I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 708 719+720 Body and mind are like illusions

"Hey, is this the trick I mentioned last time?"

"It's completely different from my countless bold fantasies in the lonely night! ! ! 』

In Sousuke Araki's sweaty, bloodshot eyes from horror...

"When your beliefs are also incorporated into my body, you will know..."

The "Incarnation of Bliss" sitting cross-legged above his head in mid-air, and the black hole below him that would devour anyone, has already pressed down on him indiscriminately!

"...What, it's Happy Planet!"

Joyful Dharma·Thirty-Three Outer Heavens·The Red Lotus Seat of the Supreme Hell!

"What is Happy Planet? Hey, let me take you to research..."

Looking at the "black hole" that was pressed down in the air, as if it could easily suck his whole body into it, Araki Sousuke gritted his teeth and grinned. A pair of ferocious giant arms on his back stretched out like black wings, and attacked the "Incarnation of Bliss". Put the long legs down...

"Oops... careless!"

Suddenly, Araki Sousuke seemed to have discovered something extremely terrifying...

The smug expression on his face froze, and his pupils burst out with two inhuman rays of light, one golden and one white, because of their extreme ferocity.

"Sousuke Araki, 23 years old, trainee exterminator, virgin (in crisis)..."

The world in his eyes slowed down in an instant, leaving only endless thoughts flying around in a panic.

"In short, calm down first, hold on and don't panic..."

In the world that flows frame by frame in front of him, the pair of black arms on his back have already stretched out actively, supporting the powder-condensed legs of the "Avatar of Bliss" above his head.

"How come...my supreme bliss should have reached perfection..."

In the exclamation of Kato Junko, the place where the incarnation of bliss touched the black giant arm began to collapse into little pink particles without resistance...

"My eyes were attracted by that thing, but I didn't realize it at all..."

Although, according to the size and current trajectory of the two sides, as long as the black arm behind Araki Sousuke continues to "lift", it can easily defeat the opponent's "Incarnation of Bliss" from bottom to top...

"But, it's too late to change the trick now..."

But before that, he himself would be swallowed by the endless black hole under this "Incarnation of Bliss" for a second because of reasons such as height, body position and size.

"I once hit the waves in the sky and crossed the ocean of countless knowledge..."

Although, at the peak of Mount Hakone, he also used "Gold Finger" to resolve similar dangers.

"I have also been indomitable, and have experienced the wheel purgatory cast by a thermos cup..."

However, there is a world of difference between the initiative to attack that time and the forced submission in front of him...

"But I still have the heart of a child, looking forward to one day in the future, hold up the umbrella in the wallet with the one I love, and enjoy the silky pure youth!"

He didn't worry about whether he could survive in this terrifying "Supreme Hell Red Lotus Throne", nor did he pay attention to Kato Junko's low cries of retreating steadily...

"So, no matter what, I must not lose the most precious thing in my heart here... Hurry up and think of a way!"

Araki Sousuke's heart was full of panic and helplessness, and he murmured a death poem of unknown meaning. From the beginning to the end, there was only one question full of philosophical meaning.

If the whole person is sucked into the horrible "black hole" burning by the powder flames in front of him...

Even if it's just for a moment, is it considered "leaving the room" in another sense? !

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...these two black broken hands have stretched to the limit and are completely helpless!"

Sousuke Araki, who stretched his black arms behind him with all his strength and stretched up to the limit, before he could think of other ways, the "black hole" was getting closer and closer in sight, and even the layers of powder flames in it were completely visible...

"No, since he has a hand, this guy should have something else..."

Blue veins burst, nostrils enlarged, and his face was flushed. Araki Sousuke seemed to have a flash of inspiration, and his whole body trembled like he was holding his breath...

"Nurture the essence for a thousand days, use the essence for a while..."

The densely packed black runes on his body began to burst into dazzling flames as if they were being ignited.

"In any case, the treasures I have treasured for 23 years must not be handed over under such ambiguous circumstances!"

The thick black arm, holding the legs of "Avatar of Bliss" tightly, trying to stop the forced ride, suddenly surpassed the limit and climbed up again...

"Ugh... I don't care what other messy things you have, I will die for you!!!"

Three dark heads with blurred faces and glaring flames...

Connected to that pair of black arms, the other two pairs of black arms with similar appearance...

The black shoulders, back, and abdomen with well-developed muscles and shining lava fire scriptures...

"Amitabha, the little monk spreads the Dharma, pays homage to the dharma body of the venerable..."

In the trembling Buddha's name of Hongfa, the half statue is similar to that of the blissful body, with three heads and six arms, a giant Buddha with burning scriptures all over his body, and his body is so dark that even the light is swallowed by it. Soar into the air!

Even though the half body of the black Buddha under the eight-pack abs is still hidden in Sosuke Araki's body, the huge and majestic upper body alone is like a dark cloud, covering the ambiguous and beautiful Honmyoji under the light of powder flames. ruins.

Still in mid-air, the other four arms of the black Buddha have protruded like lightning, propping up the slender limbs and majestic chest of the "Incarnation of Bliss", preventing it from moving any further...

"Huh, finally, I caught up..."

"So, there is such a thick guy hiding inside me? ! If it doesn’t come from the back, but from somewhere else…』

Sousuke Araki, who was in danger under the black hole, looked slightly relaxed, and looked at the half-body black Buddha above his head with a complicated expression.

His keen intuition failed to sense any consciousness in this huge body...

Just like the pair of black arms gave him the feeling, this is just a "puppet" with arms and fingers.

"This, this Buddha, is the whole appearance of Zongjie's Dharma Body?!"

Looking at the "dharma body" in front of me, which is so dark and blurred that I can't see any details, only the muscular outline and the scriptures overflowing with flames are left...

"Just in time!"

Not caring at all that her "Bliss Dharma Body" was collapsing under the opponent's six giant arms, Kato Junko showed a blurred smile instead!

"In ancient times, there was a bodhisattva who used his body as a gift, and now there is a pink skull..."

Following her words, under the powder flames on the surface of the slender and moving "Avatar of Bliss", suddenly revealed the appearance of dense bones!

"Now there is me, Zongchun, giving with the dharma body, showing the supreme nirvana, and together with Zongjie and Junior Brother Zongjie, becoming the Buddha of Joy!"

Joyful Dharma·Final Form·Thirty-Three Outer Heavens·Avatar of Nirvana!


As the "flesh and flesh" composed of powder flames fell off, the "Avatar of Bliss" suddenly became the "Avatar of Death" with bones!

Thanks to the "hand slip" caused by the "separation of flesh and blood", this "female version of the human body teaching skeleton model" escaped from the grip of the six black arms, and took advantage of the situation to continue to sit down...

"Wait, what is this..."

Before he could react from the changes in front of him, the white pelvis that looked like a train tunnel had rushed towards him!

"You Wannian diving gangster, you usually eat my food, live in my room, read my study materials, rub my thermos..."

"Puff crackling crackling..."

Facing a major crisis in his life, Sousuke Araki's body was shaking crazily driven by his strong desire to survive, and at the same time he squeezed out some kind of gas with too much force...


As if feeling Araki Sousuke's anger, the scriptures on the surface of the six giant black arms burst into flames, turning into afterimages and grabbing the "Avatar of Nirvana" again...

Immediately afterwards, the giant black shadow with three heads and six arms suddenly rose again...

Under the half-body black Buddha, the thick and developed legs sitting cross-legged like mountains, and the pure black lotus platform composed of countless mourning skulls, completely separated from Araki Sousuke's body and soared into the sky!

"This, this... Absolutely, absolutely... Uh-huh..."

The "Incarnation of Nirvana" with bony bones was lifted up by this giant black Buddha that suddenly appeared in full view from Araki Sousuke's back, using six strong arms to support his hands and feet, and against his chest...

"No, it's not... what Dharma Body... aha..."

Kato Junko felt that she was enveloped by an irresistible terror that seemed to annihilate everything, and the faith and flames that had finally re-condensed in the dharma body were all passing away quickly...

"Could it be, no, it's impossible... oh..."

A terrible conjecture just surfaced in her mind. The "desire", "belief" and "bliss" absorbed by her began to come back uncontrollably after the power left her body...

"Da... baa..."

In this state, let alone continue to "sit down", she can't even maintain the basic thinking...

"...Dead dead dead dead!"

Amid the unconscious wailing, this "Avatar of Silence" was held up by the strong black Buddha exuding endless destructive aura, and rushed into the night sky like a cart...

Under the power of destroying heaven and earth, it turned into broken bones and bloomed like fireworks!

"Wow, so this guy's overall appearance looks like this, the 3D effect looks more imposing... Tsk, I can't see if I cross my legs..."

Standing on the ground, Araki Sousuke covered his forehead with his hands, and Kobo, who was kneeling on the ground, stared dumbfounded at the scene in the night sky.

On the night of the Obon Festival, I was drunk like mud, and the video of Xiaojing Tianen was also blurred...

This was the first time he had glimpsed the whole picture of the "big black guy" in his body.

The 206 bones that were shattered by the "Avatar of Nirvana" scattered white fluorescent light in mid-air, falling in all directions like a meteor shower...

This is the belief given by those people, returning to their original masters.

"No... I... my Huanxi Dharma, how could I lose..."

The bones were scattered, and only Junko Kato, who was wearing a large furisode kimono with a frightened face and a dull face, was left alone to face the terrifying black Buddha.

"It must be that the 'faith' incorporated into the body is not enough..."

The kimono on her body was also torn apart under this terrifying power, leaving only a piece of red fur from an unknown creature, still wrapped around her arm.

"Just give me a little more time..."

With the faint fire and scarlet energy blooming on the fur, Kato Junko's whole body suddenly turned into a pink light, and disappeared into the night sky like a shooting star.

"Bastard... wait!!!"

Seeing this scene, Araki Sousuke, who originally thought he had "the ticket to win", hurriedly ran towards the direction where the pink shooting star passed by...

"Again...over and over again..."

The last time Kato Junko ran away, it only put a small number of people in the sparsely populated Taito District in danger of being "forcibly beaten to dehydration and dementia".

If I ran to a place where the crowds were denser this time, it would probably lead to an even more terrifying indiscrimination...

"Junko Kato!!!!"

In the midst of incomparable mania, Sousuke Araki's thoughts and ideas were concentrated like never before...

"This, this feeling is..."

A mysterious feeling emerged in his heart.

"Hey, did you run there?"

The figure of the other party that had completely disappeared from sight became clearer than ever before intuition, as if firmly locked by some kind of thought...

"Whether you go to the ends of the earth..."

An unprecedented mysterious feeling rises from the bottom of my heart...

"...I must catch you!"

It seems that as long as I think about it, I can be by her side immediately!

"My lord, don't blame yourself..."

Hongfa, who was kneeling on the ground, only now withdrew his gaze from the magnificent black Buddha on the sky.

"You can repel Zongchun, who was possessed by demons, and it is a great merit to save the entire Tokyo..."

He was about to say something to comfort Araki Sousuke who was running futilely in the rain...

"No matter where this remnant escapes, I, Kawasaki Daishiji, will definitely find it, even if it takes the rest of my life..."

"Exhausted the rest of my life?! My uncle caught her back in five minutes..."

Sousuke Araki, who was bare-chested, smiled cruelly, the dense tattoos on his body suddenly burst into flames, and his running legs instantly turned into afterimages...

"...Honor, venerable?!"

Then, without warning, he disappeared before Hongfa's eyes.

"Amitabha, Venerable Araki really possesses great supernatural powers that ordinary people like me can't guess. No wonder Mr. Kukai..."

Hongfa raised his head in a daze, and found that the huge black Buddha like a flaming mountain in the night sky was also missing.

"When you see ignorance now, you don't know it, and you don't have any achievement. It's like a shadow in water, and the light doesn't move. It doesn't follow the Dharma. If you don't follow the Dharma, it's called a clear vision..."

In the ruins of the Benmiao Temple, which had regained its calm, the propagandist who seemed to have awakened to something, no longer cared about checking the unconscious monks around him.

"The body and mind are like illusions, nothing but me and no self... To be able to witness with my own eyes the power of the divine feet in this world, I have no regrets in this life!"

With his upper body bare, he knelt down solemnly, facing the direction where Araki Sousuke disappeared in the rain curtain, and kowtowed nine times without stopping.

Shenzutong, also known as Shenjingtong, bodytong, body-like-yitong, is one of the six connections of Buddhism. The mind is free and unimpeded, and it can appear wherever the sentient beings of the ten directions go.

It is stated in Volume 5 of the Great Wisdom Treatise that there are three kinds of wishful thinking, the body can fly like a bird without hindrance, the distance can be moved so that the near can't come, and there is no way to reach this or that without a single thought.

But since the records of Buddhism, even the most famous reincarnated venerable in Japan, Prince Shotoku, who was born with the knowledge of destiny and familiar with the past and present, has never shown any supernatural powers.

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