Even with a distance of hundreds of meters, Mochizuki Ayano's Hundred Eyes can still see the situation below clearly.

The Evil God with Slit Eyes, who originally sang the song of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, is now deeply immersed in the mosaic liquid, kneeling down and turning into eyeballs...

And next to it, the blond man with white eyes burning and black runes surging on his face, who looked more ferocious than the Slit Eye evil god.

"Araki... Sousuke..."

Looking at the other party's tattered clothes and blood-stained wounds, Mochizuki Ling Nai's eyes were filled with tears of emotion.

"Are you finally willing to take it seriously and do your best?"

As expected of the reincarnated venerable, under the burning life, even such a terrifying "outer demon" is no match.

"Wangyueshi, why is it at such a high place? Could it be that they used the most advanced French individual jet skateboard or something like that?"

Looking at Mochizuki Ayano in the "giant holographic projection gate", Araki Sosuke scratched his head in distress.

Facing this scene beyond his cognition, the black runes on his face squirmed faster and faster, and weird thoughts flooded into his mind crazily...

But all of these, in front of the angry white flames in his eyes, can still only be reduced to ashes.

"...So, this 'psychedelic sarin gas' and 'holographic projection' were dropped in the air by drones and the like, and then Mochizuki risked his life to go up and try to disarm them?"

Combined with the words of the familiar bald head on the rooftop, Sousuke Araki came to his own conclusion about the current situation.

"You elementary school student, it's dangerous to be so tall, come down quickly! Can't you leave such a dangerous matter to professionals?"

Facing Mochizuki Ayano above his head, he couldn't help yelling.

"...Besides, you brought someone to dismantle my apartment like this, and you haven't settled the account yet?!"

"You idiot, you're too late!"

Mochizuki Ayano showed a wry smile when he saw Sousuke Araki who was yelling like a drunken man below him.

People already, can't stop at all.

Without the interference of that weird singing voice, as the endless power of moonlight above her head poured into her body, the gate of hell was closing at a faster speed.

At this moment, as the hub connecting two powerful forces, Mochizuki Ayano has completely lost control of her body, and can only drift with the tide in the inertia of power, watching the huge gate in front of her shut herself in it.

"Boom boom boom..."

Just as Araki Sousuke looked helplessly at Mochizuki Ayano in the gate of hell above his head, the "Samurai of the Warring States Period" who had been quietly standing in the corner suddenly roared.

"Samurai of the Warring States period? Why do you come up and move yourself..."

Before he could react, the high-speed spinning wheel slammed into a fragile place between his legs from behind.


The black and white locomotive, like a bull, pushed Araki Sousuke straight towards the apartment building in front of him with tears in his eyes and flushed face.

Rushing in front of the apartment wall, the "Samurai of the Warring States Period" leaped vigorously like a cheetah, and even continued to push Araki Sousuke, rushing straight up along the vertical outer wall of the apartment.

Cheats: Araki Rampage.

"Uh ah ah ah..."

With an expression of pain mixed with inexplicable joy, Araki Sousuke, who was stuck on the locomotive with his lower body on his head and had no time to react, could only open his hands like Jesus Christ on the cross, watching the dark red giant door in the night sky open. The field of vision zooms in rapidly.

He never thought that one day, he would have the opportunity to experience what he did to those three high school students on the Senju Bridge...

Combination technique, [Plasma Tornado Explosion + Tire Burning].

Araki Sousuke and the locomotive behind him felt that the people and the car are one and the blood is connected more and more transparently.

Under this weird situation, a picture after another came to his mind on his own initiative.

In the dead and silent city, Takeshi Iwata, who is tall and has a square face, sincerely stood at attention and saluted himself: "Please, please bring Section Chief Mochizuki who was left alone safely back!"

At the end of the Senbon Torii Gate, Yu Mayumi, wearing a red and white shrine maiden costume, bowed solemnly to bid farewell to herself: "Please, Mr. Araki, please abide by the agreement with Vice President Takeshi Iwata, and you must bring Ayano-chan with you." return!"

In the middle of the air, remembering what he had promised, Araki Sousuke pointed to Mochizuki Ayano in mid-air: "Hi...I don't know what happened, but since you won't come down, then I will come up... "

While speaking, the black and white locomotive has been accelerating on the outer wall of the apartment, rushing vertically across the roof of the apartment like a rocket lifted off, and heading towards the night sky above.

However, even if it is the "hip push" that the warriors of the Warring States period hang their lives, they still cannot touch the unreachable gate of hell.

"Wait...that's it?!"

At a place halfway from the gate of hell, one person and one car stopped their upward momentum and began to fall...

After all, with the power of a locomotive alone, sprinting to a height of hundreds of meters is already an act against the sky that allows Newton to overturn the coffin board and climb out.

At this moment, under Mochizuki Ayano's full-scale eruption, the gate of hell has been closed to a gap that is only one person wide.

Through the gradually closing door, Mochizuki Ayano saw the last scene, which was Sousuke Araki falling towards her in mid-air with a runny nose and a hideous face.


It was obviously an extremely dangerous and tragic scene, but because of that ridiculous face, she couldn't help laughing.

"...This, idiot."

A tear fell down her smiling face.

Thank you for working hard for me to the end.

"Although you told me that running away is also one of the options when you can't hold on..."

"However, I am very fortunate that I am the child of my parents and the head of the ninth class."

"So, sorry, this time, I'm not going to run away."

"Let me try to be strong this time."

"……the last time."


Accompanied by a loud noise, the tall gate of hell completely closed under the full moon.


Above the Kuramae apartment, Sousuke Araki, who was pushed to the highest point by the black and white locomotive and began to fall rapidly, didn't care at all about the crisis that he was about to be smashed to pieces.

Unwilling and desperate, he stared at the giant door above slowly closing with his eyes burning with white flames, submerging Mochizuki Ayano's petite figure in it.

Immediately afterwards, the entire huge door body gradually began to become transparent, as if melting into the night.

The dark full moon in the sky also slowly began to regain its whiteness because it lost contact with someone.

Intuition told Sousuke Araki that if this giant door disappeared completely, Ayano Mochizuki would never come back.

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