"Ahahahaha, what is President Shiben talking nonsense about? You are obviously young, energetic, and strong. You will have no problem living to a hundred years old..."

"The one slap on me just now is much stronger than the mediocre vice president of the Mediterranean under your command. 』

Looking at the old man opposite, who is obviously powerful and full of energy, but who has the posture of "relying on the old and selling the old, and entrusting the lonely at the end of his life", Sousuke Araki instinctively sensed the familiar smell of "religious pyramid schemes".

"Of course I want to help find out the truth, so that Uncle Qingren has already been buried in the ground, but a little person like me who is struggling on the line of food and clothing does not have such a wide network of contacts, funds, etc., and the investigation still takes a long time. My lord, you sit down in person..."

"No, Araki-kun, you are very strong, stronger than any spirit remover I have ever seen. As long as you want to, you will be able to find out the truth of the year and uproot the "Evil Flower" hidden under the water. ! "

"Well, although it's cool to be praised so much by you, even if you give me a high hat..."

Ever since he was a child, except for the time when Uncle Qingren accidentally discovered that the contribution he contributed was not a "serious literary work" and was forced to keep it secret with pocket money, no one had ever entrusted him with such an important secret and mission.

This sudden and overly heavy trust made Araki Sousuke feel inexplicable worries about the future, as well as a lack of self-confidence that was afraid of disappointing the old man in front of him.

"In the middle of the night today, Guangzhi's 'Sponsorship Process for Level Three Promotion' initiated by Guangzhi has come to me, as long as I agree now..."

Tokimoto Ichiro suddenly took out his mobile phone from his sleeve, and showed a certain approval interface to Araki Sousuke, who was still evading.

"Exemption level...Three?!"

"The 'Three' who receives a monthly subsidy of 5 million yen and a large number of commissions with high bonuses?" ! 』

Sousuke Araki, who was originally sitting opposite Ichiro Tokimoto, with Erlang crossing his legs and digging his nostrils, with a look of indifference, a golden light flashed in his eyes: "There is no need to say any more, Chairman Tokimoto..."

"What do you think of me, Araki Sousuke?!"

His whole body was suddenly filled with rough and tough lines, and the smell of alcohol that pervaded his body soared into the sky, and was ignited into raging flames.

"I, Sousuke Araki, exempted level 3 Spirit Eliminator, code-named 'The Great Lonely Man of Shujing'!"

He folded his hands in front of his chest, and stretched out his index finger to Tokimoto Ichiro handsomely...

"Don't say that Uncle Qingren is like a father to me. Just because I am a professional exorcist, I am obliged to fight these hidden cults and terrorist organizations to the end!"

"By the way, is the subsidy paid at the beginning, middle or end of each month? 』

While making these "rhetoric words", his outstretched index finger touched the big "Agree" button on the screen of Ichiro Tokimoto's mobile phone without a trace.

"Well, with your words, I feel at ease. Some burdens, when the time comes, have to be handed over to you young people, and you can't hold them in your hands..."

Watching Sousuke Araki guiltily retract his index finger that completed the "click beyond authority", Ichiro Tokimoto put the phone back into his cuff and replaced the cold tea soup in the cup: "Today's conversation is only for you Between me, I can't tell anyone."

"Don't worry, as a professional, experienced, advanced, and powerful three-level exorcist, even if I go through secret imprisonment, C-drug torture, and water hell, I will not reveal the slightest bit!"

Understanding the other party's meaning of "bringing tea to the guests", Araki Sousuke stood up, drank the tea soup in the teacup, and staggered towards the door with the box in his hand.

"By the way, Araki-kun, have you ever fished?"

"Fishing? When I was fishing illegally in Yokohama, I shot through many big guys with a speargun..."

When he came to the door, Tokimoto Ichiro called him softly again.

"Remember, if one day, the old man encounters the same accident as the Moon Shadow Lord back then, it can only show that the 'Evil Flower' hiding in the dark is far more pervasive and powerful than we imagined..."

"At that time, you must hold your breath, take the fishing rod in my hand, hold your breath, watch the changes, and pull up the big fish that swallowed the bait under the water at the critical moment!"

"But don't worry, the old man is not so easy to admit defeat, and he still has a million points left behind..."

"What kind of fishing rod, big fish, messy backhand?! Old man, what kind of riddles are you playing, what kind of FL are you inserting..."


Before Araki Sosuke finished speaking, the door in front of him was tightly closed by Tokimoto Ichiro.



In the quiet office, Tokimoto Ichiro took out a round object from his pocket and patted it on the table.

"My Maoshan lineage is based on Taoism, healthy and long-lived, and subdues demons."

That's impressive, it's the gossip and feng shui compass that he usually carries with him.

"With the old man's cultivation base, it is not difficult to live a hundred and twelve years, but..."

As Ichiro Tokimoto's whole body surged with spiritual power, the testimonials in the outer disk, inner disk and Tianchi of the compass turned like gears inside a machine.


After a long while, the inner plate, outer plate and Tianchi stopped abruptly amidst the crisp bite sound.

"The upper hexagram is Dui, and the lower hexagram is ridge, and the ridge is water. The water seeps into the bottom of the marsh, and the marsh is dry without water, which is called sleepiness..."

Lifting the palm of his hand from the compass, Tokimoto Ichiro narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the hexagrams presented on the compass.

"The "Yin-Yang Sixiang Celestial Chart" can't go wrong, since yesterday, no matter how you calculate it, it is a hexagram of 'sleepy', and there is bound to be great misfortune. "

The sleepy hexagram is one of the four major ominous hexagrams in the sixty-four hexagrams, which indicates that bad luck and environment will lead to imminent disaster.

"There is no water on the lake, and if you are trapped and poor, nothing will grow, and you will cultivate virtue and keep it. A gentleman looks at this hexagram, encourages himself in a difficult situation, is poor and strong, and sacrifices his life to fulfill his long-cherished wish..."

After straightening his clothes, Tokimoto Ichiro sat upright on the wooden Taishi chair, folded his hands in front of his abdomen, closed his eyes, and muttered words.

"Everything is fate. It's not up to anyone. Everything has been arranged. In the end, whether we can find a way out of this 'shuishui' dilemma depends on the 'fate'..."

"After playing hide-and-seek for so many years, it's time to touch it head-on. Let me see if you are as ubiquitous as Moon Shadow Lord said..."

Looking at his sleepy, peaceful appearance with his eyes closed, he doesn't seem to be worried about the hexagram of "the imminent disaster" at all.


After more than ten minutes, a gust of fresh wind rushed in, blowing up the remaining tea fragrance in the house.

"Buzz buzz..."

Outside the window, there was the faint sound of something turning.

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