I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 526 On-Site Service

"Yawn... Then tonight, let's do this first?"

Stretching, Araki Sousuke glanced worriedly at the little bird Yumaumi who was drowsy, half asleep, and swaying from side to side.

"It's almost four o'clock in the morning. I'll take Xiaoniao Youshi back to rest first. Let's meet and discuss after waking up."

"That's it, I'm also going to seek the guidance of the cosmic consciousness in my sleep and face the next arduous holy war."

Mai Hanyu put down the map in her hand, stretched her slender waist, the fluctuation in her chest made Araki Sosuke's eyelids twitch, and he lost all sleepiness instantly.

"Don't talk about simply sleeping so righteously! 』

"Well, my sister must have deliberately scared me..."

After Araki Sousuke and the others left, the only sound left in the empty conference room was the sound of Toukai Ludou typing on the keyboard alone.

"If her exaggerated inference is true, maybe some unlucky guy who knows his name is now welcoming the 'door-to-door service' of the woman in white."

He looked around the quiet conference room, and muttered something fearfully.

"Hey, I think what are these scary things, I'll get it done and go to sleep."

When he remembered that he was also one of the "Unlucky Guys Who Know Their Names", his expression became even uglier.


"Well, today is also a beautiful day."

At 3:30 in the morning, when Sousuke Araki and the others were overwhelmed by the wraith of the white-clothed female and the Taketori picture scroll...

Tsukage Chikusa, who is located in a single apartment in Wako City, Saitama Prefecture, just finished drawing today's notebook and walked out of the bathroom covered in steam.

Wiping his head with the towel wrapped around his body, he habitually glanced at the computer screen, then walked towards the dormitory.

"Eh? The vortex of the "Elf Wind" overlapped on it, and I was almost confused. I said why the color is wrong..."

Suddenly, it seemed that something was wrong, and he returned to the computer.

"Sure enough... the "Uchitoki Shrine" created in the ruins of Mitosho is gone! "

After repeatedly confirming the information on the map in disbelief, Tsukage Chikusa smiled with great interest: "The nose is good enough, I haven't finished throwing out the bait yet, and these hungry eliminators are starting to bite the hook?"

"However, this time is different from before. It doesn't matter to me whether the prey bites the bait or not, and whether the prey can eat the bait..."

It feels like a bomb that I have carefully arranged. Before I can press the start button, the enemy has already stepped on it and detonated it.

"Although I don't know what ghosts and gods the Dechuan family enshrined in Toyama Park back then, just 'detonating' that 're-creation' of the hidden place of the gods should be enough to end the 'Yin of Yang', right?"

Tsukage Chikusa tapped on the keyboard with both hands quickly, under the wet long hair, an originally handsome face looked extremely pale under the reflection of the screen.

He opened the news website and saw the news that "a geological disaster and a landslide occurred on Mt. Hakone in Toyama Park. No casualties have been reported yet."

"However, the speed of baiting must be accelerated... Otherwise, it will be troublesome for those guys to react!"

Restoring Tokugawa's "God-making Project" through "re-creation" was originally a conspiracy against the "Three Great Arrays of Tokyo".

Recently, using the "power of shadow", Tsukage Chikusa "borrowed" a lot of various unofficial histories and rare books left by the Tokugawa clan.

Among them, the almost crazy and distorted "god-making" behavior of the declining Tokugawa shogunate aroused his great interest.

Although most of those hidden places of the gods have stopped functioning due to the suppression of the "Tokyo Three Great Arrays", the unknown "ghosts and gods" that were once enshrined in them are likely to just fall into a deep sleep like a hibernating brown bear.

All I need to do is to restore the hidden places of the gods recorded in the unofficial history, so that they can compete with the three major formations in Tokyo.

If there are sleeping ghosts and gods among them, they might get up and continue their original "work" after feeling the "breath of spring".

This is the same as the accidental surprise when awakening Ping Jiangmen's Wraith Spirit at the beginning, but it turned out to be promoted to a ghost by itself.

"Jingle Bell……"

In the silent corridor outside the door, a crisp bell sounded suddenly.

"It's so late, are there any residents walking outside?"

Tsukage Chikusa, who was immersed in her thoughts, didn't pay much attention to her ears moving slightly.


However, in the next second, he was startled by the screaming scream of "suddenly raising the pitch" from the next door, and he also howled: "Oh, what the hell...the one next door!!!"

"In the middle of the night, what the hell are you calling all of a sudden, trying to cause a heart attack?"

"Who are you...what are you doing...don't come here!"

However, the resident next door did not answer his question, but continued to make a miserable sound.

"This bastard, he usually reads study materials so loudly, but he can bear it for the sake of occasionally bringing me inspiration... What the hell is going on tonight?!"

Tsukage Chikusa with veins all over her face, her daily grudges erupted like a volcano.

Regardless of the fact that he only had a bath towel on his body, he rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the door.

"Today I will let you feel the wrath of the (quasi-) god!"

Since this guy caused him to make a fool of himself in an important meeting a few days ago, he directly lodged a "serious protest" to the neighbor next door through the property company.

But he didn't expect that after only being quiet for a few days, he almost had a heart attack again.

"Jingle Bell……"

Just as he opened the door, the door next door also opened with a "bang" at the same time.

"Hmph, it's too late to come to apologize now, I must teach you a lesson today..."

"You, you...Wow...don't follow me!!"

However, the man who rushed out from the next room and stumbled to Tsukage Chikusa did not intend to apologize to him.

The other party just fell at his feet, clung to his calf as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and wailed in pain and twisted.


"Is it Moon Shadow Lord? Help... help me... That woman suddenly appeared at my house... No, no, she is not human at all..."

In the pitch-black corridor, Tsukage Chikusa, whose strength surpassed that of ordinary people, could clearly see that the face of this enthusiastic and low-quality neighbor was distorted by extreme fear at this moment.

"Heishi-san... what happened?"

Just when Tsukage Chikusa hadn't recovered from the sudden scene in front of her...


The crisp bell sounded again.

"She...she's here..."

Hearing this sound, the whole body of the man at his feet trembled, and he crawled on the floor with difficulty.

It seems that he wants to escape from something extremely terrifying, but his body refuses to obey because of the boundless fear.

A woman in a white kimono with long hair covering her face walked out slowly from the door of the apartment next door with her body bent.

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