I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 372 There must be light at the end of hell

This eyeball-like red planet just floated lifelessly in the void of the universe, like a tumbling thunder, exuding an overwhelming aura, playing songs with unknown meanings but able to wake everything up all the time.

The memory dust belonging to the planet inevitably falls with the crimson energy.

Death is not eternal, compared to the unknown eternity, even death itself will pass away.

This iron-red planet drifted for eternity in the void universe, crossing the orbits of countless stars.

On the stars that passed him, any sleeping existence will be awakened by this weird song.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, meteorite impacts, and ancient beings awakened in the stars are fighting each other...

The scene of the doomsday, which was tragic to the point of collapse, appeared subsequently.

There is only one ending for these stars that come into contact with him...

The entire star, together with all life on it, was destroyed and ceased to exist.

Just when everyone was immersed in this devastating fear and felt that their self-consciousness was about to collapse, this "eyeball" moved.

As if sensing something, slowly and quickly, he began to move somewhere in the endless void.

Although he didn't know where he was going, the frenzied whispers contained in the song ruthlessly told...

Take the singing voice of this "incarnation" on the rooftop as the "link", and the mysterious connection established with everyone as the "coordinates"...

He, with an undisguised, destructive consciousness that has nothing to do with good or evil, and only follows instinct, is coming towards the earth!

"Whatever he wants to do..."

"...Stop him!!!"

Faced with this nightmarish scene, even those as determined as Ichiro Tokimoto and Monk Kobo could only pass out after squeezing out these few words.

"This...what the hell happened...it's noisy, my head hurts..."

Mochizuki Ayano, who had just woken up, instinctively covered her ears and looked at everything in the field in confusion.

At this moment, the world in front of her has taken on a new look.

The spiritual power and resentment flowing in the air, the moonlight falling from the sky, and the dark red strange particles spreading to everyone with the singing of the eyeball monster...

All the elements that make up the world's movement are clearly visible in her eyes.

It seems that with just a random look, she can mobilize the power flow of the place she looks at.

The moon pupil in the night sky has a strong connection with her, continuously providing her with the power of moonlight.

"This is Baimu Zhentong and Yuelun Jiuyao?"

Mochizuki Ayano only felt that she was unprecedentedly powerful like a god.

Under the joint action of "Hundred Eyes True Pupils" and "Moon Wheel Jiuyao", the power of the pupils in her body, which is like a vast sea, and the power of the moonlight from the full moon above her head spontaneously merged together.

Before Emperor Meiji left, the spiritual power of the chrysanthemum pattern left between her eyebrows was also burning wildly like a candle in the wind.

All the forces belonging to this world seem to be united like never before at this moment.

Just to protect her consciousness, to isolate the erosion from that indescribable song, and to prevent her from being polluted by the weird power of that monster before she wakes up.

"No road race, no road race, no road race..."

With the movement of her eyes, the powerful power of moonlight has blessed the surfaces of everyone around the apartment, preventing the scarlet strange energy from spreading further.

"shut up!!!"

As Mochizuki Ayano roared impatiently, the body of the evil god with gaping eyes twisted violently like a black hole.

Hundred Eyes and Moon Pupils Heaven and Man Return to the Moon.

In an instant, the space around the Evil God with Gap Eyes experienced countless times of annihilation, emptiness, and reconstruction.

In a crisis, Mochizuki Ayano did not hesitate to use the strongest pupil technique from the memory fragments of Domeki.

"How can this be……"

Unexpectedly, the crimson energy floating in the song spontaneously covered the body of the Gap Eye evil god, forming a barrier.

That scarlet barrier not only blocked Mochizuki Ayano's strongest attack, but also brutally devoured Mochizuki Ayano's pupil power...

"It's terrible. Is this what Emperor Meiji said, the outer demon?"

Constantly devouring everything it touched, the scarlet energy became more and more violent, forcing Mochizuki Ayano to withdraw her pupil art immediately.

The power of the pupils dissipated, and the strange singing sound spread out again, wisps of scarlet energy were like snowflakes falling in the air, wrapping around Mochizuki Ayano's body more and more heavily...

"No...get out..."

That terrifying singing voice was entering her mind bit by bit.

Mochizuki Ayano knew that it was only a matter of time before she was eroded by this weird singing voice.

At the same time, the Evil God with Gap Eyes who continued to "sing" on the rooftop slowly raised his head to look at the gate of hell above his head...

"'Coordinates' are not enough... more..."

Looking at the countless eyeballs, Mochizuki Ayano instantly "seeed" the undisguised thoughts that the Slit Eyes evil god received from nowhere.

"Enter there, awaken the 'existence' inside, and create more 'coordinates'"

"... Hugh... think!!!"

Mochizuki Ayano's eyes moved, and she floated up in the air one step ahead, and swept towards the huge gate of hell like Hui Ye returning to the moon.

Noticing her preemptive move, the Eye-Splitting Cthulhu below didn't react at all, and still stood there blankly.

It only needs a little more "singing time", after eroding the only conscious human being above his head, no one will be able to prevent him from entering that gate.

The night is long, and He has enough time.

In mid-air, the terrifying "singing voice" like an alarm sounded more and more densely beside Mochizuki Ayano's ears, accompanied by numerous and mysterious consciousnesses and images that continuously flooded into her mind.

The power of the moonlight sheltering her body continued to shatter, and drops of blood flowed out along Mochizuki Ayano's eyes and ear holes.

Between the eyebrows, the chrysanthemum charm left by Emperor Meiji, which firmly guarded her soul, became increasingly dim.

"There must be light at the end of the blissful hell, the clouds and mists are all gone, and there is only the bright moon in my heart."

Obviously it was an extremely critical situation, Mochizuki Ayano's thin lips were slightly raised, and she still had time to read a poem out of emotion.

This is the death poem left by an ordinary detective, Seihiro Tamiya.

It is also the truest portrayal of every ninth-class agent who knows it is futile but still chooses to fight against those unknown existences with his life.

"Who do you think I am... I am from the ninth class, the class leader!!!"

Her eyes, which are indistinguishable from those of ordinary people, together with the moon pupils in the night, suddenly simultaneously showed the pattern of "Nine Radiances of the Moon Wheel".

The eight circles on the outside circled the center one, spinning wildly like an electric fan.

The full moon in the night sky, like a lunar eclipse, went out.

The moonlight that was originally sprinkled selflessly on the earth has been harvested into a bunch, and it is only shining for one person at this moment.

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