began to ooze out continuously, dripping down.

The fresh blood dripped into the air, immediately dissipated into a fog-like black aura that even people without spiritual power could vaguely see, and began to surge towards the surroundings of Taito District.

Under the giant gate, the building that was originally brightly lit was enveloped by the black air, and all the lights were immediately extinguished, turning into pitch blackness.


Following Tsukage Chikusa's soft murmur, the helicopter that had already approached the dark red giant gate infinitely, was contaminated by the black air in the upper air, and suddenly fell straight down as if it had lost power.


The falling helicopter spun and hit the roof of a building, bursting into flames.

"Well, this doesn't look like a stunt show..."


Inside the Skytree, the people who witnessed this scene let out horrified screams after being stunned for a while.


"Is this... resentment? I'm afraid I can observe this amount without inspiration..."

Directly below the gate of hell, and around the Zangqian apartment, all energy and light have been lost due to the black aura falling from the head, and the "demolition site" that was originally in full swing has now turned into a dead, dark, and cold place.

Looking up at the black air pouring down like a waterfall from the gap above his head, Mochizuki Ayano picked up the walkie-talkie tremblingly: "Anyone who can hear...anyone...apply to the "Sakurada Gate" to enter the wartime state! ! "

"Sakurada Gate" is a gate in the moat of the Imperial Palace, and it is also the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Department, so the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Department is also commonly known as "Sakurada Gate".

"Immediately let the people from the Metropolitan Police Department and Fire Department... rustle... to continue to expand the evacuation of the masses, and prepare to evacuate Taito District and adjacent areas... Hello?"

In the hands of Mochizuki Ayano, the anti-resentment interference communication device dedicated to Lesson 9 also failed because of the too strong resentment in front of her eyes.

"Where are the people from the Spirit Eliminators Association?"

She turned to look at Takeshi Iwata beside her.

"I don't know...Because the fireworks festival just ended and the emergency evacuation, the traffic nodes are in chaos, and the communication here is also interrupted..."

Takeshi Iwata covered his head in pain, and replied with difficulty.

The several detectives behind him also looked uncomfortable.

Suddenly being overwhelmed by this strong resentment, everyone in the ninth class without spiritual protection felt the temperature around them plummet, and there seemed to be countless small, maddening voices whispering in their ears...

"...You take everyone on the scene and evacuate this area immediately!!"

Facing the sudden situation in front of him, Mochizuki Ayano decisively gave orders to Takeshi Iwata and the agents behind him.

People without spiritual power to protect their bodies continue to stay in the center where resentment is getting stronger and stronger, and they may go crazy, commit suicide at any time, or even turn into resentful spirits immediately after death.

"Chairman, we can't leave you here alone..."

Takeshi Iwata took out the pistol at his waist, and seemed to be ready to fight to the death with the enemy who didn't know where.

The agents behind him also took out their weapons without saying a word, showing no intention of leaving.

"Deputy Section Chief Takeshi Iwata, gentlemen, this is an official order from the Section Chief of Section 9..."

Mochizuki Ayano took out two guns from her waist, twirled them quickly at her fingertips, and smiled slightly at the men in front of her.

"Besides, I don't want you to be deserters... Faced with the predicament that is beyond your ability, instead of sacrificing your life to stay here in vain, it is better to leave the battlefield to the right people, and you..."

"When evacuating, you can take away all the people you can meet along the way, and organize the evacuation and blockade of the periphery immediately after you go out... In short, it is within your ability to fight for your life , do everything in your power!"

Looking around at the black aura that was constantly spreading around the Kuramae apartment, Mochizuki Ayano's expression also became solemn.

"...Before the Spirit Eliminator arrives and Yin Yang Liao activates the formation, every minute and every second you win from this resentment, and every life you save is extremely important!"


Listening to Mochizuki Ayano's words, Iwata Takeshi's eyes flashed a look of struggle, and then he put his hands on his sides and straightened his body.

"All members of Class Nine, line up!"

Headed by him, several men stood solemnly and solemnly.


"I wish you prosperous martial arts! All members of the ninth class will fight with you on different fronts to the end!"

This group of strong, fearless elites raised their hands respectfully to the petite figure in front of them, then quickly turned and left.

"There is no need to be brave. Everyone is entitled to contribute equally important efforts under unequal 'talents'. This is the truth that someone taught me recently..."

After everyone left in the ninth class organization room, only Mochizuki Ayano's petite and lonely figure was left in front of the door of the desolate and dilapidated apartment in Kuramae.

"Next, let me see how terrifying the legendary gate of hell is..."

She rushed up the stairs to the roof of the Kuramae apartment and tried to shoot at the gate of hell in the sky.

Unfortunately, the height of the gate of hell has already exceeded the effective range of the pistol.

In mid-air, the two huge skeleton arms floating on the door were still struggling to slowly pull the whole door open to both sides.

It seemed that a giant beast was hitting the inside of the giant door viciously and silently, so that the blood dripping from its surface was splashed due to the shaking.

As the door gradually opened, the cries, murmurs, and screams lingering in the resentment became more and more dense...

Suddenly, a huge skeleton arm rushed out from the slightly enlarged door.

"The gap between hell and the world will no longer exist, the departed will return to the world, and there will be no boundaries between life and death..."

In the video, the words of the self-proclaimed "Hell Revolution" Chuan Er once again echoed in Mochizuki Ayano's ears, making people shudder.

The Meng Lan Pen Festival is the day when the dead return to the world.


The apse of Akagi Shrine.


Putting on a shrine maiden costume, Kotori Yumasumi hurriedly opened the heavy sliding door.

Behind the wooden door is the room where the "Three Artifacts of Chicheng" are enshrined.

Due to the urgency of time, she must immediately get out the Akagi Three Artifacts and go to Taito District with Araki-sensei.

But her hurried footsteps stopped outside the door trembling.

Because, a thin and old figure was kneeling devoutly and silently in front of the altar.

Seeing the familiar yet unfamiliar scene in front of him, Xiaoniao Youzhengong tightly covered his mouth.


Ever since she could remember, this thin figure had often stayed in this room, kneeling before the shrine without saying a word.


My young and naughty self often stood outside the door like this now, peeking curiously at what grandpa was doing in "Master God's room".

Looking at this scene that seemed familiar but was different, tears fell from Yumaumi Kotori's eye sockets like pearls with broken strings.


The old figure turned his head and waved to her flatly.

Xiaoniao Youzhengyu tried to calm down, walked into the room slowly, knelt down obediently in front of the old man, but couldn't say a word.

The old palm caressed her head affectionately.

Let her feel as if she has returned to the precious memory of being called in by her grandfather reluctantly ten years ago, and praying to the gods together.

"You've grown up..."

It's just that the old man in front of him is struggling to reach his head now.

Tears slid down her drooping face like rain, soaking the tatami in front of her one drop after another.

"...why... are you crying..."

The hoarse voice of the old man rang in her ears at a leisurely pace.

"Because, I... haven't been able to fulfill my grandfather's order, the mission of revive the shrine..."

Thinking of his grandfather's exhortation to hold his little hand feebly before he died, Xiaoniao Youzhengong choked up.

She has worked very hard for daily practice, spirit removal tasks, and various sacrifices at the shrine, but...

The expectation of grandpa is still far away.

"My lord, you told me everything... you have... done well enough..."

The old man's words made Xiaoniao Youzheng slightly stunned.

"...Look, haven't all the three artifacts of Chicheng come back? Just for this, you have already fulfilled the wish that the Xiaoniaoyou clan could not fulfill for two hundred years."

"But... the land of the gods..."

"It's okay, it's enough... Even Taro is... working hard in his way..."

A kind smile appeared on the face of the old man, as if a force had been injected into her heart.

"The reason I'm here is because..."

However, what he said next made Xiaotiao Yumaumi look serious.

"The gates of hell have been opened, and the boundary between life and death is blurred... Xiaoniaoyou's family has been exorcising spirits for generations, and has due obligations."

So, is that the gate of hell?

Thinking of the huge dark red gate in the night sky in Taito District, Kouyu Mayumi folded his hands in front of him and bowed slightly: "Makomi came here just to ask the Lord God for the three artifacts of Akagi to fulfill the obligation of the Kouyou clan. mission."

"Go, as long as you pray with your heart, the Lord God will give you a response..."

The old man turned around, bowed respectfully to the shrine twice, clapped his hands lightly, and bowed to the ground again.

"By the way, come here with your ears..."

Xiaoniao Youzhen bowed her head slightly, and the old man whispered a few words in her ear.

"I see, Mayumi remembered."

Hearing the old man's words, Kou Yumaumi showed surprise, and then nodded solemnly.

"Tonight, as the Exorcist, your first duty is to fulfill..."

But the old man's next words made her lose her eyesight and her face turned extremely pale.

"it is me."

At this moment, she noticed that in the dim room, traces of resentment were constantly being drawn away from the old man and heading towards the shrine.

"What... no, grandpa... I..."

"...When the gate of hell is fully opened, I am afraid that the shrine will not be able to prevent me from completely becoming a wraith."

A relieved smile appeared on the old man's sharply carved face.

"I have long been a person who does not belong to the world. I have no regrets seeing you flying high today...Let's do it. As a priest, I don't want to turn into a wraith in front of the gods..."


After being stunned for a while, Xiaoniao Youzhengong held back the tears in his eyes, and tremblingly took out a talisman paper from his cuff.

"In the name of Akagi Hime..."

Following her crying mantra, the huge spiritual power blessed by the gods slowly condensed at her fingertips.

Like a believer waiting to be baptized, the old man sat solemnly and watched her movements with satisfaction.

"...wipe away...the darkness in front of you."

The huge spiritual power gently fell on the old man along with the talisman paper.

Tears can't stop falling.

"...a nice spell."

Enveloped by the spiritual power all over his body, the old man closed his eyes, smiled, and slowly clasped his hands together in front of him.

"In the past, because of the guilt in my heart, I imposed the family's long-cherished wish on you, and I was too harsh on you..."

"But I forgot that you, like every ordinary girl, deserve to live your own life."

"No, Grandpa, I never..."

As if the strength of the whole body was drawn away by this spell, Kou Yumaumi couldn't help but fell to the ground, crying bitterly.

"From now on, you only need to fly freely and pursue what you want..."

The smiling old man turned into white light and dissipated bit by bit, leaving only words echoing in the room.

"...Remember, only the smile on the maiden's face can make God feel happy."

"Become...a Buddha?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Kotori Yumasumi showed complex expressions of pain, relief, and reluctance.

She never thought that when "becoming a Buddha" as a lifelong pursuit was presented through her own hands, her inner feelings would be so mixed.

"Oops, Araki-sensei is still waiting..."

She was stunned for a while before she came back to her senses. Without wiping away the tears on her face, she hurriedly clapped her hands and kowtowed to the shrine, randomly grabbed the things in front of the shrine, and ran out of the house in a hurry.

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