"Huh... so, what's the motive?"

Listening to the choked words of the two agents, Araki Sousuke greedily sucked the cigarette from the corner of his mouth, and slowly rubbed the cigarette butt in the ashtray in front of him: "I have no reason to kill a The boss who is highly respected, has high expectations for me, and even just gave me a 'promotion and salary increase'?"

"So, you don't deny the matter of entering and leaving the outdated president's office, right?"


Seeing Araki Sousuke nodding in confirmation, one of the agents showed a photo on the laptop screen.

"Then, with regard to the fact that the National Treasure-level resentment "Taketori Picture Scroll" worth billions of yen that was originally stored in Chairman Tokimoto's office disappeared when Chairman Tokimoto's body was found, what do you think? Is there anything you want to say?"

"The "Bamboo Tori Picture Scroll" is missing?!"

On the photo, it was a thick picture scroll that Sousuke Araki was very familiar with, with the words "Tokyo National Museum Collection" written on the bottom.

"By the way, when I left the office, that thing was still on the bookshelf...Wait, isn't this the popular plot of killing and seizing treasures in Long Guo's immortal novels..."

"Besides, why didn't anyone tell me from the beginning to the end that that thing is worth billions of yen... I've been jumping up and down for several nights with this kind of thing that I can't even afford to pay for?" ! 』

Hearing that the valuable "Taketori Picture Scroll" related to Ayano Mochizuki's awakening disappeared without a trace, fine beads of sweat began to gush out from Sosuke Araki's forehead.

"Next, can you please explain, where did the 10 million yen in unnumbered cash in the suitcase you brought back to the association come from?"

A black suitcase full of "Fukuzawa Yukichi" appeared on the computer screen.

"Well, that money is... Cough cough, because of some kind of confidentiality agreement, I have no right to tell you the details. If you want to know, you can ask Guangzhi yourself..."

Seeing this thing, Araki Sousuke immediately wrinkled his whole face pitifully as if someone had grabbed his lifeblood: "Anyway, it's the hard-earned money I earned at all costs, you can't confiscate it!"

"Sorry, the vice president of the association you just mentioned, Hiroshi Toda, who was also the first person to discover the corpse, was in a state of missing and unable to be contacted two hours after you were taken away from the association by us. Surveillance cameras filmed Until he disguised himself and took the subway to leave..."

"Because of this suspected act of 'absconding in fear of crime', he is now suspected by the police of being your accomplice in helping you murder and sell stolen goods!"

"What, this Mediterranean Sea, unexpectedly disappeared at a critical moment? ! There are also accomplices and so on, how come I don’t know…”

The explosive news like a cannonball made Araki Zongsuke have no time to close his jaw, and his whole body turned into a gray and white stone statue.

"Combined with your 10 million yen of unknown origin, it is not ruled out that the two of you ganged up to steal and sell that national treasure-level grievance, and were suspected of murdering after being discovered by Chairman Tokimoto..."

The two detectives, who initiated righteous corrections like detectives of the same name, suddenly weakened their tone: "Of course, all of the above are reasonings based on routine cases... Considering the importance of victims, suspects, and stolen items." Due to supernatural factors, we cannot make any judgments for the time being.”

"Tsk, let me tell you something earlier, it made me think that I had lost my memory after drinking and almost bowed my head and confessed..."

"I haven't been able to accept it until now. The old man Shiben's body obviously looks much tougher than mine, and he actually said nothing... And, the phone call after that was obviously him..."



Speaking of this, Araki Sousuke's voice suddenly became quieter, and he rubbed his frowning brows hesitantly, as if he wanted to drive the hangover headache out of his brain: "Speaking of which, if I knew that the broken picture scroll is so valuable , I sold it in Yokohama early in the morning, and there is no need to wait until it is handed over to the association before going to 'murder for treasure'..."

"Also, no murderer would be so stupid as to stay downstairs at the scene of the crime and sleep, right?!"

"It is precisely because of the suspicious and complicated circumstances of the case that we did not file charges. We just released you on bail to assist in the investigation in the name of the previous two misdemeanors."

The two detectives did not deny the question raised by Sousuke Araki.

"Lesson Nine has promised everyone in the Spirit Eliminator Association that the real culprit who killed the president at the time will be found out, and no good person will be wronged. So, tell us everything you know..."

They loosened their ties and stuffed cigarettes into their mouths, and they didn't forget to pass Araki Sousuke a cigarette and light it for him.

"Ah, thanks... old man Shiben really left me with a big problem this time."

In the rising smoke, Araki Sousuke lowered his head, with a complex look in his golden and black eyes: "There is a saying..."

"Some truths are destined to be carefully buried in the bottom of my heart, because the moment the answer is revealed is also the beginning of extinction."


The door of the interrogation room was pushed open, and Takeshi Iwata, with a gloomy expression, walked in hurriedly.

"Even if the ashes are wiped out, the murderer cannot be allowed to go unpunished! Go down and leave it to me..."

"However, according to the regulations, the interrogation must be conducted by two people..."

"This case is already in the 'over-standard' situation, so there is no need to pay attention to those dead rules."

After dismissing the two detectives, Takeshi Iwata sat down opposite Araki Sosuke and lit a cigarette for himself: "Let's just omit this 'routine' that will only waste time and will not help to find the real culprit." Ask about the process'."

"President Shiben's body has been sent for an autopsy, and it is estimated that the results will be available within three days."

His deep dark circles and tightly knit brows carried endless sadness and exhaustion.

"According to the preliminary evidence collected by the CSI team, no resentment reaction was detected either at the scene or on the body of President Shiben."

From the opening of "Yoshihara Yanshang" to the present, he has not slept for more than three hours in a row in the face of a series of emergencies.

"The monitoring in the corridor did not capture anyone taking away the "Bamboo Tori Picture Scroll"..."

"After cross-checking by the information team and Hou Haijun, the surveillance video has no trace of tampering."

"Anyway, Araki-kun, the current evidence is against you."

It didn't look like he was interrogating a prisoner at all, and Takeshi Iwata directly revealed all the facts of the case at hand.

"Involving the unnatural death of a national treasure-level spirit remover and the theft of national treasure-level grievances, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has requested the establishment of a joint case-handling team on behalf of the royal family, and independent case supervision. If the special case team intervenes, neither the association nor the ninth class will be able to keep is you!"

His pair of tiger eyes kept staring straight at Araki Sousuke: "Our only chance is to review all the clues now and follow the clues to find the real culprit and "Taketori Picture Scroll"!"

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