I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 719 College Girl's Secret Bedroom

Bunkyo District, University of Tokyo Main Campus, Building H, Women's Dormitory.

At four o'clock in the morning, the whole dormitory building was still sleeping in a deep silence, and the first rays of morning light could not wait to seep through the windows into the corridor.

A detective wearing a tactical helmet, a spirit detective suit, and loaded with live ammunition was walking slowly through the narrow corridors of the dormitory alone.

"Demolition team, demolition team, this is before two..."

He stopped in front of a room door, and after listening carefully, he touched the earphone and called into the communication channel.

"There is no abnormality in the corridor on the third floor. Weak groans mixed with heavy breathing are confirmed in room 312. Please bring the door bumper and come up if you hear it. Please answer, OVER."

"Roger That, the police department before the second, the demolition team is going upstairs!"

Amidst the dense footsteps, three police officers with thick and long cylindrical door bumpers appeared from the corner of the stairs, and without a word, stepped forward and broke open the flimsy wooden bedroom door.

"Keep your distance, let me check the interior of the room first!"

Carefully pushing open the door with the broken lock, an ambiguous and pungent breath rushed over.

Speaking righteously, he walked into the dark room first, and what caught the detective's eyes were several female college students lying on the bed in a mess, unconscious and flushed.

One of them was still holding a translucent large particle physiotherapy device that had not yet returned to its place.

"Ahem, there is no abnormality in the room, and three surviving people were found..."

"Hey, you are indeed a top student at Dongdae University. Even if you have too much nutrition and the style of pajamas is amazing, you still..."

With a flushed face and enlarged nostrils, he glanced back and forth in the room with his substantive eyes, and then stepped forward to check the status of several people with his own hands...

"Wow, this, this touch! 』

The moment he turned his head, the agent had switched to a righteous expression, and called out in the communication channel very professionally: "Initial body side, the three of them are not in danger for the time being, the medical team please enter immediately."

"Thank you, the police department before Er!"

Seeing the agent exit the door, the "demolition team" who was still standing by with a door bumper outside the door immediately saluted him respectfully.

"Where, it's just that the division of labor is different. A few of you worked harder than me! You wait here for the medical team, I will continue to move forward, and there are more people (female college students) waiting for our 'hands-on' rescue..."

"As expected of the first graduate of the police academy, the fastest promotion in the past six months, and the 'police supernova' who has to be trained even in the ninth class, he is as desperate as the legend says when performing tasks! 』

Returning a salute without changing his face, the detective turned around smartly and walked toward the depths of the corridor neatly under the admiring eyes of the "demolition team".

"Tsk tsk, it's really pitiful to be exhausted, and I don't know how many times I have been here..."

And this handsome, righteous man who took the lead in the search and rescue at the University of Tokyo by "taking personal risks" and enjoying the welfare of the "female college student Begonia Spring Sleep" is the new detective of the ninth section of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. member, Ryoma before Er.

This "gas poisoning search and rescue operation" spanning Taito District and Bunkyo District has continued since the rain stopped in the middle of the night until now.

Temporary search and rescue teams composed of fire brigades, local guards, and emergency rescuers from major hospitals must have a spirit remover or detective with the ability to observe spiritual powers as the "leader", and confirm that there are no "uncontrollable factors" in the area After that, you can enter the field to perform rescue.

"Fortunately, I temporarily changed my plan tonight and didn't go to the red-light district of Yoshiwara to 'renew the stall', or I might have been lying in the bathtub of the bubble bath shop in severe dehydration shock."

After get off work, he studied until late at night at the newly opened "Girls' Secret Dormitory" theme club in Kabukicho Ichibangai. After he was called out urgently, he rushed to Bunkyo District, which is the closest to Shinjuku.

When they arrived at the mission area, because the "fire" in Bunkyo District was completely extinguished under the strange heavy rain, Ryoma directly led a team of people two days ago, and plunged into the vigorous "Girls' University Search and Rescue Operation".

"Hey... According to the concentration of breath, there are probably two people in this room. Hey, demolition team, hurry up..."

"Wow, what a mellow original taste... The real scene is indeed much more exciting than the theme club, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't waste my money!" 』

Twitching his nose like a police dog, he carefully screened each room along the corridor. Two days ago, Ryoma stopped in front of a door with a strong smell, and called the "demolition team" on standby behind him without looking back.


Behind him, there was the sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

"...Demolition, demolition team?"

However, when he turned his head, there was no one in the corridor.

"The medical team hasn't entered the arena yet. Even if these three guys withdraw early, they won't lose the door opener."

Where the "demolition team" was originally on standby, the heavy door breaker was falling on the ground alone, still shaking slightly.

"On-site command, this is Ryoma Erqianqian. The demolition team with me seems to have lost contact. Please answer, OVER."

Before two, Ryoma narrowed his eyes slightly, and at the same time he asked in a low voice in the communication channel, he moved his hands to his lower back calmly...

"Relocation team, medical team, mobile team, anyone, please answer if you hear it, OVER."

However, under his successive calls, the communication channel was still dead silent and no one answered.

"If it wasn't that these guys were so bored that they violated the mission guidelines and changed the communication frequency without authorization..."

Ryoma's line of sight fell on the side of the door breaker before two...

"What's this……"

On the ground, at some point, there were three white porcelain plates with distorted shapes, as if they were randomly kneaded by hand.

The irregular glaze pattern on the surface of the plate faintly formed a distorted, painful and mournful face.

"When you broke the door just now, don't you remember these things?"

Two days ago, Ryoma cautiously walked up to the three small plates, bent down slowly, and seemed to be planning to pick them up and have a look.

"Bang bang!"

He bent halfway, and suddenly, like a cowboy in the west, he pulled out a pistol from both sides with both hands with lightning speed, and fired two shots at the bedroom that was "broken into" not long ago!


After the gunshot, a figure shrouded in a black robe appeared in the center of the bedroom full of original flavor.

"You, how could you see me..."

The black-robed man fell limply to the ground, struggling to prop up his body, his voice was full of disbelief.

The penetrating wounds caused by the two bullets precisely appeared on his wrist and knee, and blood was pouring out...

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, I see..."

Suddenly, the black-robed man seemed to have realized something, and let out a vicious roar through the weird mask: "You little policeman, you have inspiration!"

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