I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 754 The Most Primitive Way

Five hours later, the Harajuku underground secret prison.

"Damn it, the search and rescue team in Hokkaido is unreliable, there is no new news for so long..."

In the cell of the single room, Sosuke Araki was posing in a slightly coquettish posture, sitting on the toilet with his feet together and a bitter face.

Since there is no shelter near the toilet, the white sheet hanging at the door is his last dignity.

On the tatami at the side, convenience food, Switch game consoles, JUMP magazines, light novels, etc. were randomly placed, a lot of items that should not appear in the cell area according to regulations.

Apparently, in order to appease someone restless, Lesson 9 directly ignored a series of regulations of the prison such as "prohibition of bringing prohibited items into cells".

However, Sousuke Araki's gaze stayed on the temporary TV installed on the opposite wall from beginning to end.

The disappearance of a bus carrying 34 high school teachers and students in a blizzard has become a national topic, and even the news continues to report the latest situation.

However, until now, the rescue teams searching along the way have not been able to trace the trace of the bus...

As for Lesson 9, there was no new "inside information".

"Asshole, why can he have TV to watch!"

"That's right, we also want to..."

Hearing the long-lost news from across the corridor, the "Brother Nipples" who was lying next to the fence protested enviously.

After confirming that Araki Sousuke was really a prisoner like himself, their courage began to recover little by little under the sense of security brought by the bars.

"Be quiet, it's making me watch the news!"

A thick, tattooed arm protruded from behind the fence like a ghost...


Two objects, one red and one blue, dragged afterimages and precisely bombarded the forehead of "Brother Nipples", and then scattered into a place of plastic parts.

"He, he actually still has SW... Ugh!"

Like being hit by a baseball at a speed of 160KM per hour, the two of them fainted by the fence before they even had time to cry out in pain.

"It's finally quiet... Hiss..."

Sitting back on the toilet again, his eyes fell on the TV screen, and a violent palpitation suddenly invaded Araki Sousuke's chest.

"This, what does this feel like..."

In the pitch-black tunnel, outside the entrance of the cave was howling and howling wind and snow...

The snow-covered bus is quietly parked in the middle of the tunnel...

In the surrounding darkness, densely packed, looming figures are squirming...

The picture that came from nowhere flashed in his mind.

"Could it be... the bus that Xiaoniao Youshi was on..."

When he came back to his senses, Araki Sousuke wanted to grasp the mysterious feeling again and try to "see" more pictures, but he couldn't concentrate.

"No, no matter what it was just now, I can't wait any longer! I must find a way to get out..."

Frowning tightly, Araki Sousuke's eyes began to scan back and forth in the cell.

"No, this place is said to be a basement wrapped in layers of steel plates and cement. Time does not allow me to get a stainless steel rice bowl or a miniature geological hammer to dig a tunnel quietly for seventeen years..."

"By the way, why don't you try that trick from that day... What did Brother Hongfa say it was called, Shengzhutong?"

With an idea, Araki Sousuke straightened his back and closed his eyes solemnly.

"Little Bird Youshi...the bus...uh..."

In my mind, I kept trying to use my illusory "consciousness" to lock on the beautiful figure of Yu Mayumi, and the bus that remained in my mind...

"Uh ah ah ah..."

As thoughts flew, Araki Sousuke murmured a low growl of unknown meaning, and his whole body began to tremble like a sieve.

"Oh, oh, I feel a little bit..."


After the sound of something heavy falling into the water, an indescribable breath permeated the cell.

"Huh... finally came out..."

"Asshole! What the hell am I doing, now is not the time to fix the stool!"

Pulling up his pants, Araki Sousuke began to walk back and forth in the cell impatiently, trying to reproduce the state of chasing Kato Junko before.

"No, I don't 'feel' Xiaoniao Youshi at all, let alone the 'past'..."

On that day, there was an inexplicable sense of energy in his heart, which firmly locked on Kato Junko who had already escaped.

After a certain "connection" was established, he naturally followed the other party's position.

"Or, the distance is too far, should we get closer?"

According to Hongfa, as he possesses supernatural powers, as long as he "want to go" to a certain place enough, nothing and distance can be unimpeded.

But now, Araki Sousuke can't even "feel" the existence of Yumaumi Kotori and that bus...

"It's too late to count on these mysterious and ingenious things that don't work at all times..."

Watching the time go by, Araki Sousuke was burning with anxiety, the moon in his left eye was spinning wildly, and the hot white light in his right eye appeared and disappeared...

"It seems that I have to solve it in the most primitive way that I am good at."

The movement of the world in front of my eyes then solidified, becoming detailed and invisible.

"Sorry, Shiben old man..."

He slowly stretched out his hand, holding the iron fence engraved with runes beside him.

"I don't have time to hold the fishing rod you threw over without authorization."

The blue veins on the arm full of tattoos burst, and the muscles suddenly congested and swelled...

"Guangzhi, who hopes to run away, is also one of the 'hundred million points backhands' you left behind considering this situation!"


Amidst the sound of Ollie being shattered, a slightly twisted, thick and long iron rod appeared in Araki Sousuke's hand.

"Hooke's Law or something, although I haven't learned it..."

While looking around the walls and floors of the cell, he turned on the TV volume to the maximum, tore off the bed sheet and wrapped it around the iron rod, his gaze finally stopped somewhere on the ceiling.

"...But as long as enough holes are punched, the effect should be the same."


Yamanashi Prefecture, the suburbs.

"Tsk, these guys actually came here so quickly?"

A thin man wrapped in a windbreaker, sunglasses, and a mask, with the words "suspect" written all over his body, squatted in the bushes on the hillside like he was defecating everywhere.

"Damn it, I'm clearly wearing a mask and inner heightening, and I also use an anonymous watermelon card to take the subway..."

As far as he could see, several men in casual clothes were hovering by the bus stop on the side of the road, taking out a photo from time to time and asking passersby what they were doing.

"Could it be that the Skynet system was activated, and my whereabouts were analyzed through data such as height, gait, and gender."

From a long distance, the man could still see clearly. On the photo in the hands of those people, he was a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing black-rimmed glasses, and with almost zero hair on his head.

"Take my photo and search everywhere. You probably think of me as a suspect like Araki-kun, right?"

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