I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 380: The Bana Flower and the Support Tower

Like a one-eyed little monk with a "stone Buddha" on his back, who is practicing hard, Mochizuki Ayano doesn't know how long she has stopped and walked in this sea of ​​flowers with Araki Sosuke on her back.

Fortunately, she finally came to the bottom of the towering tree.

A thick tree surrounded by several people, with intertwined paper strips propping up the broad branches and leaves like the eaves.

With the huge tree as the boundary, the scorched earth-like chapped and bare land was exposed, and there were no more flowers and plants.

Here is the edge of the sea of ​​flowers.

Not far behind the giant tree, a gloomy river can be vaguely seen.

Looking back at the sea of ​​flowers when I came here, I saw a small road made of white flowers, dividing the vast and endless sea of ​​blood into two. Under the dark red sky, there was an endless poignant beauty.


In this situation, only by being outside can you get a glimpse of the whole picture.

Mochizuki Ayano was stunned for a moment.

"That is, Manzhushahua, also known as the other shore."

A cold female voice suddenly and calmly rang in her ears.


Shocked, Mochizuki Ayano put Araki Sousuke on her back on the ground, and looked around vigilantly.

"Two flowers bloom on the other shore, and the Mandala flower is bright red like fire, and it is the flower of the dark journey. The mandala flower is as white as snow, and only exists in the realm of heaven and man..."

In the distance, a girl in a kimono, with straight bangs and bright red pupils like flowers on the other side, is standing in a small boat on the gray river in the distance with a paddle in one hand.

The coquettish patterns on her plain kimono are the same as the flowers blooming in the sea of ​​flowers.

Ignoring Mochizuki Ayano's question, the girl just stared behind the two of them with her calm blood pupils.

On that snow-white road, one after another, the bright white flowers are intertwined with the blood-red flowers beside them.

"...Here, before today, there has never been a mandala flower in full bloom."

Even though she was far away, her voice clearly seemed to be whispering in Mochizuki Ayano's ear.

"The Flower of the Other Side... So, is this really hell..."

Keenly noticed the words used in the other party's words, although she had to anticipate, she still took a deep breath.

Mochizuki Ling Nai naturally has relevant memories of the legend of the Bianhua flower in his mind.

Legend has it that the flowers on the other side bloom for a thousand years and fall for a thousand years, and the flowers and leaves will never meet.

It is said that the blood-colored sea of ​​flowers is the only scenery on the way to Huangquan.

Love is not causal, edge destined to death.

The bloody mandala flower born in the underworld fell in love with the white mandala flower blooming in the heaven, but they were destined not to see each other for life.

Gathering her thoughts, Mochizuki Ayano frowned slightly, and looked at the girl in the distance vigilantly.

Because, the Hundred Eyes True Eye, who claims to be able to see through the origin of all things, can't see through this girl who suddenly appeared.

The opponent didn't have any strength around him, and he couldn't see anything different, just like an ordinary girl from Kyoto.

However, such an "ordinary person" appearing in a place like hell is not ordinary in itself.

"Forget it, it's better than having no one to ask for directions."

Mochizuki Ayano simply carried Araki Sousuke on her back and walked towards the river.

Regardless of whether the girl's intentions are good or evil, she is the only existence here that can communicate.

Seeing the two people walking towards her, the girl on the boat was not moved at all, and she still stood quietly on the small boat in the middle of the river.

It was as if she had been waiting there for thousands of years.

The two of them crossed the hill behind the giant tree all the way, and their vision suddenly became clear.

Behind the knoll, along the side of the gray river that went nowhere, was a stretch of river beach.

On the wide river beach, there are countless high piles of stones, which look like small pagodas from a distance.

Beside those stone piles, children squatting or sitting with immature expressions are picking up stones from the ground and carefully stacking them on the stone pile in front of them.

Because they were stacking stones so quietly and intently, Mochizuki Ayano hadn't noticed their existence at all before.

Looking at the endless river beach, thousands of children are quietly piled up densely packed with stones, even Mochizuki Ayano, who is well-informed, feels so weird that his spine gets chills.

She can naturally see that these children are all spirit bodies.

"Here is Saiheyuan. Children who died young will build stones here."

The girl's emotionless explanation rang in Mochizuki Ayano's ear again.

"What about you... what are you doing here?"

Mochizuki Ayano asked softly, as if she was afraid that the voice would disturb the spirits of these children.

"I'm waiting, the people on board..."

As soon as the girl finished speaking, beside Mochizuki Ayano, a boy about six years old had already laid the last stone on the "spire" with his fleshy hands.

"...Only those children who have folded the 'Sacrificing Pagoda' are eligible to cross the Santu River and reach the other shore."

The pointed stone pile trembled a few times, and finally stabilized.

A joyful smile appeared on the boy's face when a stream of water suddenly surged up into the air from the gloomy river, turned into a vague human figure, and rushed towards the stone pile.

"Don't think about it!"

Mochizuki Ayano threw the person on her back to the ground without hesitation, and subconsciously rushed forward, blocking in front of the stone pile...

When her eyes moved, the place where the human-shaped water flowed instantly showed a frozen and distorted state.

Hundred Eyes Pupil Art · Imprisonment.

At this moment, she, who has mastered the "Hundred Eyes of True Pupils", is no longer the weak existence who can only control one kind of pupil technique.

However, the figure formed by the stream of water was not restricted by her pupil technique of solidifying the void, it still passed through her body at a leisurely pace, threw itself on the stone pile, and turned into a pool of stagnant water.

Impacted by the water flow, the balance of the originally completed stone pile collapsed instantly, scattered into rubble on the ground.

The smile on the boy's face disappeared instantly.

But he didn't show any annoyance or anger. Instead, he unyieldingly picked up the stones on the ground again, and quietly started to pile them up again.

It was as if he had encountered the same scene countless times, and it was so skillful that it made people feel distressed.

"This is, what kind of ghost..."

Looking at this scene, Mochizuki Ayano couldn't help being a little dazed.

"It is impossible for there to be ghosts in the Santu River...that is, the obsession from the parents in the yang world, who do not want their children to cross the Santu River and truly enter the realm of 'death'."

The girl in the middle of the river still explained in her calm tone.

"But I didn't know that my child was trapped in Saiheyuan because of this. He was charged with 'unfilial piety' and built a 'supporting tower' that could never be completed."

Staring blankly at the endless river beach, the distressing stone piles, and the human-shaped water gushing out from the river from time to time to destroy the stone piles, Mochizuki Ayano's eyes sparkled.

"Could it be, are you just waiting and watching, these children are trapped here?"

She questioned the girl on board angrily.

"When the parents die or forget their obsessions, they will naturally be able to board the ship. But today is different..."

Facing the accusation, the girl in kimono remained expressionless, but slightly stretched out her finger, pointing behind Mochizuki Ayano.

"...Because, he is here."

Mochizuki Ayano turned her head and found that what the other party was pointing at was Sousuke Araki who was thrown on the ground in a "face on the ground" posture by her, with her buttocks pouted, her whole body stiff, and her expression of "sage" maintained.

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