I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 369 Write Little Bird Tour, read as Eagle No

"This idiot!!!"

"Senior Araki..."

On the Showa Avenue in the rear, seeing Araki Sousuke's "suicide-style" behavior, Abe Temple and Yamada Kengo were tearing apart.

However, they didn't have time to do anything, they could only watch in despair as the destructive tornado disappeared into that tiny figure...


"Am I dazzled?"

As expected by everyone, the scene of Araki Sousuke being turned into meat by the tornado did not appear.

On the contrary, after being hit by the locomotive, the black super-giant tornado turned into wisps of breeze and drifted away without warning, as if it had never appeared before...

And inside the tornado, almost the entire Taito area was gathered, condensed into a liquid-like thick resentment, and frantically poured into Araki Sosuke's body.

However, even though the wind was light and the clouds cleared and the black mist dissipated, the sky filled with building debris and countless ghostly figures still fell towards him from the sky.

"If, even this world can't accommodate me..."

Seeing the weird scene above, black runes flooded Araki Sousuke's face reflexively.

The thick liquid resentment entered his body, making him even more insane when he was already drunk.

It's like a drunk who drank a century-old wine continuously and became drunk after realizing it.

"...Then just let me crush this world!!!"

Angry white light ignited from the depths of his pupils, gradually spread to the entire eye socket, and erupted like a substance.

As soon as the black rune climbed onto his face, it was severely shattered into a dark red under the impact of white light.


The blazing white light in Araki Sosuke's eyes collided with and canceled out the black runes that squirmed upward along his neck.

He entered a mysterious state where he lost his mind and acted only on instinct.

In his heart, he only remembered one thought.

Like every night when I get off work, I rode my motorcycle along the dark and familiar path in front of me, and returned to the apartment in Kuramae...

Back to my only shelter.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

"Samurai of the Warring States Period" roared and raised his head, using a raised piece of road at his feet, he jumped high...

On Araki Sousuke's back, a pair of huge lava black arms whizzed out, making the black and white locomotive glide forward for a while as if it had gained wings...

At the same time, the violent and continuous fist wind like a Gatling machine gun slammed into the night sky behind him fiercely.

The dense ghosts, building debris, and vehicle wreckage all turned into nothingness under these terrifying punches.

At this moment, the wind and the moon are silent, and the ten thousand Buddhas are in court.

In the night sky of Taito District, the Leonid meteor shower blew up.

"Become... become a Buddha? This amount?"

"Is this... the real strength of that guy?"

"That's right, this is the one I know, Mr. Araki..."

In the sky full of light and rain, the figure of Sosuke Araki soaring and galloping in the air made everyone unable to look away.

"Who the hell is this guy?!"

In the air, Kotomine Jiro, who was originally expressionless, opened his mouth wide in a gaffe, looking at the ghost that was shattered into countless light spots under the black fist.

Although he doesn't quite understand the meaning of those ghosts' residual limbs shining white light and flying in the night sky, why they still put their hands together...

However, this is because he deliberately manipulated four tornadoes, engulfing the resentment of almost the entire Taito District, and sucking in thousands of ghosts and spirits! ! !

Just as he was dodging the invisible arrow, he was gone if he said nothing?

His gaze was fixed on the back of the rider like an eagle.

"Hey, it turns out that if you are as strong as your Excellency, will you be injured?"

The clothes on the rider's back, scraped by various wreckage and debris, have been shattered into pieces of cloth.

The fine wounds that were densely packed and pooled with blood were exposed.

"No matter who you are, as long as you have a weakness, even a god, I will kill you!"

Steady his mind, the veins on Kotomine Jiro's face burst, and a violent wind began to gather around him.

"No one... can... stop... the flowering of evil!!!"

Several gusts of wind turned into invisible arms, rolled up several cars parked on the road, and smashed towards Sousuke Araki in mid-air.

Kotomine Jiro saw that it was difficult for the "divine power" to take effect directly, so he calmly adopted the method he thought was the most effective.

In mid-air, the "Samurai of the Warring States Period" tapped on a piece of wreckage that had not yet fallen, and jumped in another direction with his strength, narrowly avoiding an oncoming car.

Jump and overtake!

However, the car window glass that burst subsequently left fine bloodstains on Araki Sousuke's body.

"Hey, let me see how many times you can hide!"

As if grasping some key point, Kotomine Jiro in the night wind waved his hands very rhythmically as if conducting a symphony.

Cars, following the rhythm of his waving his hands, were constantly swept up by the gust of wind and attacked Araki Zongsuke.

Even though the warriors of the Warring States Period were hoarse and moved around as swiftly as wild beasts...

But those residues that passed by, while still leaving wounds on his body, were like chess pieces falling, bit by bit eating away at his room for movement.

"No, if this goes on, that guy will be inevitable!"

In the distance, Abeji frowned as he watched Sousuke Araki, who was moving forward awkwardly in the "car rain", with less and less room for movement, but still not slowing down at all.

Not far from him, the little bird You Zhengong stopped drawing the bow at some point, and was clasping his hands in front of his chest, closing his eyes and meditating silently.

"The only person who can defeat you is me..."


Squeezing out the last trace of spiritual power in his body, the sun and moon knives hanging from his waist were unsheathed, and galloped towards Araki Sousuke against the ground.

"No, stop here for me!!!"

In mid-air, seeing Araki Sousuke who had just avoided a huge piece of concrete, Kotomine Jiro's eagle-like eyes flashed with excitement.


Under his prediction, another large truck, already swept up by the wind, smashed towards the only foothold of that annoying locomotive one step ahead of time.

Seeing that the Sengoku samurai had nowhere to rely on and was about to turn into mud under the heavy truck, a pair of samurai swords appeared ghostly under the tires.

"Boom boom boom..."

The tires of the locomotive were spinning at high speed to leverage on the pair of knives, and the Sengoku samurai switched directions, narrowly avoiding the deadly heavy truck, and ran towards the Kuramae apartment not far away.

"Run? Can a rabbit on the ground outrun a goshawk in the sky?"

Kotomine Jiro will naturally not let the other party get his wish.

"...This time, I will definitely end you here!!"

Like a falcon consuming the physical strength of its prey in the night sky, he spread his wings to follow the "White Rabbit" that was rushing below, constantly manipulating the whirlwind with both hands, rolling up all kinds of things and chasing after the locomotive.

After landing, blocked by the broken-down traffic flow on the road and the broken terrain crushed by the tornado, Sousuke Araki's movement space was not as flexible as leaping in the air.

And the pair of black arms behind him seemed to be only interested in ghosts, and they "finished work" early and retracted into his body.

Facing the continuous onslaught of various wreckages like heavy shells, Sousuke Araki, who only focused on speeding up, became more and more precarious.

"Master God..."

Behind Showa Avenue, even though the situation was in dire straits, Mayumi Kotori still clasped her hands in front of her chest, closed her eyes and prayed reverently.

Because grandpa said that as long as you pray with your heart, the gods will definitely respond.

The Akagi Hime-sama she enshrines is highly respected for being responsive to women's wishes.

I am the Xiaoniaoyou family, the successor of the inheritance.

I am the current and only full-time priestess of Akagi Shrine.

I am, the dignified exemption level [2] Spirit Eliminator, Kotori Yumaumi.

Akagi Hime-sama, when Araki-sensei needs help, I am not reconciled to being just a burden to him.

"Even if only this time, please give me the strength to fight side by side with Araki-sensei..."


As the girl prayed in a low voice, the old long knife that had been silent at her waist all night suddenly trembled violently and let out a loud cry.

"July, July rain?"

Chicheng Three Artifacts · Demon Sword · July Rain...

Request to fight!

"...You also want to guard Araki-sensei's back with me, right?"

The little bird You Mayumi was taken aback for a moment, then with an excited smile, he carefully grasped the soft leather-wrapped handle.

Different from Yao Gong You Kui and Ku Dan Gou Yu, as the first of the three artifacts in Chicheng, the most arrogant, and the demon sword Qi Yueyu that has not been unsheathed for hundreds of years is the only one that has not responded to her.

It was July Rain, answering her prayers for the first time.


Before she could use her strength, Qi Yueyu almost got out of the sheath against the girl's palm.

"This is……"

Looking at the July Rain drawn out of his hand, Xiaoniao Youmao showed surprise.

"Like the drizzle in July, it is changeable and invisible, hence the name, July Rain"

As the full-time priestess of Chicheng Shrine, she also secretly imagined before falling asleep, what kind of dagger would it look like if Qiyueyu was pulled out by her own hand.

However, the Qiyueyu in her hand is not any kind of Taidao as imagined.

Rather, it's not a "knife" in any sense at all.

This is the one that only she can see, with a body as thick and long as jade, and a head as sharp as the teeth of a giant snake...

Giant bone arrows.

"I see……"

When she met the devil, the whispers of grandpa in her ear clearly came to mind.

"My Xiaoniaoyou clan still has a secret arrow that I haven't given you yet..."

Without hesitation, Xiaoniao Youzhengong held his breath and put the July Rain in his hand on the huge monster bow Yoku.

"It's not that I have selfish intentions, but that this arrow can only be used by someone who is recognized by the three artifacts of Chicheng at the same time. There is no precedent other than Xiaoniaoyou's first witch. If you are used to it and can't use it, then It's easy to shake your faith and waste your life..."

At this moment, she finally understood why Yao Gongyou cried so loudly.

Because only such a gigantic bow is eligible to ride the gigantic arrow that Qi Yueyu turned into.


Majestic spiritual power surged out of Xiaoniao Youzhengong's whole body, and he calmly followed the movements of the eight knuckles of the bow, stepping, forming, kicking, drawing points, meeting, and leaving...

In the eyes of others, her hand that should be holding the arrow is still empty, and the movement of drawing the bow and drawing the arrow is the same as before, but slower.

The arrows stretch out like a bright moon, gradually filling up.

When the moon was full, she closed her eyes indifferently.

Because, this arrow does not need to use eyes.

The string of translucent withered jade on the chest lighted up one by one as they swayed gently in the wind.

In the boundless darkness, Xiaoniao Youzhengyu's thoughts extended infinitely towards the night sky, firmly locking on a certain figure in midair.

Then, like stroking the strings of a piano, she gently let go of her hand.


Amidst the crisp strings as always, the already invisible July Rain disappeared into her hands without warning.

Only the empty bowstring remained, still echoing in the air.


High above the sky, Kotomine Jiro was soaring with his wings outstretched, a huge blood hole suddenly appeared in his body, piercing through his chest on the right side.

"woo woo woo woo……"

The ending sound like crying sounded in his ears belatedly.

As if there was an invisible arrow that teleported and ignored the space, it hit him precisely.

Secret Arrow · Eagle None.

It is written as Xiaoniaoyou and read as Yingwu.

The sky where the birds play and play cannot accommodate the figure of the goshawk.


Kotomine Jiro fell fiercely towards the ground like a goshawk shot by a hunter.

"Impossible... Impossible..."

The invisible but palpable thick arrow in his chest, like the fangs of a vampire, drained all the power in his body, and Ba Dia disappeared ruthlessly.


With the sound of the sword, Qi Yueyu unexpectedly returned to the scabbard at the waist of Xiaoniao Youzhengong at some time, as calm as if she had never been out of the scabbard.

In mid-air, the last scene Kotomine Jiro saw before his consciousness became blurred was that nasty locomotive, like a runaway wild horse, rushing straight towards the Kuramae apartment not far away.


Above the Zangqian apartment, the dark red gate of hell is still dripping endless resentment.

But because of the two terrifying existences outside the door, no more ghosts dared to emerge from it.

The spirit eliminators around the apartment hadn't recovered from the threat of Baimu Zhentong, and fell to the ground in a crooked manner.

Above the rooftop, Tokimoto Ichiro and Kobo, who were the only ones who remained conscious, were closing their eyes tightly, grasping every second to accumulate spiritual power in their bodies.

Above the night sky, in front of the gate of hell, Mochizuki Ayano, who is dominated by "Hundred Demons", is still in a stalemate with Fujiwara Takumi, who was descended by "Emperor Meiji".

At this moment, pieces of divine power with golden chrysanthemum patterns formed a chain-like appearance, tightly wrapped around her body in the form of "tortoise shell binding".

But the full moon that turned into golden pupils in the night sky was constantly raining moonlight, corroding the chrysanthemum chains on her body.

"Hey, Meiji...is it really okay to just stick with me like this..."

Mochizuki Ayano's pair of blue pupils narrowed slightly, as if resisting some kind of persistent drowsiness.

"My eyes can see clearly. The divine power in your glazed god's body is running out..."

I was thinking, would it be better to change to a 38f cover?

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