I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 668 677+678 Lord Sword of Mount Tai

"When Ancestor Qingming was alive, he ruled the twelve gods and eliminated countless spirits. Even facing the evil spirits of Dajiangshan, Rashomon, and Hyakki Yaxing, he was not defeated at all!"

"Not to mention that there are opponents such as Ashiya Domitsu and Master Zhide waiting by his side. Even ordinary gods treat him with courtesy..."

Shaking his head in disdain, the man took another big gulp of sake.

"...Then when it comes to his descendants, it is impossible to surpass because of the illusory curse and the weakening blood power?"

Listening to his words, the young man sitting across from him remained silent, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"If you continue the trajectory of me, and your grandfather, grandfather, and great-grandfather, and think that your blood is strong and you can see more things than ordinary people, you will try your best to follow the ancestors' training..."

In the man's sleepy eyes, imperceptible pain, confusion, and regret flashed across.

"As a result, when facing certain existences, I found that I was still helpless like ordinary people. Even if I survived by luck, I am afraid that I would die in despair in wasted time."

Then, he looked straight at the boy's waist...

"The times are changing, and even the resentful spirits are also evolving. Knowing that the path of the ancestors is not suitable for me, and I can't continue to go on, I have to break through and find a new path..."

There hung two samurai swords, one long and the other short, which were too large for the young man's thin body.

"So, my father asked me to practice swordsmanship from Mr. Ginji since I was a child, all for..."

Following the man's gaze, the boy stretched out his hand to caress the pair of double knives on his waist that he carried with him since he was a child.

"That's right, before you were born, I used chess as a divination. You are destined to be the one who has a destiny with the sword, the one who can open up a new path for the Abe family..."

The man picked up two chess pieces scattered on the tatami and threw them into the air...


Two chess pieces, one black and one white, collided with each other, shattered, and fell on the chessboard...

"That's why I did everything I could to find this pair of ancient knives, risking the reputation of being 'rebellious', tore down the 'Sun and Moon Pillar', and asked a warm person to refine the essence and spirituality into the knife."

In the middle of the dilapidated chessboard, at the position of "Tianyuan", there is an extra complete chess piece that is half black and half white.

"So, since I didn't know how to crawl, I had to keep my sword on my body day and night, even if I couldn't carry it on my back, I had to force myself to go to kindergarten, elementary school, and junior high school..."

"It caused me to be regarded as a bad boy with a special family background and a murder weapon since I was a child. I haven't even made a friend so far. Is it because of your divination?"

"Ah, I'm so dizzy. I'm going to sleep for a while. Please call me again after the ceremony in the afternoon..."

Ignoring the young man with a black face and thinking about it, the middle-aged man lay on his back and put his hand into his pants to scratch it sourly...

"I will arrange for someone to teach you the general knowledge of yin and yang. But please remember, what you are going to follow is definitely not the old path of the Abe family."

"However, if there is no way at all in the direction I want to go, what should I do..."

The young man stood up slowly, bowed to the man, dragged the handle of the knife that grew to the ground, and slowly exited the door, his pure eyes were full of confusion.

"In my Abe family, although many inheritances of Yin-Yang arts have been lost, only divination has not been left behind. All of this depends on you, whether you can grasp the 'big opportunity'..."

"Also, don't you still have two knives in your hand? If there is no way, just cut a way... Hulululu...』

The middle-aged man murmured something as if he was not asleep, and then he started snoring.


"Abe-kun, is your move ready?"

Facing the mist colliding with ice and fire with her back, Junko Kato, who was maintaining the "Avatar of Ultimate Bliss" and the huge Buddha bell with all her strength, let out a ecstatic wail.

"I can't hold it anymore..."

"Om... um... um..."

The trapped bull ghost moved more and more violently, knocking the pink Buddhist bell to emit continuous and melodious bells in the heat wave, as hurried as an alarm sounded when the "flame is on".

Fortunately, Kato Junko has been ups and downs at the peak of bliss and pain for many years, and she is extremely resilient.

Although the expression and voice seemed to be at their limit, they still stubbornly maintained the crumbling and almost invisible Buddha bell.

"Master Kato, don't be humble."

The voice of Abe Temple quietly sounded in the fog behind him.

"Your Excellency's Dharma is unfathomable, and I know it..."

Familiar with Kato Junko's works, he naturally knows that in the masterpiece MK9527, he alone defeated more than ten top players in the industry and became famous in the first battle for more than ten hours...

From the beginning to the end, she always looked like she was crumbling and reaching the limit, but she never really lost the battle. Instead, she became more and more courageous and bravely climbed the peak.

"The sword below..."

Amidst the white mist, a figure as bright as a mirror and swiftly flowing, rushed out without a sound...

"...it's out of the sheath!"

"No, Buddha Light, I can't stand it anymore!"

At the same time, Kato Junko's pink Buddhist clock finally couldn't withstand the violent impact of the bull ghost, and pieces were broken...


That figure seemed like a slender sword light, and quickly rushed up the giant hoof of the bull ghost, and rushed to attack the extremely hot body that was darkly glowing with fire...

After the light flashed across the huge body of the bull ghost, a figure with a rising heat wave stopped behind him.

"This is……"

A figure that was tightly wrapped from head to toe in bright, mirror-like, radiant metal appeared in Kato Junko's sight.


This pair of armor is as sharp as a knife face, bounded by the midline of the body, and the two sides are shining with different colors of faint blue and golden red...

On this pair of armor, the toes, knees, elbows, shoulders, head, etc. are all like hedgehogs, with sharp and ferocious blades extending out.

The place where the palm should have been is connected to two giant blades, one long and the other short, that are much larger than the proportion of the body, like the arms of a praying mantis.

Looking at the shape and color, it is actually the same as the original "sun and moon" swords.

It can be said that this is a pair of armor that is born for "cutting" regardless of material or shape!

"No, these are not armor...they just chose the most suitable form for the current situation."

Abeji's voice came from the armor wrapped in sharp edges.

"Beside the approach to Seimei Shrine, there is a 'Sun and Moon Pillar' engraved with stone statues of the sun and moon. It was once used as the gatepost of the 'Sixiang Gate' by Seimei's ancestors..."

Behind him, the bull ghost who was beating the Buddha bell frantically stopped at some point.

"Sun and Moon Pillar, the south is matched with 'sun', and the north is matched with 'moon', which means yin and yang!"



Behind Abeji Temple, the golden flames as dazzling as the sun and the frost as blue as the sky started from the legs of the huge bull ghost surging with flames and continued to spread upwards, bringing dense turmoil in the collision of extreme cold and extreme heat. explode……

"The twin knives forged with the spirituality of the 'Sun Moon Pillar' have been destined to become spirit bodies since the day they were born together with me!"

Abeji, who was covered by the helmet and could not see his expression clearly, turned around, and the pair of long knives connected to the gauntlet began to lengthen at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"...I thought it would take more than ten years, but I didn't expect to entrust the hammer forging of the "Yoshihara Yanshang" sword-forging furnace tonight, so that this day will come earlier. "

"It turns out...the pair of swords just now..."

Looking at the armor on Abeji's body, which is densely covered with blades and still flowing like liquid metal, Kato Junko showed a clear look.

"...Achieved the body of Shikigami?!"

Ever since they met at the Yoshiwara shopping street tonight, she has faintly noticed that the pair of swords on Abeji's waist are quite spiritual and extraordinary...

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a pair of "Fu Sangshen" who had not yet been cultivated.

It would have taken many years for this pair of swords to conceive as the Fusangshen. After accompanying Abe Temple tonight to forge a sword with a clear heart and kill countless resentful spirits, they were catalyzed by the fire of desire and Abe Temple's blood in one go. The body of Fu Sangshen was forged!

"Onmyoji has metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, which are called the five elements!"

"The five rounds of scriptures include earth, water, fire, wind, and space, which are called the five elements!"

The growth curve of the spirit remover is not eternal.

"Whether it is the five elements or the five elements, the never-ending maintenance, transformation, change, and movement are all the 'yin and yang' contained in everything!"

The continuous accumulation day and night, through the right opportunity, coupled with an instant epiphany, will be like a flood discharge dam, bringing subversive growth!

"It turns out that my father didn't teach me the secret art of yin and yang, because he was afraid that the art would bind the way and hinder my understanding of the 'way of yin and yang'..."

Just when Kato Junko was filled with emotions, Abeji jumped into the air like lightning...

"It is recorded in "Konja Monogatari" and "Uji Supplementary Monographs" that Seimei's ancestors once picked grasses as talismans and used curses to kill frogs. The yin and yang way of my Abe family is by no means as superficial as skills, formulas, curses, laws, and methods... If you pick flowers and pick leaves, you can control the way!"

"Tonight, I will ask Master Kato to testify that I, Abe Temple, use the sword to understand the Tao and use the Tao to control the art..."

A phantom with a long beard, a square crown, a mountain-like figure, and four hands on his back appeared from behind Abeji Temple.

"Respectfully, Dongyue Taishan Great God!"

Holding a long sword in each of the four arms of this phantom, it slashed towards the cow ghost who was in front of him, who was the same size and was trembling in the ice and fire...

"Earth, water, fire, wind, space..."

Four huge saber lights of different colors, as if about to tear apart the void, streaked across the air.

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth..."

At the same time, Abeji, who soared into the sky and raised the long blade in his hand, slashed out the last invisible sword from the air!

"... None!"

Five blade lights of different colors form a huge pentagram in the air.

Yin Yang·Five Wheels·Taishanfu Monarch Sword!

"Qingming Campanulaceae" symbolizes the five elements of heaven and earth, and represents the elimination of disasters and purification of all things in the universe.

This "Qingming Campanulaceae" composed of sword glows quietly appeared on the bull ghost from the inside out, emitting a white light...

"Uh ah ah ah..."

The huge torso that contained frost and heat waves fell apart under "Seimei Kikyo"...

"Today, no one can stop me for that bitch!"

In mid-air, the bull's head, which was still intact, was still roaring with venom.

This bull ghost, about thirty meters high, collapsed like a volcano, crushing countless buildings on both sides...


The armor covered with sharp blades turned into liquid metal from the helmet and receded like flowing water, and gradually gathered the outline of the sun and moon swords in Abeji's hands...

"...Father, I have found the road you mentioned."

At the same time, his pale face with joy was revealed.

Taking the opportunity of this pair of twin swords who share the same mind to achieve shikigami, Abeji Temple finally penetrated the "yin and yang" that exists in all things.

As a result, Ertian's first-class kendo and Abe's yin and yang technique were perfectly integrated together in an unprecedented way, creating this unprecedented style.

Killing such powerful ghosts and gods to prove the way is enough to show that this is a path that the Abe family has never explored, but it is indeed feasible!


Just when Abeji's spiritual power bottomed out and his mind relaxed, Kato Junko's "Incarnation of Bliss" above his head pressed down on his head with a palm...


Not paying any attention to the giant pink palm that seemed to turn himself into flesh, Abeji looked at the smoky ruins with lightning eyes...


Following Kato Junko's reminder, a figure more than ten meters high and surrounded by flames crashed out of the wreckage of the ghost like lightning, and the hot horns on the top of its head stabbed towards him like a meteorite...

Look at that appearance, except for a slightly smaller body and only three horns on its head, it is the same as the previous bull ghost!


The liquid metal that had already faded to Abeji's waist, rolled up like a conditioned reflex, and turned into that hideous armor again!


The Buddha's palm of "Incarnation of Bliss", Abeji Temple covered with sharp blades, and the rock-solid flame bull ghost collided so hard!

"Abe-kun, are you alright?"

Amidst the thick smoke and dust, a pair of jade palms of "Incarnation of Bliss" was entwining the bull ghost who was similar in size to his own, constantly trying to convey the ultimate joy to the other party with the pink Buddha light, turning hostility into jade.

"It's only him who has something to do..."

Not far from the bull ghost, Abeji, who was covered in bright armor, was hovering in the air with a pair of wings composed of countless sharp blades on his back.


A crack appeared on the ghost's neck belatedly...

As the crack spread, the bull's head wrapped in the flames broke and fell to the ground.


The large canopy of ashes was raised, and the skull and bull's head on the ground smiled coldly, scattering balls of raging fire.

"The lust that ignited Yoshihara will never go out..."

The fire light reunited with the body on the side, and a brand new head grew again.

"No matter how many times you kill me..."


Among the footsteps shaking the entire profile, the voice of the bull ghost rang out from two other places, turning into three overlapping tones.

"I, Shoji Jinemon, the master of Yoshiwara..."

The other two terrifying figures surrounded by flames suddenly stood up from the ruins not far away.

"...and together with You Kuo, in this burning desire, time and time again, I will be reborn from the ashes!"

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