"Anyway, it's not an option to spend it like this..."

A majestic momentum erupted and spread from Mochizuki Ayano suddenly.

Even the remaining stone piles on the entire Saihe Plain collapsed because of this.

"...Then it's better to give it a go!"

When she raised her head, her big blue eyes had turned into gold.

The pattern of "eight circles around one circle" is emerging, spinning crazily like an electric fan.

Hundred Eyes True Pupil · Moon Wheel Jiuyao · Fully open.

"This guy broke into hell specially for me. If none of them can leave, wouldn't it be a joke through the ages?"

The pupil power in her body, the resentment around her, and all the power that can be mobilized are all gathering towards her eyes.

Without the support of the full moon and fully mobilizing energy into her body, her face became paler, as if she was enduring great pain.

Even so, she still walked towards Araki Sousuke step by step stiffly.

At the same time, a slender eye opened on Mochizuki Ayano's left cheek.

"Smelly girl, don't even think about it..."

The hoarse female voice spoke in a tone full of resentment.

Under the sudden surge of pupil power fluctuations, the Domeki, who was originally sealed again, also got a chance to breathe, and began to snatch control of his body.

"These eyes, but I finally made them, they are mine!!!"

He seemed to be aware of what Mochizuki Ayano was going to do, with endless fear in his tone.

Mochizuki Ayano's movements also froze due to the interference of Domeki.

"Hee hee, how can you stop this once-in-a-lifetime show..."

Mochizuki Ayano's right cheek has another eye.

That charming and morbid voice was full of intimacy to her at the moment.

It was her long-sleeping second personality, Mochizuki Ayase.

"...Go ahead and do it, Baimu, leave it to me."

Mochizuki Ayase panted softly, and for some reason there was an uncontrollable joy in her words.

"I'm looking forward to it, what kind of perfect eyes it will be..."

"Smelly girl, get out of here..."

Following Domeki's unwilling growl, both eyes closed on Mochizuki Ayano's face at the same time, disappearing invisible.

The power that interfered with her movements also dissipated.

The power that continuously penetrated into her body and overfilled her surroundings made her feel dizzy and intoxicated.

A morbid flush gradually appeared on Mochizuki Ayano's pretty face.

Slowly squatting down, she slowly brought her small face close to Sousuke Araki who was still "petrified" as if asking for a kiss.

Through Araki Sousuke's dull and lifeless eyes, she could see the deep eyes, with mysterious white light slowly rotating like stars in the sky.

It's like a crystal clear glass ball, locking a whole blurred and dreamy Milky Way.

At this moment, she seemed to understand why Mochizuki Ayase had a strange preference for eyes.

"Is this "Tianyanming", it's so beautiful..."

After being stunned for a moment, Mochizuki Ayano maintained a posture that was almost cheek-to-cheek with Araki Sosuke, and slowly put her hand on her own face.

Then, with all her strength, she kicked Araki Sosuke between his legs skillfully and viciously.


Perhaps because of the unbearable blow, the white flames in Araki Sosuke's eyes burst out like never before, so that he even shouted one more syllable than before.

At the moment when the white flames rose out of the frame in Araki Sosuke's eyes and the runes on his face were shattered, Mochizuki Ayano's golden pupil power was condensed on her fingertips...

She stretched out three fingers, and inserted her left eye fiercely!

Wisps of blood spewed out.


Accompanied by a suppressed roar, her left hand moved across a bloody afterimage at a speed that was difficult for human vision to press hard towards Sousuke Araki's left eye.

"...Uh ah ah ah!"

Between her fingers was a bloody eyeball surrounded by countless golden pupils.

She actually dug out one of the hundred-eyed true pupils that she used as the source of power!

The eyeball surrounded by pure energy squeezed into Sousuke Araki's eye socket without any hindrance before those black runes had time to surge up again, and stuck to his eyeball...

Baimu Pupil Art·Final Yan·Giving Eyes.

On the roof of the apartment in front of Kuramae, while regaining control of the body from Domeki, she also read from the fragmented memory left by the other party, a taboo pupil that can only be used after being refined into "Hundred Eyes". surgery.

It's just the opposite of the "Hundred Eyes Technique·Dazzling" that can take away eyes...

This is the pupil technique of bestowing one's own eyes on others.

Mochizuki Ayano couldn't figure it out. A hundred-eyed ghost who has been obsessed with hunting and collecting the eyes of creatures all his life, how could there be such a pupil technique in his consciousness that goes against his obsession.

Perhaps, his original intention of seizing these eyes and cultivating the Hundred Eyes True Pupil was not for himself, but for someone who is extremely precious in his life?

In any case, under such circumstances, this is the only way Mochizuki Ayano can think of that can possibly break and reshape the "balance" in Araki Sosuke's body.

"It's useless... there is no technique to break through..."

Standing on the boat in the distance, the girl in kimono looked at this scene expressionlessly and murmured something softly.

It seemed that she had already foreseen the result.

"Uh ha ha ha ha!!!"

At the same time, in the bloody eyeball attached to Araki Sousuke's eye, the hoarse laughter of the Domeki unexpectedly came.

"Unexpectedly, at the same time as giving the eyes, the soul will also be torn and transferred. This perfect body, I will accept it..."


Mochizuki Ayano frowned, and wanted to retract the pupil technique, but she could no longer control her body movements.

The hundred-eyed ghost actually took this opportunity to hide in the hundred-eyed true pupil and left his body.

If this hundred-eyed ghost erodes the powerful body of Araki Sosuke, the reincarnated venerable, the consequences will be disastrous.

Or, did Baimugui deliberately let himself know about this pupil technique?

"You...how could...in this world, such an existence is impossible!"

However, before the hundred-eyed ghost's wild laughter had time to spread, it had already turned into a surprised roar.

It seems that he has seen some kind of existence beyond cognition.

"What the hell are you... No, uhhhhh!!!"

The moment the hundred-eyed true pupil was stuffed into Araki Sosuke's eye socket, it was immediately entangled by the white flame in his eyes, and it was burned to ashes before it could react.

In the midair, there was only an eyeball-like white energy that was about to disperse, quietly suspended in front of Sousuke Araki.

Suffering in the ruthless time for thousands of years, even becoming a Buddha can't help the original girl recall her original appearance.

Mochizuki Ayano was relieved to see Domeki's soul being "delivered to Buddhahood" by Sosuke Araki.

An irresistible sense of weakness began to eat away at her body belatedly.

"Sure enough, isn't it okay?"

My own attempt seems to have ended in failure.

It was not because of the weakness of the body caused by the blood gushing out of the eye sockets, but because of the fragmentation of the soul.

Using the forbidden technique without authorization, one of the "Hundred True Eyes" that is the source of power was stripped, and her soul was also torn into two pieces because of the separation of the Hundred Eyes True Eyes.

As the power was pulled away bit by bit, Mochizuki Ayano's only remaining right eye was suddenly blurred...

Pushing forward feebly, she weakly fell into the arms of Sosuke Araki who was still as motionless as a sculpture.

The blood flowing out of the eyes gradually dyed the whole body of the two of them and the ground in front of them into a poignant blood color.

Even the funny face of the man in front of him was gradually covered by a layer of blood, and became somewhat blurred.

However, in her photographic mind, those complicated memories surged up like a video.

On that resume at the desk in Lesson 9...

"So you tell me, it's this little bastard named Sosuke Araki who graduated from a fifth-rate university and has a police counseling record of 105. After failing to apply for a calcium power actor yesterday, when he passed by an alley, he passed the weird level [1] ]’s human-faced dog? And according to the time he came in and out, it didn’t take more than half a minute? Then can our ninth class be disbanded?”

Inside the SEGA No. 1 arcade in Akihabara...

"That...little sister, do you know me?"


"Your cultivation base is still too immature, and the claw machine is a bottomless pit. It is not easy for parents to make money, so try to do as little as possible in the future."

"Hmph, even if you are such a guy, how can you still care about others?"

In front of the Kuramae apartment in the early morning...

"Go back quickly, don't run around at night next time, your parents will worry... I've been busy all night and I'm sleepy, come and play next time when you have time."

"Who will come to play in a place full of perverted items like you again!"

Along the streets of Shibuya under the moonlight...

"For example, I will give you a ride like today, or if you are 'privately dealing with' the troublesome guys in the police station, you can come to me at any time. After all, I owe you a lot of favors..."

"Who's going to run away? Are you so tall? You're an illegal player who used lynching under the eyes of the Metropolitan Police Department!!"

Before the closed gates of hell...

"...Araki Sousuke?! Why did you follow in?! No, I have already closed it, how did you come in..."

"...What stupid things are you talking about? Since I have already promised others, even if I go to heaven and hell, I will take you back!!"

It turned out that, since when, this hateful face had already been imprinted in her heart like a knife and an axe.

"Well... it's all about death anyway, so it's not bad to just die in your arms."

Whispering softly, Mochizuki Ayano's incomplete vision gradually began to be wrapped in darkness...

"By the way, I forgot to say..."

Happy birthday.

Outlining the unfinished words with silent mouth shapes, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she slowly closed her eyes.

The breath of life began to flow from the girl's body quickly.

At the same time, Sousuke Araki, who was holding her in his arms and couldn't move because of the black rune, trembled slightly like a volcano about to erupt.

"This...impossible...this is in hell, he can't break through..."

Seeming to have seen something incredible, the kimono girl in the distance showed a complicated expression in her eyes.

"No, this is... this body, does it move by itself?"

There was no white flame in his eyes like before, but Araki Sousuke's arms hugged the girl in his arms bit by bit with great effort under the throbbing of every muscle in his body.

"So that's how it is. In the state of frozen thinking, I actually got rid of the 'restriction' by relying on my physical instinct."

It seemed that his body actions no longer depended on consciousness, but only relied on the instinct engraved in every cell to act on his own.

The rune on his arm suddenly ignited with lava-like light...

Then, he raised his hand like a leapfrog reaction, pinched the eyeball-like energy that was about to dissipate, and pressed hard into his left eye!

A large amount of blood gushed out from Araki Sousuke's eyes.


In the air, there seemed to be the sound of something breaking.

"Omototota...is that you..."

The black runes around Araki Sousuke's eye sockets, like broken ice, shattered in circles.

"...Are you finally...willing to accept my eyes?"

A petite woman wrapped in an ill-fitting printed robe appeared quietly behind Araki Sousuke at some point.

The final wish was fulfilled, and Baimu finally recalled his original appearance.

With her eyes closed, she seemed unable to see, and could only use her hands to grope to confirm the person in front of her.

"That's all..."

Stretching out her slender jade-like hands, she gently embraced the man in front of her.

"Obviously already, it doesn't matter anymore."

Time flies, things change and people change, it doesn't matter whether it is that person who receives her eyes or not.

It turned out that all she wanted was warm approval from others.

With a satisfied smile, the girl's figure dissipated into the air like bubbles, ending this abnormal love that had been pursued for thousands of years.

After a while, Araki Sosuke slowly raised his head.

In his left eye socket, which was constantly bleeding, the originally dark and stubborn pupil had turned into an amber-like golden color.

In the depths of the pupils, hot white flames and golden pupils are continuously entangled, sometimes turning into two fishes playing, and sometimes turning into golden and white stars all over the sky.

"I see……"

Looking at his bewitching and deep golden pupils from a distance, the kimono girl felt that even her own consciousness was sunk in it.

"...Instead of completely breaking down the impenetrable barrier, it is better to cut a small hole enough to peep into the outside world."

After finally taking her eyes away from Araki Sosuke's coquettish golden pupils, the kimono girl sighed softly.

"Is this also in his expectation?"

At some point, Araki Sousuke, who regained consciousness, began to slowly turn his head, looking around in a daze.

The world in his left eye seemed to be covered with a layer of dark red blood, making it so hideous and terrifying.

"Who are you? Where am I..."

Regardless of the change in vision, he looked at the girl in kimono as if feeling something.

His beast-like intuition told him that this girl was not as weak as she seemed.

"Instead of caring about these boring questions, why not try to save the person in front of you..."

As the kimono girl danced her sleeves lightly, something appeared in front of Sousuke Araki out of thin air.

"...Now you should be able to open 'that door' easily."

After leaving these words, she disappeared on the Santu River along with her boat.

"Wait... Mochizuki?! What's wrong with you?! Answer me!!"

After being reminded by the other party, Sousuke Araki noticed Mochizuki Ayano, who was leaning against his chest weakly, with blood on his face, and lost consciousness.

"In the end, what happened...Who will help...Hurry up and take her to the hospital..."

Hugging Mochizuki Ayano in his arms, Araki Sousuke looked around in panic, but he could no longer see the figure of the girl in kimono.

"I swore I would never..."

Drops of tears, mixed with blood, fell on Mochizuki Ayano's bloodless face.

Mochizuki Ayano's originally weak breathing gradually became steady.

"...Never again, just watch important people die in front of you!!!"

Immediately, his helpless eyes fell on the sudden but familiar thing in front of him.

This is a black iron door that has no gaps and is made of a complete piece of metal.

"Whatever happened..."

Araki Sousuke's left eye, the pupil intertwined with golden and white light, split into nine parts suddenly.

"Without my permission...you are absolutely not allowed to die!!!"

In the eye sockets, eight small moon-like silver circles crazily revolve around the big red gold circle like the scorching sun in the middle.

Again, this book is he.

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