I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 585 The Gouryu Festival

"After all, the surname Anato is very rare in Japan, and it's a pity that it disappeared. Are you right, Police Araki...officer?!"

"Where is it... ouch..."

Just when Chairman Anato's eyes were full of tears and emotions, Araki Sousuke was already lying on the ground like a police dog, beating the floor tiles along the edge of the room with his knuckles one by one.

"Oh, I found it, is this one..."

He knocked on a floor tile with a significantly duller echo and a slightly different material from the surrounding ones. He raised his eyebrows and punched it hard.


The old floor tile was torn apart, revealing the dark hole below and the faintly visible stone steps.

A decayed and stale smell floated out from inside along with the large cloud of dust.

"Wait... is this... authentic?!"

Chairman Anato stared dumbfounded at the hole in front of him, showing a surprised expression.

He grew up in the village since he was a child, and he never knew that there was a basement hidden under the main hall of this shrine with a history of hundreds of years?

"Officer Araki, why do you know...there is something wrong here?!"

Suddenly realizing something, he looked at Sousuke Araki, who had already walked half of his body under the floor, with even more surprised eyes.

This kind of house built in the Warring States period has such a hidden shelter structure is not too rare, but it is not too rare for an outsider who came to the village for the first time to discover.

Could it be that Officer Araki is actually a descendant of a certain branch of the Anato clan, and that's why he knew this secret?

"Sorry, this question is confidential and cannot be told to anyone..."

Just when Chairman Anato automatically changed the name of someone to "Anato Sosuke", Araki Sousuke had already walked down the stairs less than two meters into a large basement.

After stepping down the last step, he lifted the blindfold, looked around the basement in front of him, and was slightly stunned.

Then, Araki Sousuke sighed heavily.

"meet as planned……"

In the basement, which is similar in size to the main hall above, there are no obvious traces of spiritual body activity, and there is no trace of resentment.

Yellow talisman papers were densely pasted on the rough stone wall.

The surrounding ground was filled with small white porcelain dishes.

At the bottom of the dish, there are still traces of wax oil and blackened candle flames.

In the center of the basement, two black wooden frames are strung together with a Shimenawa, forming a "simple torii".

"...I'm here to find you."

On the straw mat directly below Shimenawa, a figure in a white kimono with long hair covering his face was sitting cross-legged.

No, to be precise, it was a skeleton that was unknown how many years ago.

She just turned her back to the stairs, folded her hands on her abdomen, and sat there quietly.

It's like, a priestess praying devoutly in front of the torii gate.

A bunch of dark strings passed between the bone holes on the back of her hand, and there was a bell with an indistinguishable color attached to it.


Suddenly, a scream came from behind Araki Sousuke.

Chairman Anato also walked down at some point.


Seeing the scene in the basement, he was so frightened that he fell back and crawled out backwards.

"What's wrong? President Anato, are you okay?!"

Hearing the sound, Erqian Ryoma and Hase outside the door also rushed in.

"Second former police department, police officer Changgu, here...how can there be dead people down here...you have to believe me, this has nothing to do with me..."

Sitting down at the entrance of the tunnel, Chairman Anato hugged Hase's thigh, explaining with sweat dripping down his face.

"I really don't know... Changgu, we have known each other for so many years, and we have secretly gone to the custom shop together many times. You, you know how timid I am..."

"Of course I know it has nothing to do with you. When this lady died down here, I'm afraid even your grandfather hadn't been born yet."

Below the cave, Araki Sousuke's voice came.

"Zongsuke, are you okay? Hiss..."

He took out the flashlight and took a photo from the top of the tunnel to the basement. Ryoma gasped for air before two.

"I... I know!"

Chairman Anato, with a pale face and a sluggish expression, seemed to have remembered something.

"Next, that, is that the Mianliu Festival..."

After saying this in a low voice, he closed his mouth in fear.

"Cotton Flow Festival?!"

"Mianliu Festival is a festival in Hinami Sawa Village to celebrate the end of winter... However, because "cotton" and "intestine" have the same pronunciation, some old people once frightened me, saying that this is a kind of "intestine flow festival" for enshrining mountain gods. Transformed from..."

In Japan, in addition to the "Sakura Festival", there are also all kinds of wonderful "living festival" traditions.

The names and specific ceremonies vary according to local customs, and the objects of worship are all kinds of ghosts in the mountains collectively called "mountain gods", and what they pray for is nothing more than a good harvest and peace.

In Hinami Sawa Village, it is said that in ancient times, there was a living sacrifice ceremony in which people were cut open, their eyes hollowed out, put into running water, and the hollowed out corpse was enshrined in a secret room.

"Impossible, since as long as I can remember, the bowel flow ceremony has disappeared..."

Chairman Anato shook his head vigorously, as if he was still immersed in the weird scene just now and couldn't extricate himself.

"As for the Mianliu Festival in the village, the ritual process is just a dance by the witch, and the villagers use the sacrificial shovel to tear the cotton in the doll's body and put it in the river..."

He, who is proud of "Anado" and sticks to the village, can't accept it anyway. Under the clan shrine, a poor woman has been sacrificed alive.

"Ryoma, bring the tools and gasoline in the car for me."

Drilling out half of his body from the basement, Araki Sousuke's expression suddenly became serious.

"Then, you guys take Guild Master Akari out, and leave the rest to me..."


half an hour later.

"Lu Doujun, there is only one copy of the handwritten genealogy confirmation, and it is already in my hand."

"Thank you, Araki-kun, I have been busy here all morning, and I have completely erased all the traces on the relevant websites and search engines."

Sousuke Araki was standing under the torii gate, talking on the phone with someone far away in Tokyo.

"Well, you're done with that end, hurry up and come back... Xiaoniao Youshi went to school, and I can't confirm many details about last night's action report..."

"You don't know, my sister hasn't slept since last night, she has been busy researching the 'crystallization' that you worked hard with, and the picture scroll that can't get the 'bowl' out, the only person who can stop her is is you! 』

"Understood, I will come back directly after I finish processing it here."

After hanging up the phone, which was full of complaints from Hou Kai Lu Dou, Araki Sosuke's piercing pupils reflected the fire that soared into the sky.

"Really, crystallization or something, I told you not to use such misleading words indiscriminately..."

Not far in front of him, the quaint main hall of the shrine is lingering in the fire that soared into the sky.


Under the raging black smoke and the sound of wood cracking, the main beam supporting the house collapsed, and the roof collapsed, revealing the burning wooden tables and chairs and pieces of spiritual tablets in the house.

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