I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 570 The Ultimate Realm of Dao Painting


After the white light passed, the stone bowl in Araki Sousuke's hand disappeared.

"It looks like it was... sucked in?"

"Damn it, I haven't looked carefully yet, if I masturbate it up and down and back and forth a few times, will I spit it out? 』

On the outside of the picture scroll made of textile material, in addition to the arrow symbol made of white light, there is a simple "bowl" symbol.

It is exactly the same as what Araki Sousuke saw in the inside of the picture scroll, on the illustration of the Sendagaya Tunnel.

At the same time, the buildings all over the surrounding cave walls, including the relatively intact platforms and spiral stairs, all began to piece together towards their original appearance amidst the sound of the organs running.

"What the hell is..."

Standing less than half a meter away from each other, Dapeng's ghostly aura was gushing out of Tokugawa Yoshinen's body uncontrollably, and disappeared into Araki Sosuke, whose back was facing him.

"... what power?"

Unaware of this, Yoshinen Tokugawa just stared at the pair of giant black arms that slowly retracted back to Sousuke Araki's back with his six big eyes that he claimed could penetrate the soul.

In his eyes, the pair of giant black arms were infinitely magnified like specimens under a microscope, presenting countless black particles.

"This is...resentment...the power of ghosts and gods...no, it's not right..."

Yoshinen Tokugawa turned into ghosts and gods after his death. He drew countless ghosts here, tempered his painting skills, and tried to restore the real body of Shuten-douji by using the Buddha nature of the "Buddha-front stone bowl" to fuse with the power of ghosts and gods. I am very familiar with the form of the power of ghosts and gods...

And in the infinitely enlarged arms in front of him, resentment and power of ghosts and gods are constantly merging, compressing, collapsing, and reshaping, giving birth to a deeper and purer power.

Killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, double tongue, harsh speech, gossip, greed, hatred, wrong views...

In those black particles, there is not only pure power, but also the obsessions left by hundreds of millions of souls, the viciousness they have committed, and the countless wailing, crying, lamenting, scolding, and anger...

"From those three karmas, one can become ten evils... This, is this evil karma..."

Seemingly aware of something, Tokugawa Yoshinen, who had always been calm, suddenly lost his composure and screamed: "Impossible!!!"

"Even the gods can't bear the evil karma of living beings of such a size, how can it be imposed on a person's body, turning it into a force like an arm and a finger?!"

Karma refers to the irresistible force of good and evil karma.

Karma, the cause that governs samsara, also extends to the present and even to the effects of future lives.

Those who create evil karma will fall into hell, animals, and ghosts because of the severity of their karma.

After the retribution is exhausted, if you are lucky to be born among the people, there is still more retribution.

In Tokugawa Yoshinen's view, even those self-proclaimed gods, as long as they are contaminated with even a small amount of karma in these arms, they may encounter heaven and earth, thunder, mountains and tsunamis. Devoured by the "retribution" of resistance.

However, it is an indisputable fact that the man in front of him is absorbing resentment and power of ghosts and gods into his body as if he had never heard of it, and continuously transforming it into bad karma.

In the midst of thousands of thoughts, the power of ghosts and gods in Tokugawa Yoshinen's body was pulled out without a drop, and the pair of black giant arms that covered the sky and the sun had completely disappeared on Araki Sousuke's back.

Araki Sousuke's rock-solid broad back was gradually and clearly revealed in Tokugawa Yoshinen's eyes.


Seeing the tattoo on the opponent's back clearly, Tokugawa Yoshinen, who was already weak, fell to his knees.

"It's really beautiful..."

The moment he had a panoramic view of the black Bodhisattva with tattoos all over his back, sitting cross-legged on a skull lotus platform, and staring angrily, the painting skills far beyond his own realm and pattern rushed violently into his consciousness.

In the pair of eyes that seemed to be furious, there was actually endless compassion hidden.

"Being able to draw this picture...exactly...what kind of compassionate heart..."

In contrast, the self who incarnated as a ghost and borrowed the time forcibly, the things he read in this life, the paintings he made, even the "painting" that resurrected the ghost and god Shuten, are only worthy of being called "children". Children's Graffiti".

"It turns out that the ultimate state of Taoism is the heart? Sure enough, I can't reach it in my life..."

At this moment, he who glimpsed a glimpse of the truth finally understood why no matter how he "looked", he couldn't copy the man's soul.

"Why... such an existence is willing to..."

Because, the "painting" in front of him, and even this man, were impossible and should not have been born in this world, beings that were completely beyond his comprehension.

"Little Bird Youshi, if you have something, let's dodge!"

Seeing that the surrounding buildings stopped turning and resumed the original layout, Araki Sosuke jumped down the stairs and ran towards the longhouse where Kotori Yumaumi was located without looking back.

"Please stay put!!!"

Behind him, Yoshinen Tokugawa, who was kneeling on the ground, was still staring at the back of Sousuke Araki in a daze.

"Why... let me go?"

The opponent soared into the air from below and appeared above his head, but only took away the power of ghosts and gods in his body, and took away the "stone bowl in front of Buddha" that was the pivot of this place.

At this moment, Tokugawa Yoshinen already understood that as long as the other party is willing, one action can erase his own existence.

But apart from saying hello, from the beginning to the end, this embarrassed young man treated himself as air.

"Hmph, you chrysanthemum monster playing with life..."

"...Since when did you have the illusion that I let you go?"

With his back turned to Tokugawa Yoshinen, Araki Sousuke waved his hands smartly, ran down the stairs without looking back, and disappeared from the other party's sight.

"...The moment I appeared, you were already dead."

"in this way……"

On the empty platform, Tokugawa Yoshinen, who was kneeling on the ground, looked at the black flame blade on the opponent's hilt that was gradually dissipating, and seemed to realize something.

"……Very good."

He laughed at himself, a crack suddenly appeared on the top of his head.


As the gap slowly spread downwards, a dark red flame could be seen circulating in it, burning more and more vigorously.

His whole body, starting from the head, was gradually divided into two halves by the crack from the middle.

The unbearable burning pain made him subconsciously cover his chest, recalling an organ that had long since lost its function.

"The dead person, unexpectedly, still has a heart?"


Ferocious warriors, hideous ghosts and miserable people...

Countless figures, with him at the center, densely occupy the entire platform.

"So, this is..."

Seeing the resentful, sad, painful, and vicious faces getting closer and closer, with a look that might rush up to him at any time, eat his flesh, drink his blood, cram his tendons, and crush him to ashes, Tokugawa Yoshinen A smile emerged from the huge mouth on the neck: "...my own bad karma?"

Surrounded by the crowd, a familiar yet unfamiliar weak woman in kimono caught his attention.

"Why, I can't remember, your face..."

Above her pretty face, the facial features were blurred.

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